Sentences with phrase «on online forums»

There are a lot of reasons why people might ask for advice on an online forum.
If you're a regular poster on online forums, give yourself a screen name that's unrelated to your real name.
Just talk to your friends and do some research on online forums.
I'm going to copy a post I made on an online forum concerning global warming in this comment.
This is also true if you're trying to judge your weaning experience based on a friend's, a family member's, or something you read on an online forum.
Then, perhaps you go chat on an online forum, where you get even more feedback from people who have tried various approaches.
She had also developed suicidal thoughts, which she published on an online forum.
Am new on this online forum just wanted to give it a try.
Start the eLearning story on your online forum or social media page, then encourage online learners to continue it in the thread.
He later started making items on his own and posting project pictures on online forums.
Of the 290 million Chinese mobile reading users, 67 % read e-books or online literature, 59 % read online news and 29 % read blogs or articles on online forums.
Is it illegal to provide stock tips on online forums, if you are also investing or have invested in the same stocks?
When you have a problem with your Android phone, you can try finding a solution on online forums or calling your carrier.
Do a little bit of research on Dash exchanges and read what people have to say on online forums.
Which, interestingly, isn't the impression you'll get on online forums and social media.
When you are presenting your resume on an online forum, you absolutely must separate yourself from the hordes competing for the same position.
A note of caution: Always speak to your broker before giving public advice on an online forum.
Scammer emails are often posted on online forums in full.
Join a support group, post on an online forum for parents of colicky babies, or write your feelings down in a journal.
Dog owners who have mated their dogs produce litters of puppies and then try to sell them away by advertising in online or print classifieds, or post notices on online forums or notice boards at supermarkets or condomium clubhouses, etc..
Few games of 2008 have been as polarizing on the online forums as Far Cry 2 — it has been understandably criticized for a repetitive mission structure and sometimes aggravatingly frequently - respawning enemies.
They also conducted phone interviews with distilling insiders to learn more about the equipment needs of small, growing distilleries and asked questions on online forums devoted to the distilling industry.
Three months after the China launch, users on online forums complained that using Apple Pay, even at popular fast - food outlets, was not as seamless as local services such as WeChat, Tencent's messaging and mobile commerce phenomenon.
On the online forum for parents Mumsnet, many parents express the desire to be able to check whether their children have had a healthy school meal, and that is often possible when the schools use an automated fingerprint or card system that needs to be topped up by the parents.
«I enjoy causing trouble on our online forum,» she told me blithely.
92 % of Chinese netizens use some form of social media, whilst many consumers regularly post messages on online forums or blogs.
Many communities in the future may emerge from pseudonymous founders on online forums, much like Bitcoin did.
i'm on an online forum group called West Village Parents, where neighborhood parents can post questions about parenting, doctors, schools, etc. and we set up the playgroup through the site — and met each other in person when our babies were first born.
As a moderator on an online forum with thousands of active members, OGMs are very obvious as soon as they post, and we kill their accounts instantly.
Others leave anonymous comments on online forums, such as PubPeer, set up to discuss papers.
For this research study I took the assistance of every possible medium and I got some satisfying answer for the very same on an online forum about London escorts.
Oh the word pretentious is thrown around so much on online forums and boards.
You may already host Q&A on your online forum, but Twitter is also a great platform for live eLearning events.
However, the exams» watchdog had gained evidence that tasks and solutions were available on online forums and collaborative programming sites, which is contrary to exam board rules.
A very sound way of doing it is by analysing the learners» contribution on online forums on the topic.
John * then reads the following response on his online forum: «I would research private special schools and see if they have places?»
One writer put it this way recently on an online forum: «I worry that an editor will erase my voice.»
Rumoured to be called Story, pictures of the gadget were posted on an online forum alongside a raft of rumoured technical specifications.
However a representative from Media Molecule released the following statement on a online forum regarding the moderations and what to expect in the future:
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