Sentences with phrase «on other adult»

Looking for hookup apps on other adult jobs.
I've been on some other adult dating sites, and they're just fakes and scams!
We maintain a great ratio of women to men, meaning you will not need to compete against thousands of men like you do on some other adult dating sites.
Some of the features that you'll find on this site are much like those on other adult dating sites - the messages and «winks», for example.
On other adult dating sites free chat rooms are usually empty.
I had been on other adult dating sites but hadn't been on Sex Search even though I had heard good things about it.
By having your husband handle things at bathtime or asking Grandma to take your son to story hour, you'll be letting him know he can count on other adults to meet his needs too.
«I am proud to say we have two beautifully well behaved, respectful daughters who frequently comment on other adults» poor parenting skills.
«I am proud to say we have two beautifully well behaved, respectful daughters who frequently comment on other adults» poor parenting skills.
b) Do depend on other adults for support.

Not exact matches

When it came to marketing, we often saw brands capitalizing on older adult's fear of life threatening situations, including a fall, loss of memory or motor skills, or other health related issues like a stroke or heart attack.
A 2017 survey from the air travel site Airfwarewatchdog found that a little over half of respondents believe families with children aged 10 and under should have to sit in a designated section apart from other passengers, and the idea of separating children and adults has gained traction on Reddit, where threads with titles like «Would you pay extra for a child - free flight?
The company's other media offerings even diverged from the magazine's adult content; it produced movies such as Roman Polanski's Macbeth, Monty Python's And Now For Something Completely Different, and The Naked Ape, based on the classic sociobiology book of the same name.
YouTube announced on Wednesday that it struck a deal with Time Warner's Turner entertainment division to get access to TNT, Adult Swim, TBS, CNN, Cartoon Network, truTV, Turner Classic Movies, and other cable channels for its paid TV service.
Adults, on the other hand, sometimes either goof around with the robots by asking how they are doing or other silly questions, or ignore them.
Still other work finds that older adults learn to let go of loss and disappointment over unachieved goals, and focus their goals on greater well being.
Google has policies on adult content, recreational drugs, alcohol and tobacco, healthcare, hacking and cracking, violent content, weapon - related content and a host of other categories.
Spicer said Trump and the DOJ have drawn a line in the sand: medical marijuana on one side and adult - use on the other.
However, on the other hand, the argument could be made that parodies in the adult context would qualify for a fair use defense, as with other parodies.
On the other hand, 71 percent favor the law's Medicaid expansion, 66 percent of young adults favor the prohibition on denying people coverage because of a person's medical history, 65 percent favor requiring insurance plans to cover the full cost of birth control, 63 percent favor requiring most employers to pay a fine if they don't offer insurance and 53 percent favor paying for benefit increases with higher payroll taxes for higher earnerOn the other hand, 71 percent favor the law's Medicaid expansion, 66 percent of young adults favor the prohibition on denying people coverage because of a person's medical history, 65 percent favor requiring insurance plans to cover the full cost of birth control, 63 percent favor requiring most employers to pay a fine if they don't offer insurance and 53 percent favor paying for benefit increases with higher payroll taxes for higher earneron denying people coverage because of a person's medical history, 65 percent favor requiring insurance plans to cover the full cost of birth control, 63 percent favor requiring most employers to pay a fine if they don't offer insurance and 53 percent favor paying for benefit increases with higher payroll taxes for higher earners.
Foodies, for example, spend a disproportionate amount of their money on food, beverages and goods at big - box stores, possibly because they live in larger households with adult chlldren or other family members.
For the January study focused on heart health, researchers split 53 adults into two groups, one of which did two years of supervised exercise four to five days a week, while the other simply did yoga and balance exercises.
In an experiment with two groups of adults, while one group did targeted ab exercises five days a week for six weeks, the other focused on keeping a balanced «isocaloric diet.»
After Giuliani, President Trump's outside legal counsel, appeared on Hannity late Wednesday to contradict previous White House statements regarding attorney Michael Cohen and adult film star Stormy Daniels, other hosts and correspondents voiced a wide array of reactions.
But more than 20 percent of US adults told Pew researchers in a 2015 survey that they also rely heavily on Facebook and other social media platforms, a number that's probably only grown in the years since.
Before long, r / deepfakes users were building on each other's data sets to create even more convincing facial swapping models — like this training set illustrating the morphing of adult film actress Little Caprice into simulated versions of Watson and Kate Mara.
Programs such as Ignite for early - career adults, the Enlighten Series of topical small - group gatherings, and other unique event experiences to inspire and inform, as well as whitepapers and other content on a variety of topics.
