Sentences with phrase «on objects in the world»

The lion's share of Detention's gameplay is straightforward adventure - puzzling, which means that you collect items and use those items on objects in the world to unlock rooms where you find more items and the process begins anew.
Objects you picked up can be combined with each other or used on another object in the world, and it is all pretty much the standard interface that we all know and love.

Not exact matches

Assessing the size is also difficult: even though the perspective might be a factor here, the object seems to be smaller than the F - 16s, but probably much larger than a micro-drone as the bird - sized Perdix drones, 103 of those, launched from three F / A -18 F Super Hornets, took part in one of the world's largest micro-drone swarms over the skies of Naval Air Weapons Station China Lake, California on Oct. 25, 2016.
When you attend a meeting in VR, you are able to share the same sense of place with multiple others, interact naturally with 3D objects and speak one - on - one with others as you would in the real world
«And to focus more precisely on the issue of «scientific evidence,» the sciences, ordered by their nature and method to an analysis of empirically verifiable objects and states of affairs within the universe, can not even in principle address questions regarding God, who is not a being in the world, but rather the reason why the finite realm exists at all.......
There can be no doubt that God makes decisions a propos of the disjunctive multiplicity of eternal objects; the difficulty is to establish in precisely what sense these divine decisions are distinguishable from the choices and calculations made by the Leibnizian deity Whitehead's dilemma seems to be this: on the one hand, the principle of classification is to be challenged by positing the primordiality of a world of eternal objects that knows «no exclusions, expressive in logical terms»; on the other hand, positing pure potentiality as a «boundless and unstructured infinity» (IWM 252) lacking all logical order would seem to be precisely that conceptual move which renders it «inefficacious» or «irrelevant.»
He then utilized terminology that for decades informed the basic stance of process theology on the nature of true power, though, as we shall see, that is open to challenge: God «persuades the world by an act of suffering with the kind of power which leaves its object free to respond in humility and love.»
Distract the sheep with shiny objects and they will turn their heads and forget all about other things that might be going on in the world.
What Buber's critics on this point overlook is that the reason that objects are It to us and not Thou is that they have already been enregistered in the subject - object world of the past.
Instead of investing theological significance in a theory about how the mind intuits objects of sense data, or about the reality of the world external to consciousness, or about the extent to which the mind is creative in producing experience, Green focuses on the role of imagination, a term which refers in ordinary conversation to fantasy and illusion, but which also refers to discovery, illumination and reality.
It is arbitrary in that there are no inherent grounds in the object of that choice that compel my response... Jesus is in the world in such a way that he readies me for whatever beliefs and actions and forms of self - discipline I may be obliged to take on.
The Enlightenment is white, male, European and rationalist, and is regarded as a key agent in perpetrating imperialism, colonialism, racism and the exploitation of the natural environment, The Enlightenment view assumes that we can possess knowledge based on publicly recognized fundamental principles that enable us to engage the world as an object of investigation.
Not sin, for it is thought of as a universal human attribute; nor forgiveness, for it is conceived as a mere event in the world of external objects, on which man by his very theories and proofs exercises judgment, asserting that divine forgiveness can and must be thus and so.
First, he distinguishes from classical empiricism a revisionary description of experience according to which sense perception is neither the only nor even the primary mode of experience, but is rather derived from a still more elemental awareness both of ourselves and of the world around us» (PP 78).6 On Ogden's analysis, both the classical and this first type of revisionary empiricism «assume that the sole realities present in our experience, and therefore the only objects of our certain knowledge, are ourselves and the other creatures that constitute the world» (PP 79) 7 With these «two more conventional types of empiricism» he contrasts a «comprehensive» type of revisionary empiricism distinguished from them by its consideration of the possibility (and then also by its claim) that the internal awareness it asserts together with the former revisionary type is «the awareness not merely of ourselves, and of our fellow creatures, but also of the infinite whole in which we are all included as somehow one» (PP 87, 80, 85).
Briefly, Whitehead initially (in works published circa 1919 - 1924) objected to Einstein's formulation of the theory of relativity on the grounds that for Einstein the geometry of the world was variable, its metric being a function of gravitational and electromagnetic field variables.
