Sentences with phrase «on nearby»

It also allows access to «Car - Net» — a real - time app that can provide information on nearby car parks and fuel prices.
If you're the type of driver who enjoys riding in the fast lane, then the latest Jaguar XJ is eager to excite with a top - tier combination of commanding engine performance, agile handling, and a highly equipped interior to start out on the nearby roads or highways with ease.
The windows, linked to eye - tracking cameras, can tell what a passenger is looking at and provide pop - up information on nearby attractions or monuments.
In its place is merely unspoken adherence to Dickinson's words, graffitied on a nearby wall.
We drove the P1 on public roads around McLaren's headquarters in Woking, England, and on the nearby Chobham proving ground, which features a wide, high - speed loop with plenty of elevation changes as well as an infield handling course dubbed the Snake.
Public school students buy their lunch at school cafeterias or food stalls on the nearby streets.
While browsing through field trip permission forms, he noted that many of the American Indian students who lived on the nearby reservation had not handed theirs in.
It also argues the negative impact on nearby schools is greater because more lower ability pupils are left behind.
Together, this indicates that the positive spillovers of charter schools on nearby students at district schools did not come at the detriment of students across the city.
In some places, districts are encouraged to offer college - level courses in high school or on nearby community college campuses.
Some proponents have predicted that the presence of charter schools would have a positive effect on nearby traditional public schools by exerting positive competitive pressure; some opponents have worried that charter schools would harm students in nearby traditional public schools by draining resources.
Consulting the colorful compasses and graphs of the WeatherNet Classroom Web site, which track data captured by equipment mounted on the school's rooftop, the class puzzled over how best to survive a chemical spill on a nearby highway or the fallout of a small - scale atomic explosion in downtown Washington, located just 25 miles south of this quiet suburban community.
A 3D scanner on a tripod positioned four feet away captures Calder's image and translates that data into a digital bust of Calder on a nearby computer.
In the Spring 2018 issue cover story, we present evidence on the spillover effects of charter schools on nearby district - school students.
Though she was considered a top student on another nearby reservation when she was a pupil, she struggled after transferring to a public high school.
The gravel in the courtyard was making a mess on nearby pathways and causing blockages in the drains, prompting the school to act.
Hulking Imperial Walkers slowly make their way from one side of the map to another, firing on any nearby enemies.
The optional new Target Camera feature now makes it easier to focus quickly on nearby monsters with a simple press of the L Button.
Taking advantage of the fact that she lives on a nearby Indian reservation which straddles the border between the United States and Canada, Lila has resorted to trafficking in human beings.
When MacDowell calls Davison at his TV studio to tell him about their son's accident, and he says he'll call the hospital, an ambulance coincidentally appears on a nearby TV monitor; the sound of this siren carries over to a shot of MacDowell with her son waiting for an ambulance to arrive, then carries over to Waits in a trailer watching the TV ambulance and hearing a TV voice - over say, «Accidents happen every day.»
The Rebellion once again plans to destroy the Death Star before it becomes functional by eliminating the force field surrounding it generated by a base on a nearby planet, but the Emperor isn't a fool, and has a few surprises up his sleeve.
Turn the hololock dials so they match the times indicated on the nearby monitor.
Most of the movie takes place in the dugout over 6 days, and though the soldiers spend much time in a holding pattern, the battle sequences involve an ill - planned surprise attack on a nearby German hold, and of course, the famous battle that kicks off the Spring Offensive — a 3 month run that cost the lives of more than 700,000 from both sides.
Much as the Mushroom Kingdom, the normally peaceful island has been invaded frequently, often due to King K. Rool and his Kremling Krew who once made their home on the nearby Crocodile Isle.
Each and every scenario which arises in this movie is carefully orchestrated to necessitate the use of curse words by one of our angel - faced wards, and whilst a cute kid swearing or kicking off is always funny the first time around, by the half - way point we forget we're in a cinema trying to enjoy a movie and begin to feel like we're sitting in a quiet restaurant being assaulted by that one child on a nearby table who just won't quit.