-- When changes in the composition of families are taken into account — including fewer adults per household as family sizes decrease — the real after - tax income of middle - class families increased 30 per cent from 1976 to 2010 — on par with other income groups, but still lower than the top earners
«I ended up lying on the floor with the seven other adults in office for 2 1/2 hours.
As I posted previously on here, «What two consenting adults do with their lives, so long as it doesn't cause physical or financial harm to others, should be legal and they should be left alone.»
Every other adult — a total of 80 million - plus people — works as a volunteer, giving on average nearly five hours each week to one or several nonprofit organizations.
They are happy in the lifestyle they have choosen and they all depend on eachother and no one was forced into anything... if they are happy and aren't bothering anyone... let them be... Warren Jeffs and the other fruits that force CHILDREN and other adults into marriages... that's a different story... but they are happy... they aren't hurting anyone let them be... I would never get into a poligamist marriage... but thats just me!!
The diagnostic criteria for both children and adults include «strong dislike» for one's gender on the one hand, and «strong desire» to be otherwise - gendered on the other.
Based on the nodding heads of Alexis and scores of other young adults in the congregation, it seemed to strike a chord.
But there are not enough socially uneasy adolescents or cut - off adults to account for the wild popularity of Internetting on Usenet, IRC, MUDs and other variants.
But adult humans must make moral decisions, they can not govern this world wisely based on the instincts pf territory protection and expansion, slaying the offspring of others to make sure ours thrive, fighting, freezing, fleeing, fretting, or withdrawing into a fantasy world where we alone make decisions.
She's physically more like how Anne is described in the books, that's for sure — almost other - worldly, alien in her earnestness and her scrawniness and her big eyes that are too much for every adult to look into, always prompting comments on her appearance by the look of her.
On the other hand, many adult Christians not only tolerate but participate with no sense of guilt in practices of race discrimination which, if Jesus was right, must surely be wrong.
On the other hand, I must admit that among young adults (myself included), there seems to be an unhealthy appetite for stories about the church that are exclusively negative.
Schuller's Garden Grove Community Church, on the other hand, is a full - service congregation with an extensive adult education curriculum that traditional churches would be proud to claim.
Fear, on the other hand, is a dry nurse for the child: it has no milk; a bloodless corrector for the youth: it has no beckoning encouragement; a niggardly disease for the adult: it has no blessing; a horror for the aged: when fear has to admit that the long painful time of schooling did not bring Eternal Blessedness.
On the other hand, his adult life shows a commitment not to a transferable Anglican «ideal» — as if one could live as an Anglican while belonging to a Baptist, Methodist, or Presbyterian church — but to the concrete life of, first, the Church of England and then, subsequent to his relocation, to the Anglican Church of Canada.
Some have focused on the differences between Wilder's autobiography and her novels, particularly on the adult focus of the one and the juvenile audience of the other — with much praise for the so - called «grit» and «harsh reality» of Pioneer Girl.
Can anyone explain to me, how stopping OTHER people from marrying the consenting adult of their choice in any way infringes on your freedom of religion?
The Church of England's social action charity has revealed that one in nine British adults missed out on celebrating a birthday or other special occasion last year because of a lack of money.
The Babble Humpers and other delusional believers should keep their nose out of other's business, but of course are free to attempt to impose their imaginary being driven rules on their own consenting adult cult members.
She left the innocent songwriting subjects of high school and emerged on the other side of 2012's Red a sudden adult.
the belief on the existence of the devil was concieved by theologians of the past thousands of years, there was no other way of explaining the bad experiences of people in the past because we were not educated yet to the kind of what we have now, Why this happened because that was part of the learning process that God wants us to know, in pathrotheism, we are part of God, and He himself is evolving because He is the universe, We are now the conscious part of Him, our destiny in accordance to his will also be His destiny because it is His will.Although He prepared first all the material reality of the universe ahead of us, The experiences for us humans including the supernatural is just part of nirmal process for learning because its natural process, today we reach a point of not believing the practices of the past, but it does not mean its wrong, Just like a child, adults loved to tell mythical stories to them, because we knew children enjoys it as part of their learning process.
On the other hand, to allow government the authority to decide what adults may see and hear represents a greater threat to the welfare of the society than to allow expressions that may be objectionable to many.
In what way does what two consenting adults do in their bedroom effect you??? Think about what you are doing... You are trying to imposing your belief on other people... trying to run their lives.
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