On the divine non-temporal actual entity as ground for the relevance of eternal objects Whitehead contends that «if there be a relevance of what in the temporal world is unrealized, the relevance must express a fact of togetherness in the formal constitution of a non-temporal actuality» (Process 32).
On the one hand the world is to be viewed from the point of view of the subject and conceived objectively, and, on the other hand, it has to be maintained in its integrity, viewed from a perspective which precedes the subject - object distinctioOn the one hand the world is to be viewed from the point of view of the subject and conceived objectively, and, on the other hand, it has to be maintained in its integrity, viewed from a perspective which precedes the subject - object distinctioon the other hand, it has to be maintained in its integrity, viewed from a perspective which precedes the subject - object distinction.
I am troubled by the idea of an unconscious appraisal of all eternal objects in relation to a possible world which is envisioned in all its detail, and Cobb does not comment explicitly on whether this appraisal is conscious or not.
The clockmaker God, who leaves the world - machine to run on its own, is neither an object of worship nor a participant in human experience, and bears little resemblance to the God of the Bible.
Like Mehta, Lewis objected to God on the basis of the evil he saw in the world, but his conversion mirrored that of Leah's as he realised that his objection only made sense if a moral realm existed: «My argument against God was that the universe seemed so cruel and unjust.
If I were to conceive of both myself and the object as world - lines in space - time that intersect on the occasions when the object reacts against me, I would view myself as an object in the world of existents and there would be nothing external to me in the epistemological sense of an external world.
Since in the rest of the world besides ourselves processes of «taking account of» are going on, be it in electrons or atoms or cells, then it is logical to suppose that this subject - object relationship involves subjectivity for these other entities.
He did not merely copy Democritus» physics, as was commonly thought, but introduced the idea of spontaneity into the movement of the atoms, and to the Democritus world of inanimate nature ruled by mechanical laws he added a world of animate nature in which the human will operated.9 Marx thus favours the views of Epicurus for two reasons: firstly, his emphasis on absolute autonomy of the human spirit has freed human beings from all superstitions of transcendent objects; secondly, the emphasis on «free individual self - consciousness» shows one way of going beyond the system of a «total philosophy».
But this double «betrayal» stemmed from a single motivation: Weil objected so adamantly to the national idolatry endemic in European (and particularly French) Christianity» the conceit that «holy France» was God's chosen people» that she blamed Israel and its God for inflicting the idea of election on the world in the first place.
The general point that has been made is that in the new conditions of the modern world the comparative study of religion has moved into a new phase — first, in that the object of inquiry has on a quite new scale been seen to be communities of persons.
To coerce the spiritual powers, or to square them and get them on our side, was, during enormous tracts of time, the one great object in our dealings with the natural world.
As we noted above, in the chapter on God in Science and the Modern World, Whitehead presents God as envisaging the possibilities of value as the principle of limitation but he makes no mention of God's envisaging the eternal objects.
But whatever convenience and expediency require about the way in which the unity of theological study be broken up into manageable parts, the first requirements laid on all the specialists in the community seem to be: that their intellectual participation in the life of the Biblical, the historic and the contemporary Church always have in view the common theological object — God and man in their interrelations; and that it always be carried on in acute awareness of the «world» in which the Church has been assigned its task.
But when there seem to be better options on the market, and with money no object for he richest club in the world, moving for Matić, who will turn 29 before the start of next season, feels like an unambitious play by United.
Elana — first — you are doing a good job second — at 9 months your bubba is learning about object permanence — if he fusses when you leave the room — he is developmentally right on track don't worry — it doesn't last — and is actually a good sign — it signals that he is well attached to you — which is highly desirable in terms of raising happy well adjusted children that are willing to explore their world He isn't to young for independent play — It just might be for a little while that it happens while he can see you As he chooses to — allow him to move himself out of your sight (somewhere safe of course) i.e around the edge of a couch, through a door way etc — playing disappearing and reappearing games like peek - a-boo and hiding things under boxes / blankets for him to «find» etc is good too as time goes on — he will learn that things re-appear when they disappear
Unlike a baby on its back (who sees only the ceiling and objects on either side) a baby in a wrap or other carrier will lift his / her head and view the world at eye level.
