Sentences with phrase «on one's paintings»

His early practice focused on painting in a largely gestural style.
Sometimes I would not be able to work on a painting for months.
Today, I've rounded up some beautiful front door inspirations with ideas on paint colors to get a similar look.
I have a similar piece of furniture — a long, heavy dresser — in an outdated dark color that I plan on painting in the same fashion.
At the very least, she could now concentrate on painting of and from space.
I've worked on paintings in the gallery hours before a show has opened.
Opening week brought a special treat, as local garden clubs created beautiful arrangements based on paintings in the show.
Later I went to an academy where you worked on a painting for 5 weeks of a single model.
Under the layers of paint is the real piano, but you can also concentrate on the paint as paint.
This exhibition focuses on paintings from the 1960s and early 1970s.
I am not going to be using chalk on this paint by the way.
Don't feel like you have to fill in every space on the painting surface.
You'll have plenty of time this holiday weekend to work on paint projects around the house.
We are pleased to announce an exciting Summer Exhibition focusing on painting with new works by a group of Gallery artists.
This absurd action can be seen as a comment on painting as such, but is also a comment on the absurd elements of labor and life.
If you're thinking about taking on a painted furniture project, hopefully a few of my favorites will inspire you to get started.
In art and design there's a stronger emphasis on painting and drawing skills, in music a balance between performance and appreciation.
The colors I tried looked great on the paint chip then when I tested them on the wall they turned sky or baby blue.
It needs it really bad but I have a hard time making a decision and sticking with it so I can NOT decide on a paint color.
It was time to take the leap and take on a painting project!
You do such a fabulous job on all your painting projects.
She was not really an influence on my painting in that she was not analytical.
There's only two coats of paint on the paintings.
I would sand to smooth, prime and then use brush on paint using a high quality brush.
I came here to get tips on painting furniture, but I have been spending a great amount of timing reading your blog.
In case you missed it, here is a great tutorial on painting cabinets like a pro.
Take a look and take notes on paint colors and more sources.
Today, I've rounded up some beautiful front door inspirations with ideas on paint colors to get a similar look.
I do all of my obligations and family related things first, and then in the cracks I can work on painting walls or other home projects.
What are your thoughts on painting the 4 × 8 boards before cutting them?
Your kitchen is beautiful well done and thank you so much for all the information on paint wearing over time etc..
I can't say that it depends on the paint finish because the black part seems actually classy.
They share their advice on the painting process and give tips on techniques as well as the business of art.
Clear coat is used on paint as a clear protective layer to the paint.
I'm asked all the time if I would consider writing a book on painting tips and tricks.
If you'd like a little more detail on the painting process, you can check out the desk makeover I did for the office.
The time I can spend on painting something else for a client.
You'll have a new perspective on the paintings as well as how they are handled and prepared for display.
This insistence upon discipline and control had a significant impact on his painting....
They didn't prime their huge canvases before putting on their paint.
Low made money on that painting, according to a person familiar with the sale.
Do you think its possible you could write an in depth article on paint for BP that covers all of those questions and more?
My next project will definitely be done on a painted object.
I plan on going on a painting spree very soon, and I'll be glad that I found these tips!
His body of work focuses primarily on painting, portraiture, and documenting contemporary tattoo culture.
Every two years it launches our exhibition season by presenting a competitive group exhibition focused exclusively on painting.
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