Sentences with phrase «on other solar system bodies»

«We also see fractures on other solar system bodies, such as Jupiter's icy moon Europa,» Quick said.

Not exact matches

But those scenarios don't explain how unexpectedly far - reaching flows occur on the moon or other dry, largely airless bodies in our solar system, researchers say.
For decades Pluto, later joined by its moon Charon, had a wide swath to itself on astronomers» plots of the solar system — no other bodies were known to dwell beyond Neptune in the long - hypothesized debris field known as the Kuiper Belt.
The findings offer additional insight into the unusual and active geology on Pluto and, perhaps, other bodies like it on the planetary outskirts of the solar system.
On its eight - year data gathering mission, Dawn will be the first space probe to visit and orbit two solar system bodies other than Earth
The final ingredient may be reddish organic molecules called tholins, found on Pluto and other cold or icy bodies in the solar system.
Understanding the origin and fate of methane on these bodies will provide crucial clues to the processes that shape the formation, evolution and habitability of terrestrial worlds in this solar system and possibly in others.
As impact glass is a ubiquitous substrate on rocky bodies throughout the Solar System and likely common on the early Earth, the preservation of biological activity in impact glass has significant astrobiological implications for life on early Earth as well as for the search for life on other planets.
Titan is the second largest moon in the solar system, after Jupiter's moon Ganymede, and it's sometimes called a planet - like moon: It's the only other world in our neighborhood to feature stable bodies of liquid on its surface, and it has a thick atmosphere made mostly of nitrogen.
The search for life on other celestial bodies in our solar system is focused on first locating water.
It speaks to the very heart of trying to understand how life may have evolved not just on earth but on other terrestrial bodies both in our own solar system and indeed around other stars that have planets that lie in the so - called «habitable zone» (where liquid water can exist on the surface).
All massive bodies in our solar system exert a gravitational force on other massive bodies.
This works at every level: our atoms working in harmony to create and keep our cells whole, our cells coming into harmony to create our bodies, our body's ability to come into harmony with other bodies to create communities and cultures, our culture's ability to get along and stop fighting in order to create a world of people living in harmony as one planet, the plants creating the harmony that hold our solar system together, and on and on.
It contains comprehensive sections on: - The Sun, Planets, and Dwarf Planets; - Information about their moons; - Other Bodies in the Solar System; - Human Spaceflight; - Timeline of Discovery; The resource is designed to be printed onto A3, and is provided as both a PDF and a Word version (so that you can edit if you want to).
Common features shared by lunar rilles and similar structures on other bodies suggest that common causative mechanisms operate widely in the solar system.
The other is that you are building on top of the common pool, which has provided you with a kick start - nowadays people learn in school about Pythagoras, the solar system, the human body, chemistry etc, all of which have been «exceptional» or even cabal secrets once, but have flown back to the common pool for others and more people to build on than ever.
The other is that you are building on top of the common pool, which has provided you with a kick start — nowadays people learn in school about Pythagoras, the solar system, the human body, chemistry etc, all of which have been «exceptional» or even cabal secrets once, but have flown back to the common pool for others and more people to build on than ever.
If comets and other bodies, accelerated both on their approach to the Sun and as they moved away from it, they would have gotten faster and faster until the solar system flew apart, and we would not now be around to discuss it.
The only researched and quantified contribution of atmosphere on global temperature has been that of applying the Ideal Gas Laws and insolation [familiar to those educated before the popularity of «back radiation»]- Nikolov and Zeller being one example using empirically derived data from other atmospheric bodies within the Solar System.
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