Sentences with phrase «on nonbelievers»

I believe in evolution, scientific inquiry, and global warming; I believe in free speech, whether politically correct or politically incorrect, and I am suspicious of using government to impose anybody's religious beliefs - including my own - on nonbelievers.
The church that proclaimed the Chalcedonian Creed in 451 A.D. also practiced the baptism on nonbelievers (infants), prayed to Mary, and believed in and conducted the «sacrifice of the Mass,» and had a special order of priests in the church to carry out the «sacrifice of the Mass.» All these things continue today in the Roman Catholic Church and in the the Russian Orthodox Church (and the other «Eastern Orthodox» churches).

Not exact matches

When the email hit inboxes on March 24, it split Zappos into three camps: the believers, the nonbelievers, and those who decided to remain out of convenience despite their reservations.
I think the percentage of atheists versus believers is higher than the number you provide, and I also think the important point (perhaps implied by tallulah) is that per person, there is more anger on the side of the theists than the nonbelievers.
Tony Dgee I think that the argument boils down to nonbelievers not believing in God, but in chance which they know they can't depend on to act favorably, so they do all that they can to bring about positive change for themselves.
They do articles like this for two reasons: believers are interested in the stories and nonbelievers like to get on the comment boards to vent their hatred of believers.
It is interesting to see how nonbelievers are so quick to define what believers opinions are on issues like creationism, evolution, a deity, etc..
It'd be like expecting nonbelievers in unicorns to agree on fiscal policy or non-stamp collectors to agree on politics.
Sometimes they are lifted on behalf of believers at home, and at other times nonbelievers are prayed for (can it be that many nonbelievers are watching?).
Of course none of this means that we can run away from battles for the freedom of the Church and indeed of nonbelievers over the current attempts to impose a crude ideology on us all.
No, all sin has been punished on Jesus, He was punished for our sin remember for the world the nonbeliever and believer now the issue is Are we going to accept what Jesus did for us or are we going to reject Him?
Kennedy goes on: «To a nonbeliever they may seem totally invalid.»
Countries with a high percentage of nonbelievers are among the freest, most stable, best - educated, and healthiest nations on earth.
Perhpas someone else can enlighten me on the dogmatic views of non-Zeus believers and nonbelievers in Loch Ness Creature.
Many evangelicals and fundamentalists have sought uncritically to impose revealed norms of religious righteousness on the secular society with little if any justification insofar as how such policies would affect nonbelievers.
I think nonbelievers should talk to nonbelievers more often here, instead of just pouncing on the latest inanity from believers.
Sure they have unpopular beliefs on a variety of topics but that does not mean that their pastors are calling for the death of nonbelievers.
You nonbelievers are the only ones holding on and spreading this lie.
I am on the right path to everlasting PEACE, I Pray the nonbelievers come around before it's too late.
Following Old Testament law, the criminal - justice system would get tougher on homosexuals, blasphemers, career criminals, Sabbath - breakers, adulterers, incorrigibly misbehaving older children and nonbelievers.
All they are doing while still breathing the air on earth is trying to win the debate by cursing the nonbelievers.
It easy to see why he is so beloved by nonbelievers as his sharp wit and punchy tone make him someone you like having on your side.
On yours and all others I really hope one day the Lord will touch all nonbelievers hearts so that all of you will know God.
Anyone with a sense of irony has to see how many more nonbelievers than believers post on the Religion Blog.
Through the Stiefel Freethought Foundation, the 38 - year - old has made an indelible impact on the nation's fastest - growing «religious» group: the nonbelievers.
''... the 38 - year - old has made an indelible impact on the nation's fastest - growing «religious» group: the nonbelievers
Your quran contains at least 109 verses that call on «good» Muslims to wage war with nonbelievers and yes, those «not - muslim - enough».
On the other hand, since the nonbeliever is by no means the only person excluded from the social and political order in which the traditional witness of faith is implicated, to think of theology as having to give answer to the questions of the nonperson is more likely to take account of all those to whom theology owes a serious response.
«For when Gentiles [nonbelievers] who do not have the Law do instinctively the things of the Law, these, not having the Law, are a law to themselves, in that they show the work of the Law written on their hearts, their conscience bearing witness and their thoughts alternately accusing or else defending them, on the day when, according to my gospel, God will judge the secrets of men through Christ Jesus.»
The more I have reflected on this observation, the more I have come to believe that the category of «nonperson» is indefinitely more appropriate than that of «nonbeliever» for identifying the one whose questions an adequate theology must seek to answer.
I find it even more annoyingly humorous how the paradox of atheist comment on a religious post that was not intended for nonbelievers... if religion doesn't even exist, what does it matter?
I do not judge everyone who is a nonbeliever based on the few that I d o know...
illusive There are atheistic religions, like Buddhism, but not all atheists are buddhists by a long shot, and few American nonbelievers you'd meet on such a board as this would believe in something like reincarnation.
Which is better, a milquetoast church filled with nonbelievers who congratulate themselves on their Christianity or a church with no walls that is accused of loving and serving sinners?
Forgiving was low - ranked — l5th or 16th — by Jews and nonbelievers but on the average somewhere between third and eighth by the several Christian groups.
While Jews and nonbelievers ranked salvation last, Christian groups generally ranked it considerably higher — third on the average for Baptists and anywhere from ninth to 14th for the remaining Christian groups.
The onus is on you to make a factual case — no nonbeliever has any responsibility for proving the negative.
I assure on the last day, when Christ assends from Heaven with the Powers of the Heavenly Host all will be on their knees praying for forgiveness and worshiping the God you and the other Aitheist and secular media love to mock and make fun of, including Catholics Christians, all other Christians, Jews, JW's, Mormoms, Muslims, Buddhist, Hindus, and every other sects or nonbelievers...
My point is a believer has belief based on faith, a nonbeliever should keep quiet unless they have scholarly authority.
You said, «My point is a believer has belief based on faith, a nonbeliever should keep quiet unless they have scholarly authority.»
We do not share Warren's exasperation at bringing a nonbeliever to church on one occasion and finding out that it was a communion Sunday.
The caller's goals may concern formally leaving religion altogether, but Morehead said that counselors will also offer advice on finding a new faith or connecting with a local community of nonbelievers.
On October 21, 1978, five days after the election of Cardinal Karol Wojtyla as Pope John Paul II, the «liberal» Polish Communist journal Polityka opined that, since World War II, Poland had been «a special example of a creative and fruitful coexistence between nonbelievers and Catholics»» which seems, in retrospect, an almost unimaginably self - delusional judgment, even by Communist standards.
In 1969 I organized and chaired a conference there on behalf of the Vatican's Secretariat for Nonbelievers.
The real myth, in other words, may be that there can be religious freedom at all in the modern state without a strong religious tradition acting both as a curb to the state's power on behalf of believers and nonbelievers alike and also as an alternative narrative within which people can work out their individual visions of the good life.
All religions are misogynist and based on delusional fantasies (and shifting their economic burdens onto nonbelievers as with property tax exemptions in USA)..
Arrogance and the superiority complexes on the part of nonbelievers prevents them from learning and practicing what Jesus teaches.
In case you haven't heard, Christian radio broadcaster Harold Camping has done some questionable math based on Biblical writing to determine that the faithful will be «raptured» tomorrow and that nonbelievers will be left behind to fester to death over the next few months.
On ChristianMingle, in the Ministry category, the only option for nonbelievers is «Other.»
A few nonbelievers have been included to give the appearance of balance, but their comments and questions have been routinely ignored as the IPCC focuses on what it claims to be the «consensus» view.
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