Sentences with phrase «on models developed»

The hypoxia forecast is based on models developed by NOAA - sponsored researchers at the University of Michigan and the University of Maryland's Center for Environmental Science.
The tool itself, which projects a worse - case scenario of 14,176 Ebola cases in Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone by October 26, is currently built on a model developed by a Toronto - based team of medical and public health researchers, although HealthMap may try other methods down the road, says John Brownstein, HealthMap co-founder and an associate professor of pediatrics at Harvard Medical School.
The researchers ran more than 2500 simulations based on a model they developed that projected the precise orbits and interactions of the entire solar system over the next 5 billion years.
Contingency plans to fight rabies are based on a model developed for the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food in 1991 by Stephen Harris, also based at the University of Bristol, and Graham Smith, a ministry scientist.
Based on the model developed from the data for New York, San Francisco, Singapore, and Vienna, the paper also provides additional estimates of the ride - sharing potential in 30 cities around the world.
The schools are based on a model developed by the International Network for Public Schools and are designed to boost achievement and serve English language learners.
The program is based on a model developed by the New Technology Foundation, which was first developed in California and is being replicated around the country.
Depending on the model developed in their district, teachers have the chance to assume one of several possible leadership positions, such as: model teacher, who allows other teachers to observe his or her classroom; lead teacher, who dedicates 50 percent of his or her time to coaching, mentoring, and evaluating other teachers; mentor teacher; instructional coach; curriculum teacher leader; or professional development teacher leader.
In particular, it recommends «including in PIPEDA a framework for a right to erasure based on the model developed by the European Union (EU) that would, at a minimum, include a right for young people to have information posted online, either by themselves or through an organization, taken down.»
Healthy Families America (HFA) Based in large part on the model developed for the Hawaii Healthy Start project, Healthy Families America began as a similar program with similar goals in the continental United States in 1993.
The KidsMatter approach to social and emotional learning is based on the model developed by the Collaborative for Academic, Social and Emotional Learning (CASEL), an internationally - recognised lead organisation for this area of research.