The European Parliament's Environment, Public Health and Food Safety Committee (ENVI) will, on Thursday 14th January, vote on whether to object to proposals for new laws from the European Commission on the marketing of baby foods and formulas and to strengthen them in line with the World Health Assembly Resolutions.
Just as a bedsheet hanging on a clothesline appears to be a two - dimensional object hanging in a three - dimensional world, all of space - time would be suspended in a higher - order space.
Being able to see this superfast interaction between electrons gives scientists another tool to unlock the rules that govern the quantum - mechanics world — a world where microscopic objects don't obey the laws of physics we have come to rely on for understanding in the macro world.
«The problem is that we can't see objects or conditions of the world directly, except through the light that falls on the eye — which is not the same thing as the objects in the world that reflect that light.
The astonishing ability of many children with autism to rapidly locate concealed on - screen symbols falls apart in an experiment that mimics hunting for objects in the real world.
The work builds on JILA's world - leading expertise in measuring positions of microscopic objects.
The optical flashes that carry our messages are generated by such lasers, whose core workings Einstein envisioned in those distant World War I years; the bar codes on every object we purchase also depend on Einstein's lasers being able to accurately read those coded spacings.
«Most people in the past have seen robots as machines that act on the world, that move objects around,» says Latombe.
At an altitude of about 5,200 meters on the Chajnantor Plateau, a Mars - like red expanse in Chile's Atacama Desert, the driest place in the world, ALMA's matching antennas swivel in unison as observers collect light from cosmic objects.
Kepler, which will keep a continuous watch on a patch of stars for more than three years, is better suited to finding planets like our own in terms of orbital periods as well as other parameters, although it will likely be a few years before it moves from the hot objects it has already discovered to cooler, potentially habitable worlds, whose transits are subtler and less frequent.
In addition to neglecting the left side of her visual world, she neglects the left sides of objects even if they are entirely on her right.
Deussen, one of the world's leading experts on modeling three - dimensional urban scenes, architecture, natural objects, and biological processes, has developed a sophisticated series of software packages to render these subjects in videos, computer graphics, or animations.
Sheppard and Trujillo, along with David Tholen of the University of Hawaii, are conducting the largest, deepest survey for objects beyond Neptune and the Kuiper Belt and have covered nearly 10 percent of the sky to date using some of the largest and most advanced telescopes and cameras in the world, such as the Dark Energy Camera on the NOAO 4 - meter Blanco telescope in Chile and the Japanese Hyper Suprime Camera on the 8 - meter Subaru telescope in Hawaii.
In addition to using the world's most powerful telescope, the team relied on gravitational lensing to see the incredibly faint object born just after the Big Bang.
In making the new trans - Neptunian object discoveries, Sheppard and Trujillo relied on data from some of the world's most powerful cameras and telescopes including the Dark Energy Camera on the NOAO Blanco telescope in Chile and the Japanese Hyper Suprime Camera on the Subaru telescope in HawaiIn making the new trans - Neptunian object discoveries, Sheppard and Trujillo relied on data from some of the world's most powerful cameras and telescopes including the Dark Energy Camera on the NOAO Blanco telescope in Chile and the Japanese Hyper Suprime Camera on the Subaru telescope in Hawaiin Chile and the Japanese Hyper Suprime Camera on the Subaru telescope in Hawaiin Hawaii.
«This is the first time in the world that people can operate a robotic arm to reach and grasp objects in a complex 3D environment using only their thoughts without a brain implant,» said Bin He, a University of Minnesota biomedical engineering professor and lead researcher on the study.
These massive worlds would exert a herculean tidal force on any small objects in their vicinity, and many would be ripped to shreds — like Comet Shoemaker - Levy 9 that was pulled apart by Jupiter's gravity and then spectacularly impacted the planet in 1994.
You will learn to find a concentrated focus where the mind can settle on one chosen object and let the rest of the world, for a time, carry on in its harried way without you.
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