Sentences with phrase «on one's front legs»

Any pet with this problem needs to maintain a trim body weight because dogs and cats carry about 70 % of their weight on their front legs.
One look at a frog crab leaning forward on its front legs explains its name, but how these curious animals evolved has long been a mystery.
She was fortunate enough to have the wounds on her front leg and tail completely heal!
He is beginning to stand on his front legs for a little while, and is working to stand on his hind legs.
She had a golf ball sized lump on her front leg which we knew was bad.
She was down for quite awhile, with casts on her front legs and rear end.
Her hind end was stronger and she no longer had to rely on her front legs to compensate for her back ones.
Most of the dog's weight will be borne on its front legs.
At least one of the animals had scars on her front leg and face.
In fact, our favorite features are the handle and wheels for transportation and the adjustable level pads that are found on the front legs.
Drive up from the front heel and you can feel the glutes engaged, especially on the front leg.
Do not put your back foot on the ground at the top, to keep the tension on the front leg the whole time during the movement.
Place your hand on your front leg or floor as you sit back into your front hip with a straight back.
Keep adding the books so that your dog gets comfortable with the pressure on his front legs.
Note that the nails on the rear legs are shorter and may not need to be trimmed as often as nails on the front legs.
They are usually on the back of the leg and appear more often on front legs than back legs.
Ideally the water should be no higher than his / her elbows on their front legs (usually about 1 - 2 inches deep depending on the size of your dragon).
A short stride increases the impact stress on front legs, especially the feet.
Because of the pain, these puppies often carry their rear legs far forward in order to keep more of their weight on their front legs.
His weight will either be centered over all four feet or he'll be leaning slightly forward on his front legs.
There are usually dewclaws on the front legs but not on the back.
If you put wheels on the front legs of the settee, you would have an easier way to move it.
In preparation for an anesthetic procedure, generally a patch of fur on the front leg is shaved, and the veterinary technicians place an intravenous (IV) catheter.
Border collies sport either wavy or straight coats, with feathering on the front legs, chest, abdomen and buttocks — referred to in dogs as the haunches.
Some umbrella strollers offer a dual front wheel (two wheels, side by side on each front leg) and the wheels used on umbrella strollers tend to be smaller and made of materials designed for use on sidewalks rather than on rough terrain.
A 36 - year - old male elephant collapsed in January for the same reason: he was found dead with chains still on his front leg.
Swimming — this is a very strenuous activity and most pets rely primarily on their front legs while swimming.
These vet pics remind me of when we had to take our kitty Lily (at about this same age), when we first got her as a stray, and have a cast put on her front leg.
For some dogs the pain and discomfort of a luxating patella can force them to not walk at all, or at the very least attempt to walk solely on their front legs as they keep their hind legs in the air.
As hard as it may be to imagine, their earliest ancestors were typically about the size of a small dog, and sported three toes on their front legs, and four on the back.
In this exercise, you elevate the back foot onto a step or platform which places more emphasis on the front leg and adds a balance challenge, which makes this exercise pretty tough.
If you rest the same - side arm on the front leg and displace the chest forward and up, raising the other arm, it can help you access and stretch the iliopsoas muscles.»
In the reverse lunge the pressure is still concentrated on the front leg.
It puts almost all of the focus on your front leg and the fact that you are doing the movements slowly helps to blast the leg muscle even further.
Based on these results, Layla's family decided to use PST on her front legs.
old Akita, Ginger, had a biopsy performed today on a bump on her front leg.
Our Rocky obtained a large ugly wound on his front leg today while out running around in a wooded area and so off to NGVS we went.
Dogs only have two knees (located in their hind legs; they don't have knees on the front legs), and some dogs are born with wiggly patellas.
Dannie is currently on a 48 - hour watch as we keep an eye on her front leg swelling, conduct tests, administer pain medicine, care and snuggles, and determine next steps.
Feathering on the legs appears above the hocks on the rear legs, and down to the ankles on the front legs.
He could barely walk due to severe obesity and a Cantaloupe sized abscess on his front leg.
This is a chronic non-healing infection on the front leg of a cat, typical of a cat that is immunosuppressed.
Also known as acral lick dermatitis, this problem begins as an area of hair loss and reddened skin most commonly on the top of the wrist or carpal joint on the front legs.
All border collies, regardless of their coat classification however, will have short hairs on the front legs, face and ears, this allows for better sight, hearing and maneuverability in the field.
«When I talked to him, he would try to meow back, but no sound would come out,» says the hospital's manager, Liz Farber, who was also puzzled by the way Sammy sat: propped on his front legs, his body splayed out behind him.
My dog is not taking weight on his front legs Firstly, his heart size get enlarged and get infection in blood now after treatment his heart gets normal and infection also but his front legs not working properly he can't sit and walk what we do now?
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