Not exact matches

Sanwal attributes the growth in part to the realization among large businesses that they can't innovate on business models or develop new technology as quickly or with as much nimbleness as a startup.
The company's business model is based on collaborating and developing bio-therapeutics similar to those already in existence, matching originator proteins.
On Friday, the MBA teams typically give a presentation to the entrepreneur with their findings and recommendations from over the week, as well as any tools or models they developed to help the business owner run the business more effectively.
The consequence, says John Ruffolo, Deloitte's global thought leader for technology, media and telecommunications, is that «a lot of these companies had to bootstrap themselves and focus in on developing their business model
After trying out and hating other keyboard models on the market, Seacrest and the team spent two years developing Typo.
Authorities may introduce a system based on the Bitlicense model, developed in New York, Business Korea reports, but a final decision isn't expected until June.
Instead, if I were going to grow your business with you, I would want to develop a store - in - a-store model, where I'm relying on somebody else's fixed cost structure and I'm not the tenant, I'm the subtenant.
Apple's technology, called CarPlay, will turn a car's systems into an extension of your iPhone as long as it's plugged in, while Google, working with an alliance of carmakers that includes Honda, Audi and General Motors, is developing a model that could see the car's own systems running on Android.
This month, Bloomberg reported Microsoft wouldn't be putting out new models, and an official statement said the company was focused on developing Zune software to run on other devices, such as the new Windows Phone 7.
You don't have to build houses in the developing world, launch a trendy e-commerce company with a one - for - one model, or subsist on Ramen noodles if you want to start a venture that will help others.
Still, the reclassification of costs for two 787 Dreamliner flight - test airplanes, tough decisions around 747 production (slow sales led to unsold aircraft), and higher costs on developing models weighed on operating performance.
Sheehan goes on to explain that this was the moment that forever cemented her commitment to developing innovative and sustainable models that change the way health care is delivered in the developing world.
Deciding how the primary care doctor is going to develop his relationship with other providers within this Links model, who's going to be in charge, those questions are difficult ones to work through on a practical level.»
From the 1940s on, the nation's health care system steadily developed around the faulty insurance company model.
Like the income and cash - flow statements, the balance sheet uses information from all of the financial models developed in earlier sections of the business plan; however, unlike the previous statements, the balance sheet is generated solely on an annual basis for the business plan and is, more or less, a summary of all the preceding financial information broken down into three areas:
After failing to persuade Microsoft to release its iron grip on its code in 1997 — then, Friedman was a lowly intern, and de Icaza a mere job applicant — they set out to develop audacious software that spurned the company's multibillion - dollar business model.
There is more we must do to support the news industry to make sure this vital social function is sustainable — from growing local news, to developing formats best suited to mobile devices, to improving the range of business models news organizations rely on.
This is different than a one - for - one model in that once our developing markets achieve critical mass, they can economically sustain themselves through customer driven demand rather than relying on an influx of donations.
That's the idea behind the addictive mobile games developed by Kabam, which has harnessed the «free to play» model of offering free games but while layering on extra content for a fee.
Figuring out a revenue model early on is important for the longevity of an mHealth app or service, particularly given the ballooning costs associated with developing this content.
An agency has for each girl an account, and if they need to have the girl come from Arizona to New York in order to build her portfolio, the agency will front the expenses for her plane ticket, for paying the photographers, for printing the photos, for the physical portfolio itself, for the comp cards that need to be developed, for the retouching, for new clothes to go on castings with, for a model apartment for her to stay in.»
The campaign then did its own field surveys in battleground states to develop a more precise predictive model based on issues preferences.
He will invest in enterprise software and infrastructure, financial services, and industries undergoing digital transformation, with a particular focus on product - centric companies developing new go - to - market models.
CMO's can begin to look at how to develop fulfillment models based on the demands of their existing customers and prospective buyers.
In the 1980s, two teams of psychologists developed a model that sought to assess human beings based on five personality traits, known as the «Big Five.»
It is based primarily on the growth model developed by Japan in the twentieth century, and it has been implemented in various forms by many countries.
This article develops a model, based on balance - of - payment identities, of the new international monetary system (Bretton Woods II or BWII).
The Sender Score is derived using a formula developed by Return Path based on modeling sending IPs versus their likelihood of engaging in behaviors viewed negatively by ISPs and filtering companies.
It is based primarily on the growth model developed by Japan in the 20th Century.
Consult your sales team on the direction and vision of the department and let them review numbers to develop predictable sales models and identify unique trends.
We may face increasing competition for additional new product acquisitions from pharmaceutical companies as new companies emerge with a similar business model and other more established companies focus on acquiring products to develop their pipeline.
Based on our analysis, we developed a living model that we update monthly predicting the future value of each customer.
Shareholder Proposals on Information Requests Only Shareholder proposals have rightly played an important role in prodding companies both to adopt governance measures and to disclose campaign spending, often following a model developed by the Center for Political Accountability.
* Develop a public system for auto insurance based on the BC model, to end excessive industry profits, and reduce the medical, legal and administrative costs of providing insurance.
Dr. Pineau's research focuses on developing new models and algorithms that allow computers to learn to make good decisions in complex real - world domains, even in circumstances where there is incomplete or incorrect information.
The venture capital industry has been built on relationships, and often VCs invest in entrepreneurs they believe can build great companies by developing new products, services and business models.
To incubate innovation districts, companies need to aggregate and concentrate their energy on developing the bigger picture on a regional basis as opposed to just focusing on the traditional for profit business model.
Investment Manager essential duties are: 1) Leadership of transaction execution — oversight of all advisors (financial, legal, market and technical), oversight of all financial modelling, pro-active management of timeline and primary point of contact for investment team; 2) Strong input on transactions sourcing; 3) Managing multiple transactions; 4) Negotiate and create optimal commercial, financial and legal structures; 5) Creation of materials for the Investment Committee («IC») sufficient to allow the IC to approve or reject activities, commitments, investments, and exits in accordance with company risk preferences, appetite, processes, etc.; 6) Creation and management of transaction closing processes; 7) Developing, instructing, training, mentoring, and coaching junior personnel;
With an emphasis on the «Lean» methodologies for innovative thought, startup and deployment being applied to clinical healthcare, Todd explores the importance and common pitfalls of developing business models, value propositions and strategies to assess the capacity for innovation and change.
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