Sentences with phrase «on our daily lives as»

Domingo Zapata is a Spanish artist who draws on daily life as inspiration for his paintings.

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As a college student, Kaling illustrated a daily comic for the school paper called «Badly Drawn Girl,» which «riffed on day - to - day campus life and took a witty stab at everything from fraternity life to alumni.»
The battle over healthcare reform may look and sound as if it's a war on the periphery of daily life, but it is core to it.
But people are starting to recognize the harmful effects speechlessness can have on their daily lives, as movements like Me Too and Black Lives Matter gain slives, as movements like Me Too and Black Lives Matter gain sLives Matter gain steam.
To drive engagement, the company enlisted Likeable to launch a #purebarrelife campaign, a contest which asked clients to share personal stories about integrating Pure Barre into their daily lives through text, photos and videos on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest for a chance to win prizes.The company enlisted the agency's help because Likeable has the expertise to navigate the challenges involved in running a national social - media contest, such as time demands, possible legal issues, and the unique rules and guidelines of each individual platform.
The study by Qualtrics and Accel sheds new light on how tech plays a role in the daily lives of those 18 to 32 as opposed to older generations.
To «go on claim,» insurance - speak for using the benefit, you must be unable to perform at least two «activities of daily living,» such as bathing, dressing, feeding and toileting, for most policies.
Just as smartphones have forever altered our daily lives, the revolutionizing impact of connected gadgets made for us to don on our bods will ripple well beyond our wrists, waists and faces, according to a report out today from PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC).
Many reported that they lived with their parents — and that the experiment made them realize they counted on work as a daily escape from their families!
Thermostats and lighting will learn your habits to create the optimal setting based on your daily life, such as turning to your ideal temperature just before you arrive home.
«The opening of this solar plant represents a milestone for Zaatari camp residents as it will have a positive impact on their daily lives,» Severe added.
Being a Pure Barre studio owner gives the ability to touch the lives of people on a daily basis, which I know because I was able to experience this first hand as a client.
Life is chaotic; I serve lots of people on a daily basis as a Holistic Life Coach.
They focus is on the experience that can be created as well as how this experience enhances the buyer's own daily lives.
Commodities are bought and sold on a global scale, with many of them being viewed as necessary for daily life.
Erlend: Yeah of course and when you do them on a daily basis, you using the power of compounding as well, so yes, you get trained, you get like a bit rule about it and I found the same in my life it is like sort of habits, like in grading habits into my life that are positive and when I started doing it, I kind of found that oh shit like if I am the way, wait a minute, if I want to do all these habits, I will not have any time for any of the negative stuff that's kind of.
What did the revolts brought to the people in those countries any thing other than continuos unending revolts and demonstrations scarcity of essential commodities and products adding to the sky high prices... While other essential needs such as electricity power supply, water, gas, diesel, petrol are being used as a pressure tool by the opposition or the ruling party to keep people mad on the streets rather than going home seeing to their daily living making and minding their own businesses... but what business will continue with such chaos and disorder...?
Well it is true that some people seek sorcerers to implement Jinn that are satanic demons into mankind or his house or his business to finish him or make his life miserable or to stop flow of his business income... In such case it is either you are religious enough and say your prayers often then it becomes hard for this to harm you or otherwise you need to find some one who practice exorcism to remove this evil... But many are just pretending to be good at it and help you not but squeeze money out of you with tales and stories... There is another type of possessions and that is not through a sorcerer but directly by coincidence what man is at his weakest moments and those weakest moments for a possessions are when you come through a great fear or when cry or laugh loudly in hysteria, or during a certain moment of mating... or even when sneezing loudly... That's why there are prayers to be said on daily basis to guard you from such things and specially if passing haunted places such as deserted houses but most evil ones are residents of public toilets and market places... Some of them even would claim that you have made a wrong action by which you have killed a dear one to them and for that they have possessed you and that is mostly night time such as throwing a cigaret butt to a dark place or stepping killing an insect or even an animal at night which could have been one of them or possessed by one of them... So this is true thing happening to many who suffer unexplainable illnesses or sufferings which could look like mental illness that comes and goes as pleased...
We are enabled to live as a disciple of Christ, and can draw daily on the grace given by God in this sacrament so as to witness to Christ, fight against evil and defend the Church.
We «sit on our salvation,» as the sonnet has it, but then scatter into the world and work of daily life.
As for your own personal experience, you say that you had the normal fight for independence which characterizes healthy teen - agers, that you loved your parents but welcomed escape from their daily supervision, that you are now on your own and outwardly in charge of your life, but this, you say, does not solve the problem of conformity.
The publisher's promotional material appears to build on the expectations associated with this sort of story, describing Mariette in Ecstasy as «a powerful portrayal of the disturbing world beneath the placid daily life of an American convent.»
We can «follow» the daily happenings of any person we'd like, and because of that feel as if we have permission to comment on their lives.
So, for example, if your hear a pastor saying, «You have to take up your cross daily and follow Jesus in order to go to heaven when you die,» you can look in the text he is preaching from (maybe Matthew 16:24 - 26 or Luke 9:23 - 26), and see that Jesus is talking about saving your life (which is NOT the same thing as receiving eternal life) by living in a profitable way here on earth (cf. Luke 9:24 - 25).
