Sentences with phrase «on open pit mining»

I have basic knowledge on open pit mining, on conducting investigations of mineral deposits and undertake evaluations in collaboration with geologists and economists to determine whether the mineral deposits can be mined profitably, on determine the most suitable method of mini...

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Lake in the Hills has plans to pass the cost on to Material Service Inc., the mining company that wants to open the gravel pit.
Lake in the Hills has plans to pass the cost on to Material Services Inc., the mining company that wants to open the gravel pit.
In the meantime, we will focus on the continued safe, efficient and cost - effective management and ramp - up of the open pit mine and sustained export of Oyu Tolgoi concentrate to customers in order to deliver the associated benefits for all stakeholders.
The offices of the New York attorney general and inspector general have declined to open investigations into the 2013 constitutional amendment that allowed a private company, NYCO Minerals, to conduct open - pit mining on state land in the Adirondack Mountains.
An onsite mill structure, a tailing dam facility, and a historical open mining pit is already present and constructed on the property.
On the property we have a full production facility already built which includes an open pit mine, processing facility, tailings pond, power and easy access to roads.
That's what Northland Power wants to do in Marmora, Ontario, on the site of an abandoned open - pit iron ore mine that used to be exploited by Bethlehem Steel.
Ignoring global warming issues, TXU Corp, open - pit coal mine and electric utility company, is embarking on the nation's single largest coal - oriented electric power plant construction campaign.
In parallel, the Ende Gelände direct actions targeting the open mining pit, with activists occupying sites on the mine and blocking coal trains.
Researchers at the University of Alberta (Canada) have quantified the transformation of the boreal landscape by open - pit oil sands mining in Alberta, Canada to evaluate its effect on carbon storage and sequestration.
PROFESSIONAL SUMMARY * Proactive, Dynamic and Results - oriented Executive Management professional with over 26 years of experience in leading mining operations, strategic planning, setting up green field projects and managing large cross-functional teams for fully Mechanized Limestone, Iron Ore, Bauxite, Gypsum and Sillimanite Minerals Open Pit Mining * Hands - on expertise in heading overall program management & organizatiomining operations, strategic planning, setting up green field projects and managing large cross-functional teams for fully Mechanized Limestone, Iron Ore, Bauxite, Gypsum and Sillimanite Minerals Open Pit Mining * Hands - on expertise in heading overall program management & organizatioMining * Hands - on expertise in heading overall program management & organizational...
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