Sentences with phrase «on old form»

If the seller becomes aware that information contained on the old form is no longer accurate after July 1, 2012, and they need to amend the statement, they should be advised to use the new form and fill it out so that it is complete and accurate to the best of the seller's knowledge.
Minimum qualifications for this part - time position include a 2015 MCAT score of 513 - 33 or higher on old form - plus the ability to teach during non-traditional weekend or evening hours.
His hunger has been replaced by contentment, just like the majority of our lads who used to give 110 % to prove their worth, to get into the starting eleven And when you look at how Wenger picks his team, you might make sense of his mentality in trusting players based on their old form instead of picking those who are inform.
You may find it's not available on older policy forms, but there are very few good reasons to write new business on those older forms anyway.
You may find it's not available on older policy forms, but there are very few good reasons to write new business on those older forms anyway.
«On the old forms, the information is there, but it's hidden.

Not exact matches

There is also the issue that a lot of the NBC broadcast content offered by Seeso — including SNL and The Tonight Show — are already available in some form on services like YouTube (which just agreed to let NBC sell ads for its YouTube content) and Hulu (a collaboration of NBC, Fox (FOX), and ABC (DIS)-RRB-, while full seasons of older shows like 30 Rock are available to stream on Netflix (NFLX).
In 2009 Sam Keats was a typical 26 - year - old roped in to help a family member undertake a backyard renovation when he stumbled on the idea which formed his now rapidly growing business.
How to Manage Interns: Mind the Generation Gap When you're infusing your company with young blood in the form of a new crop of interns, you have to consider what clashes might occur if you have a staff that's on the older side.
In form, they're pretty similar to «installment loans,» an old product in the U.S. that's regaining popularity as states crack down on payday lenders.
It has been suggested taht some of the long - term contracts for aging athletes are intended as a form of deferred compensation scheme on the theory it spreads out their income over more years (instead of earning very high income in their peak years, and lower incomes as they get older).
To the contrary, limitations on shareholder voting rights in fact are as old as the corporate form itself.
A steadily increasing number of people will want to get in on the «new Bitcoin,» a bizarre paradox given that gold is as old as time, and will soon realize that gold possesses virtues Bitcoin does not, given that it is real, not digital and abstract; that owners can personally possess and store it in physical form; that it will survive any kind of electric grid or Internet disruption that might occur; that it can not ever be hacked; that it is the epitome of private, quiet wealth; that it is actually quite beautiful to behold; and that it was not and can not be made by man, only by God, who does not appear to have any interest in making any more of it.
The SEC's new online filing system for Form D is expected to be available September 15, 2008, after which there will be a six - month transition period during which companies will have three options for filing a Form D: (i) filing the old version of Form D on paper; (ii) filing the new version of Form D on paper or (iii) filing the new version of Form D electronically.
[Update: PEHub, which regularly uses Form D filings to report on venture financing, notes that the new rules require less information that the old rules, and that they will not cite information from the revised form without corroboratiForm D filings to report on venture financing, notes that the new rules require less information that the old rules, and that they will not cite information from the revised form without corroboratiform without corroboration.]
As a form of «forced savings,» expanded CPP ensures that individuals pay their own way, rather than spending all their earnings and then relying on others for support in old age.»
Now, in the old days, if you wanted to lend money to somebody in particular, you were taking on a pretty risky business, unless he or she put up some form of collateral.
Where messaging has a potential to make a mark is in the middle: moving customers from interest to desire and on to action, through one of the oldest and most reliable forms of advertising — direct contact.
Now ensconced in a rather «old» form of monasticism based on the Rule of St. Benedict, Bonhoeffer reflected on the inherent value of monastic life for the entire church: «It would certainly be a loss (and was indeed a loss in the Reformation!)
One is to blame everything on racism, to declare that the situation proves the continued existence of old - style American racial enmity, only now in a more subtle and modernized form.
In fact, Buber goes on to say, changed conditions «sometimes allow [us] to make amends for lost opportunities in a quite different situation, in a quite different form, and it is significant that this new situation is more contradictory and the new form more difficult to realize than the old, and that each fresh attempt demands an even greater exertion to fulfill the task for such is the hard but not ungracious way of life itself.»
All these new forms of media are constantly forming new connections both with each other and with older media like printing, radio, film, television, telephone, teletype, radar and so on.
In fact, we see on the Old Testament how God gradually forms and guides humanity from a primitive to a more enlightened understanding of God and His creation.
When others began to take Tony to task for this all - too - familiar behavior on his part, Tony became increasingly defensive and condescending, and so others began to join in the discussion to wonder at Tony's rapid return to his old form after what was meant to be something of a restorative sabbatical from the internet.
On the contrary, if I may hazard a personal testimony, this «Multiple Source Hypothesis» of modern criticism, and especially of form criticism, seems to me definitely superior to the older view.
When the erosions of age begin to leave their mark on my body, and still more on my mind; when the ills that must diminish my life or put an end to it strike me down from without or grow up from within me; when I reach that painful moment at which I suddenly realize that I am a sick man or that I am growing old; above all at that final moment when I feel I am losing hold on myself and becoming wholly passive in the hands of those great unknown forces which first formed me: at all these sombre moments grant me, Lord, to understand that it is you (provided my faith is strong enough) who are painfully separating the fibres of my being so as to penetrate to the very marrow of my substance and draw me into yourself