As our «defense» bill approaches $ 100 billion per year, we stumble daily closer to the time when this earth will no longer tolerate life lived as stupidly as we insist on living iAs our «defense» bill approaches $ 100 billion per year, we stumble daily closer to the time when this earth will no longer tolerate life lived as stupidly as we insist on living ias stupidly as we insist on living ias we insist on living it.
As the Christians conservatives are WELL aware of, their influence has had less and less impact on daily life for the last 50 years.
The recognition of the parables as being drawn from the daily experiences of the peasant life, in the first century Palestine, 150 lays stress on the close connection between ordinary day - to - day experiences in life and the message concerning the divine rule.
He is regarded as the Exemplar and first living commentary on the meaning of the Qur» an and how to apply it to daily life.
Fifthly, the Eucharist as action is given an imperative quality in that it results in a «sending out» or a mission received by the worshipers, which they are to carry on in their daily life of witness and work in the world of human affairs.
Such an approach makes it possible to look on the world in such a way that one finds meaning in these issues of daily life and sees them as religious.
I sat down at the computer again to try to find a few words to say how I find God in this daily place and in this work, how I only learned to pray when I began to pray with my hands and my attention on purpose and how most of prayer to me now is listening and abiding, how I believe it would be nice to have a lovely housekeeper and a clean house and to create amazing soaring art with all of the white space of an uncluttered life and glorious heights of transcendent spirituality, I guess, but I need the God who sits in the mud and in the cold wind, in the laundry pile and in the city park, who embodies grief and joy, wisdom and patience, loneliness as companionship, renewal with simplicity and a good deep breath, and who even now shows up in the unlikeliest and homeliest of lives too, as a sacrament of and blessing for the ordinary things.
Jesus» emphasis is not on nations or groups (as in the Old Testament prophets), but on the individual as confronted in and through his daily life by God's demand upon him as summed up in the two commands «love God» and «love your neighbour as yourself.»
If you are not feeding daily on Scripture, and listening to Biblically based sermons as often as you can, and attending Bible studies, and then, living out what God teaches you from His Word, you will never produce an abundant harvest.
On the contrary, it is the measure of our humanity that we live daily as those who know that they are going to die, and hence are mortal, and that we can, as it were, adjust ourselves to that stupendous fact.
It is just here that we are confronted with the — in the best sense of the word — simple desire for truth on the part of our hearers, and nothing is so damaging to the reputation of the theologian as when his utterances produce the effect of parrot - cries which have ceased to be relevant to the hearer's grasp of truth or reality, and therefore so utterly irrelevant to his daily life.
It feels as if the world is burning down and we feel powerless to help and so we grieve and we get angry and we post things on Facebook, we march and we protest and we gather and we tell politicians what the problem really is, we watch the news and we cry and yell about things and then we look around our daily lives and wonder, am I doing enough to fix it?
ADF described Christians living in India as an «ill - treated minority», adding there are reports of religious minorities in some parts of the country suffering violence on a «daily» basis.
This passage has so many «applications» to the believers who are boots on the ground and grinding it out as they live by faith on a daily basis.
In a world where efficiency is viewed as an almost moral value and filtered snapshots of our friends» live play out daily on Instagram, the book a reminder about the importance of being present for the moments that matter the most.
These examples show that while for Paul an emphasis on work was expressed partly in his life as a Christian it was also set forth in relation simply to the daily lives of his converts.
The spiritual dimension (life as relationship) focuses on life in a praying community: it includes both interior experience — the direct encounter with God resulting in a personal knowledge of God's love — and exterior manifestation — daily life lived in an ever - deepening love relationship with God, or life as a testimony to the sifts of the spirit.
Back in the period I am talking about, the 1930s and 1940s, Jews living in the major population centers of American Jewish life — New York, Philadelphia, Chicago, and so on — might at least in some part of their daily lives have experienced a sense of cultural dominance: in their neighborhoods, on their blocks, most people lived as they did, and spoke as they did, and viewed the world as they did.
Gay people might as well bring the world into their private lives on a daily basis.
-- «Make it your ambition to lead a quiet life, to mind your own business and to work with your hands, just as we told you, so that your daily life may win the respect of outsiders and so that you will not be dependent on anybody.»
Atheists IMO are above trying to change peoples beliefs, let people believe whatever they want to believe as long as it doesn't interfere with my life, which in many ways Religion does on a daily basis but no need to blast the Atheist belief or non-belief on anyone else.
As Pope he further argued that «the expression of beauty does not remove us from reality, on the contrary, it leads to a direct encounter with the daily reality of our lives, liberating it from darkness, transfiguring it, making it radiant and beautiful.»
I didn't know about it until I read the paper on Sunday morning, as I don't really care when someone I don't know shoots someone else I don't know 1000 + miles from my house as it happens daily, and if I got worked up over it life would be pretty miserable.
For although I have visited Israel almost every year for the past 20 and have very little to learn about it, knowing Israeli life in one's head is not the same as internalizing it on a daily basis.
No man has insisted on this more vigorously than Baron von Hügel, who with all his deep faith in the fullness of our Lord's embodiment of God, was yet ever ready to maintain that in other religious traditions, and likewise in science, art, philosophy, ethics, as well as in the simple humdrum experiences of daily life, God in some way and to some degree has been found and known.
In Wittenberg, as the year ran on, the mosquitoes multiplying alongside the slow moving Elbe, and Wittenberg smelling in the summer warmth, Luther's daily life did not change greatly.
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