Sentences with phrase «on my bookshelf for»

It has been sitting on my bookshelf for quite some time, unread.
A friend recommended a healthier food blog to Jess and we've started flipping through all of the wonderful cookbooks (old & new) on our bookshelves for inspiration — with the interwebs a finger's length away, it's easy to rely solely on them web for meal planning even though we've got a wealth of beautifully bound print books close by.
You'll want to read it cover to cover and keep it within reach on the bookshelf for regular reference.
My wife gets very angry for the smallest of things, dust on the bookshelf for example.
I like including a few books on our bookshelf for the different seasons and celebrations throughout the year these Easter Books for babies and toddlers are great for reading aloud together and sharing.
Here are the 10 healthy cookbooks that I keep on my bookshelf for when I need some inspiration.
These are the cookbooks I have on my bookshelf for a dose of healthy food inspiration whenever I feel I'm getting stuck in a rut.
We love going to the library and checking out new books and discovering new favorites... but we also love books that are just extra special that are going to be permanent on our bookshelves for a long time.
«These books will be a favorite on bookshelves for years and years to come.»
This is a book that will remain on my bookshelf for the years to come.»
I have had this series by Jennifer Worth sitting on my bookshelves for a year.
Well, there's always room on my bookshelf for another one,
You have that thicker book and those also have a place on the bookshelf for sure.
I love having an entire library at my fingertips — and I don't have room on the bookshelf for more print books.
I feel like I'm the last person on the entire planet who hasn't read Beautiful Ruins, which has been collecting dust on my bookshelf for a year.
... and the moral of this story is books printed on paper will always be better — they don't require battery power, they don't require frivilously expensive «readers» protected by patents, they don't require recurring subscription payments, once read, they can be put on the bookshelf for later reference, for sharing or giving to a friend, for selling at a yardsale, for donation to a thrift store.
All of that time - intensive work writing your book, getting an agent and a publisher might result in your book being on bookshelves for a matter of months.
«A while back I bought your self publishing book and let it sit on the bookshelf for some time before reading it.
You write in a vacuum or for a professor who frowns on genre; you workshop with other writers; you craft a query letter; you appeal to the tastes of an intern at a literary agency; you claw your way out of the slush pile; you hope to win over an editor at a major publishing house; your book comes out a year later and sits spine - out on a bookshelf for six months; it gets returned to the publisher and goes out of print; you start over.
I'd like to say it gives me time to finally catch up that autobiography of Nelson Mandela I'd been trying to read for months, or to finally delve into that copy of Infinite Jest that had been sitting on my bookshelf for since college.