Add - on modules, containing only the upward - firing elements, that you put on top of your current speakers or on a nearby surface
The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies picks up right where «The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug» left us: Smaug has been unleashed from the Lonely Mountain and is wreaking havoc on the nearby human dwelling, Laketown.
One such feature is the target camera, which lets you focus the camera on a nearby monster of your choice automatically.
Ben Stiller and Owen Wilson rock Paris Fashion Week, while Insurgent premieres in London as the new James Bond film shoots on a nearby street.
Take on nearby challengers in local multiplayer, or bring the battle to faraway friends and foes in online matches.
He chats with older men and then he starts to go as far as meeting with them on a nearby beach.
An American sniper is on a rooftop overlooking a battered roadway, his eye trained on the nearby buildings: rooftops, doorways, windows.
When the pair finally arrives at their destination, they're joined by another group of curious characters that show up on the nearby beach via a giant ark.
Isle of Dogs is set 20 years in the future, in a Japan overrun with dogs and susceptible to an outbreak of dog flu, which causes the mayor to order all K9s be quarantined on a nearby garbage island.
They persuade their mum (Kelly Macdonald) to let them sail to the island on a nearby lake and camp out for the night, clashing with the elusive «Amazons» — two local sisters playing at pirates.
In between it offers, among other things, meditations on Spanish architecture and landscapes, an outdoor concert where the conductor is on an elevated platform in a shopping arcade and the musicians are on nearby balconies, a lavish state party thrown for the novelist, a verbal chess match at the party, a credit sequence 20 - odd minutes into the film, a concert inside a cathedral, extended lovemaking, a recitation of part of the novelist's book, an opera performed at a gigantic fish market, a university lecture on algae, another opera set (though not staged) in a Turkish bath, a TV interview, a meal prepared and eaten by the three lovers, a film screening, and a plane trying to extinguish a forest fire.
On the nearby table a record player pipes the sound of a Soviet anthem.
On the nearby Thai - Burma border, the world's longest - running civil war, the Burmese - Karen conflict, rages into its 60th year.
The sites offer some information about other members but more importantly allow participants visiting a museum, say, to ask others logged on nearby to meet up.
The idea is that you'll open Sidewalk, discover something fun going on nearby, get off your butt and go there, and meet people.
Look to see if your local university or club rents telescopes, or simply spread a blanket on a nearby hill and spend the evening lying with your date, gazing at the galaxy.
After battling tears through a series of straightforward health and lifestyle - related questions and a brief physical examination, the doctor gave me information on a nearby lab and instructed me to make appointments for a Polysomnogram and Multiple Sleep Latency Test or MSLT, the most effective methods for diagnosing narcolepsy while simultaneously ruling out other more common disorders like insomnia and sleep apnea.While I slept, what seemed like tons of tiny electrodes monitored my brain waves, eye movement, heart rate and muscle activity.
I assigned myself to guard duty... lounging on a nearby chaise... with a book... and a bevy... I know, I know, it was a tough gig, but someone had to do it.
The sun more or less cooperated for some of the time, and we were able to get the beautiful field shots I wanted as well as some surprise shots on a nearby beach.
I think you can camp on a nearby island though If you're looking for a gorgeous island up here with a lovely resort I'd recommend Fitzroy Island xxxx
You can also do a little shopping on nearby Lincoln Road, or visit one of the many trendy restaurants that line Collins Avenue when you need a break from all of that sunshine.
Place one at the end of the table, or on a nearby server, so thirsty guests can help themselves.
You lie back while a doctor or technician drags a handheld device across the surface of your breasts and watches the resulting pictures on a nearby monitor.
This mushroom was actually found just outside of the greenhouse, on a nearby decaying firewood log, but we had to include it here because it's easy to grow and a winner in both Eastern and Western literature.
They are very portable and don't depend on a nearby power source.
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