Sentences with phrase «on one's reflection»

As the year draws to a close, I believe almost everyone has some form of nostalgic feelings — on reflection of the past and anticipation of the future.
Second, the theologian may take as his approach to the proper task of theology, confession based on reflection on what has occurred and continues to take place in the community.
The exhibition focuses on the reflection and changes in the perception and identity in contemporary art.
One student even started planning a new project they wanted to complete at home based on their reflections on that night.
The continued emphasis on reflection, ownership and options has impacted not only her doula practice, but also how she interacts with those around her.
There isn't a huge off - axis colour shift, just some dimming depending on reflections off the screen when the light hits it.
Do you know how to provide effective feedback on their reflection?
However on reflection I'm not sure whether I'd have had a worse time removing the bolt if it was fitted properly.
Yet on reflection it becomes evident that language is a product of human construction.
A chapter on reflection points for practitioners will help professionals and birth supporters explore further the issues highlighted in the individual stories.
This is such a wonderful post on reflections, and many congrats on how far you have come!
I'd have to think about why for a while though and perhaps I'd change my mind on reflection.
This system on reflection appears suitable for binary option trading as well.
Two articles this week take apparently opposite views on this — although on reflection both probably just say that there are factors that can prevent technology from helping.
I just sent them where their friends were which could have been a mistake on reflection.
The third part of the experience learning cycle focuses on reflection and analysis and the use of these reflections and analyses to formulate personal theories.
All it takes is smart planning based on reflection and analysis.
These responses insist on clarity of thinking, on reflection about a position, and on examples and data to support an idea.
The latest version includes updates across all lessons, a new unit structure, and a greater emphasis on reflection and assessment.
Step 3: Once your baby starts to coo, have him focus on his reflection by moving him closer to mirror (8 to 12 inches away) and pointing or touching his reflection.
Reflection may occur without the agent reflecting on that reflection.
Well, it wasn't trading exactly; I purchased several stocks and then on reflection decided I shouldn't have purchased them in the first place because they were outside my value investing parameters (not to mention that the share prices had increased over 5 % in a couple of days).
The perspective of the Campaign to Stop Killer Robots and its call for a ban on fully autonomous weapons were heard throughout the conference, but to ensure that key concerns are not downplayed and in the spirit of furthering common understanding on this emerging issue of international concern, we have the following comments on the reflections by Blanchard and Scharre.
On reflection though I think Bellerin should be dropped for Debuchy.
Other epithets indeed were chosen which were based rather on reflection, and which expressed still more strongly the remoteness of God, His distance from the world: «Heaven,» «Magnificence,» «Majesty,» «Glory»; or in reverent awe circumlocutions were used: for example, not «God has determined,» but «it was determined.»
Hazanavicius allows himself the odd flourish, playing on reflections with one dizzying upside down shot, but carefully crafts a silent world so absorbing that a sequence involving sound interrupts it like a harsh nightmare.
So I did give but then on reflection I see that as having been done under compulsion not cheerfully which scripture also talks about.
Eleey rises to dole out a speech that starts with «I didn't want to do this show...» and ends on a reflection about W. H. Auden that I can't quite absorb after that opening remark.
They were facing a Chelsea side still suffering a Champions League hangover, but even so, Blackburn battled hard for their point and it was one they probably deserved on the reflection of play.
Reflection skills and strategies can turn inquiry into a natural part of the making process, as opposed to simply tacking on reflection after the fact because «we were told it's important.»
Situated in informal reflection (Shoffner, 2008), preservice English teachers» choice of a specific technology medium for reflective practice is examined for satisfaction with their choice and understanding of that medium's influence on their reflection.
Land comprises only about 30 % of the Earth's surface, but it can have the largest effects on the reflection of global solar radiation in conjunction with changes in ice and snow cover, and the shading of the latter by vegetation.
Here are some things that participants had to say on reflection / evaluation forms at past colloquiums:
The works on exhibition are based on reflections from drawing, modelling, foundry processes, direct construction and travel.
From the same period, Abstraction (1949 — 50) revealed the potent religious symbolism that permeated the artist's iconography, which spans from lust and perdition to salvation, making it a modern take on the reflections on the human condition rendered by the masters of classical painting.
Discusses a study that reports on the reflections of 35 parents who were referred to family preservation programs by child protection social workers in order to better understand the active ingredients of effective interventions.
Kunsthalle Bratislava (KHB) opens an exhibition on the reflection of the topic of the Slovak State in contemporary Slovak visual arts.
I have also studied, for example, the effects of snow grain shape on the reflection of solar radiation by snow, and the effects of subgrid - scale cloud features (clouds too small to be resolved by a climate model) on radiative transfer.
By Andrew 2018-03-09T11:11:42 +00:00 March 2nd, 2018 Harrogate News Comments Off on Reflections on Working as a Harrogate Solicitor
The studio worked on Reflections, a first - person narrative exploration game that has proven hugely popular with the competition's judges.
By the way, my blog is pretty much based on my reflections as I read through the Bible.
It inters us within a temple of quiet solitude, away from the dazzle of worldliness, insisting on reflection.
Because while the internal wrinkles and the wider season may give the games meaning on reflection, none of that's important when the ball crosses the line once, then again, then again and again and Again and AGAIN, each goal thudding into the solar plexus, while the country convulses in laughter.
However on reflection Arsenal's experience has shown that those who come with hype have not been our best signings.
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