Not exact matches

Agreed, the general public is unaware and ignorant of the vast amount of literature that is available under the section «Physics» on the bookshelf, it is rather juvenile to ask for «proof» (as if it is a single, simple mathematical formula that takes half a page to work out) while we have our head stuck under a boulder.
How they actually work: We hope you have lots of extra space on your bookshelf, because your going to need it for all of the trinkets you will be making with your $ 1,500 3D printer.
The dwindling number who have read that book, once on every English bookshelf, will recall Mr Valiant - for - Truth's farewell: «My sword I give to him that shall succeed me in my pilgrimage, and my courage and skill to him that can get it.
gave me a chance to rediscover Jane Austen, not least because she is my mother's favorite author: For not only does the Oakesian matriarch own all six of the Austen novels in the elegant Oxford edition, but Park Honan's marvelous biography, Jane Austen: Her Life, occupies a prominent place on her bookshelf as well ¯ which I gobbled up (naturally) even more avidly than I did the novels.
He could be a Christian who has studied the Bible for years on end, and has a whole bookshelf full of Bible studies he has completed, and a whole filing cabinet full of sermon notes.
For those of us just getting into cooking Indian foods, the photographs and stories have been extremely motivating as compared to text - only, large Indian cookbooks that often sit unused on bookshelves.
I've enjoyed your website for years, and your first book has a permanent place on my bookshelf (although it's pulled down often and well - worn from cooking from it).
The recipe for cocoa Scotch pancakes I've adapted from a new arrival on my bookshelf, Chocolate by Jennifer Donovan.
So it couldn't be a better time for social psychologist and tireless singles advocate Bella DePaulo «s latest book to arrive on bookshelves, How We Live Now: Redefining Home and Family in the 21st Century (Atria Books / Beyond Words).
I suggested we take the book on as a project - reading the section on each artist, and then search our bookshelves (and maybe the library) for the books illustrated by said artist - to give a closer look to and study their style.
Returning home after mom's memorial, I prayed that the book was still on my bookshelf and had not been tossed in a bag for the charity shop.
Also if you are keen on preserving the great decor in your home, choose a fabric covering for your bookshelves with patterns that will perfectly blend with the rest of the decor.
You could, for example, baby proof coffee tables and take more measures in baby proofing bookshelves, stairs, doorways and so on.
Most bookshelves in homes are usually within reach for the babies and a majority of the babies just love pulling the books off the shelves and throwing them on the floor.
Can you imagine for one reason or another, you happen to fall on your unprotected coffee table, or the entire wall of bookshelves fell on you?
In short, it really is one of those parenting books that you'll want to keep referring to over and over as the years go by, and it deserves a spot on your parenting bookshelf (or digital reader), next to all those caring for baby, sleep and discipline how - tos.
Bookshelves are often difficult for little ones to access on their own, and with so many books to choose from, it's hard to know what to pick.
For me, it meant moving out the desk that had been stationed in the spare room, removing stuff from the bookshelf and replacing it with baby books, and eventually putting in a gliding chair, a crib, and a changer — and a few cute wall hangings that matched the bedding set we decided on.
Conscious Parenting: Mindful Living Course for Parents Author: Nataša Pantović Nuit Product Details Series: Alchemy of Love Mindfulness Training (Book 5) Paperback: 226 pages Sneza's Goodreads review of Conscious Parenting: Inspiring Kids Creativity Sneza's review Dec 21, 15 it was amazing bookshelves: conscious - parenting, parenting, non-fiction, mindfulness, raising - kids, relationships, self - development, self - help, spirituality I own a copy Conscious Parenting courses is a great course and I highly recommend itI enjoyed working with my kids on creativity exercises of various sorts.
For the average customer browsing the parenting bookshelf at her local bookstore, she might pick up a copy of On Becoming Babywise: Giving Your Infant the Gift of Nighttime Sleep and think yahtzee!
Depending on the size, a bookshelf, or bookshelves, for your nursery will help you stay organized by providing a place for each toy, blanket, diaper bag, and of course; books!
Even the most avid collector of books eventually confronts the limits of physical space: There is no more room on the bookshelf, no room in the house for more shelves.
It's out of print, but you can find important vitamin B info in his most recent book, which is well worth having on the bookshelf, The Natural Pharmacy Complete A-Z Reference to Natural Treatments for Common Health Conditions.
(It was fun to see that one of my favorite «cultural» books off my bookshelf is on the required reading list for midwifery.)
I make a mental note that my bank deposit receipt is now doubling as a medical record for baby Alex, but just can't stop gaping at the copy of Cure Tooth Decay front and center on the bookshelf, followed by the Cancer Is Curable Now DVD and Homeopathic Medicine at Home.
Mitch and I thought we'd need to purchase decor for the built - in bookshelves, but we ended up not having to, as we just collected stuff that was sitting on windowsills, end tables and dressers around the house.
While I was searching for what would be next on my bookshelf, I came across all of these great new titles that I'll be working through starting now through summer.
I mixed in these tartan candles on the tabletop and these peace, love, and joy candles in our bookshelf for a little extra holiday cheer!
Try leaning on your mantel, sofa table, entryway table, bookshelves or for large items, even on the floor.
Whether they're on a window sill, a bookshelf, a ledge - you name it, we'd love for you to link»em!
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