Another cause has been the insidious notion (greatly encouraged by successive governments but particularly under New Labour - Old Labour tended to be much more traditional in its views on the family) that the family has many forms, that marriage is just one option, and that lone parenting is just as «valid» (dread word) a form as any other.
There might be some truth in the old gibe of pie - in - the - sky if we found all Christians doing absolutely nothing to better the world, on the grounds that they have Heaven to look forward to; and all the atheists working like mad to relieve every form of human distress, since this life is all that we have!
On the other hand, there are old and new forms of Manichaean dualism that surrender the structures of this life to the devil, and deny that those structures come from the benevolent hand of God.
religion is a form of control people are generally stupid people love old lies as much as new ones lots of money can be made from religion religion, since all based on imaginary creatures to explain the unexplainable of the time, is all a money making scheme!
Shame on those (the old «woe» form) who lie in bed planning evil and wicked deeds and rise at daybreak to do them, knowing that they have the power!
Hold off on giving 70 year old benefits based on Judeo Christian family model that does not exist in a godless union (i.e. the little women stays home for life and daddy is the head of the family and the bread winner) to both new forms of marriage.
Contemporary warfare has in fact taken the form of local conflicts, more often than not civil wars, in which no great alliances of nations are involved; these have been wars fought for reasons based in local rivalries, typically inflamed by historical animosities, ethnic disparity, or religious difference, rather than for reasons of global Realpolitik; they have been fought not with nuclear weapons (or, indeed, other types of weapons of mass - destructive capability) or the latest in military technology, but instead with conventional weaponry, often of old design, and often limited to rifles, knives, grenades, and light, crew - served weapons which individual soldiers can carry on their persons.
Precious Metals the Result of Meteorite Bombardment, Rock Analysis Finds Sep. 9, 2011 — Ultra high precision analyses of some of the oldest rock samples on Earth by researchers at the University of Bristol provides clear evidence that the planet's accessible reserves of precious metals are the result of a bombardment of meteorites more than 200 million years after Earth was formed.
There are many other new forms of ministry going on these days within old settings.
To an alien life form living on another planet billions of light years from us the death of an 8 year old human, while tragic to us, might be linked by what Einstein called «s p o o k y action at a distance» to an alien birth making it one of their most joyous occasions.
Precious metals the result of meteorite bombardment, rock analysis finds Date: September 9, 2011 Source: University of Bristol Summary: Ultra high precision analyses of some of the oldest rock samples on Earth provides clear evidence that the planet's accessible reserves of precious metals are the result of a bombardment of meteorites more than 200 million years after Earth was formed.
On the other hand there is an interpretation which not only gives due weight to the old tradition underlying the presbyter's words, but also maintains full contact with historical probability: it is the interpretation made possible by what is called form criticism.
We hear of fast - days on the Jewish model, but on different days, and the adoption by the Church of the Old Testament as a sacred book played a large part in forming the prayers as well as the instruction of Christians.
The endowments of the wealthiest universities should be taxed to fund a common purse for education that can be spent on tuition tax credits to help all Americans afford some form of post-high school education, which is what we need today as the old student loan model becomes burdensome for young people.
Some of these Old Lutherans would stay in Germany and go on to form the predecessor bodies of the Independent Evangelical Lutheran Church (SELK) and other confessional Lutheran synods.
The situation can not go on like that without serious long - term repercussions — without Western theology, in its splendid isolation, risking those vital connections through which old forms are renewed and fresh vitality released.
One hates to make old arguments, but if this education teaches (as other sections of the report make clear that is must) the familiar doctrines about how very wrong it is to impose any kind of normative standard on the many forms that peoples» desires can take, on what basis does it exclude pornography or the sexualization of young girls as legitimate forms of the varied human sexual appetite?
It is really sad that many seculars form their entire view of Christianity based on misleading articles like this (Er, Ms. Evans, don't you think the little detail about Stewarts comment being about the old testament is kind of important??)
Only the Power which raised Jesus Christ from the dead can, and will, raise us from our old nature and begin to form in us the new (Belden, Reflections on Moral Re-Armament, p. 28).
Von Campenhausen himself affirms that «the disputes of the Christians with their opponents... show themselves as a factor at work on all sides, forming the old tradition and refraining it more and more.»
To complicate matters, there are fans of rationalistic and speculative forms of process thought who dwell on how process metaphysics, including God, transcend any particular history, reading Whitehead and Hartshorne as though they were old historicists, like Paul Tillich.
In our lectures on exegesis at Al Azhar University in Cairo — the oldest university in the world — the following analysis is used to point out the ways in which the literary form of the Qur» an transcends the powers of man and defies imitation.
There is something dated, surely, about this talk of natures, and forms, and essences; our minds misgive us lest they should be a mere ornament, not a weapon of our thought, comparable to those brightly polished warming pans that hang, unused, on the walls of an old inn that has been «done up» - at best, like an old stoup now used for an ash tray.
As I got older, I rejected not only that notion but the entire dispensational eschatology on which those ideas are based (I will save my rant for later on why dispensational in any form should have no place in Pentecostal churches).
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