Sentences with phrase «on our society today»

By now, if you don't understand the huge impact social media is having on our society today, then you must be living under a rock.
Pupils will develop their understanding of where Islamophobia comes from and how Islamophobia impacts on society today.
Beloufa reflects on the influence that digital interfaces and information systems have on society today.

Not exact matches

President Obama will take the stage at SXSW Interactive on March 11 to discuss civic engagement in today's tech - intense society.
«That set of rules and those thought processes are so ingrained in society today that it's hard to communicate exactly what the vision is, and I think «Reinventing Organizations» does a better job than any other book on communicating that vision and communicating that this is not just a hypothetical like, «Oh, wouldn't it be cool if we did this,»» Bunch said.
But today's consumers and employees, particularly Millennials, are increasingly aware of the impact a business has on society and on the environment, and that awareness informs their decisions in a way that it never has before.
In the U.S., today's public discourse on the sway of the Internet giants and their impact on society is at the level of a mere whisper.
In today's society (the age of information overload), it's all too easy to rely on becoming a consumer of consensus datapoints as opposed to embracing a Life of Doing.
Can we expect that that new technology will substitute for all these centuries of creating good practices that, in a way, generates the trust that society has on the currency we know today?
«Last year on this very stage, I posed the question: «What is the role and responsibility of a for - profit, public company in today's society
Because today's society does not have the time to delve further into each piece of information being fed to us, we listen, absorb and make decisions based on what we hear and see on CNN, «News at 6», LinkedIn, daily newspapers, blogs and other handy sources of information.
My former colleague Ryan T. Anderson has a piece today on The Public Discourse in which he outlines how Princeton's Anscombe Society has had success in responding to the hook - up culture on college campuses: by arguing for chastity, marriage, and the family on rational grounds.
It doesn't matter WHO you are, WHAT your religion is, WHAT your «sincere» intention was — when you put yourself on an airplane, in today's environment, with people of all nationalities, you are REQUIRED to show cognizance of and deference to the small bubble of society that ALL wish to make the trip and land safely.
The entire religion is based on mistakes from people too illiterate to remember the origin of their religion... and even today we see the church evolving on that same path, rewriting and reinterpreting it's rulebook to try and fit a modern society it can never catch up to.
Poor Adam, he certainly did have his work cut out for him, but perhaps he took too much on, like some men do in our society today.
I believe that man is, by nature, an exile and will never be self - sufficient or complete on this earth; that his chances of happiness and virtue, here, remain more or less constant through the centuries and, generally speaking, are not much affected by the political and economic conditions in which he lives; that the balance of good and ill tends to revert to a norm; that sudden changes of physical condition are usually ill, and are advocated by the wrong people for the wrong reasons; that the intellectual communists of today have personal, irrelevant grounds for their antagonism to society, which they are trying to exploit.
One in 10 Christians think sport is «an idol that many people worship in society today» and more than half said it's okay to play sport on a Sunday, so long as they're engaged in their churches at other times during the week.
Today's society everything from politics to entertainment is presented in shades of gray to capitalize on our humanity, but some situations there truly is only black or white, and that's where ones soul, ones fate and ones courage is set to the test.
While there are wonderful examples of kingdom communities who attract, embrace, and transform those who are most judged and marginalized by society and religion today, on the whole today's prostitutes and tax collectors steer as far away from Christians as they did the Pharisees in the first century.
You know, I bet if you slapped the rise in number of atheists / agnostics in the country on a graph with the decline in morality and good sense, you'd get a big fat X. It's pretty obvious which way things are going with a mere cursory glance at today's society.
And so, much of the social structure that provided an incentive to be good, moral, generous, honest, and so on in the past simply doesn't exist in society today.
And yet, a just God will execute judgment on a society built on the exploitation of the labor of the poor, and he calls us now to join him in today's revolutionary task.
Now, realize that in today's society you are still just as hated, shunned and looked down upon for declaring that same differing belief... or even non-belief — just because people are still too hung up on their precious religious dogma to realize that, though the outcome is obviously less drastic than in the past, they are still doing the same thing that religious people did in the past?
See the truth... do we do what it says in todays society... is it relevant... so many have not recently read and only hinge their philosophy on what they have heard from some other person... which may have been full of arogance pride or vanity..
So far as I know there is no issue in our society today on which the old - line churches are giving effective leadership of the sort I have been outlining above.
Today the Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life released what it claims to be the first quantitative worldwide study on how governments and societies infringe on the religious beliefs and practices of individuals.
He says that much hinges on today's millennial doctors and medical students, and them changing society's relationships with opioids.
The Blacks have been on the soil of America for a very long time, yet they are fighting for their legitimate place in the American society even today.
However, this is a tall order in today's society where so much focus is placed on the individual.
We also agree today on many basic features of a democratic society: the right to vote, the right to due process of law, the right to free speech.
Indeed, it was the UCC antecedents in the Mercersburg theology of Nevin and Schaff that planted the seeds of ecumenism in this country, a theology that lives on in our liturgies and today's Mercersburg Society.
The world of the concentration camps,» Ionesco has said, was not an exceptionally monstrous society» It was only more refined than what occurred on plenty of plantations in the Western hemisphere, than what occurs today in plenty of fields of vegetables and fruit.
Tim Farron has responded to recent research by Premier Christian Communications on the place of Christianity in society today, saying believers should expect struggle and suffering because the Bible says so.
Biblical literalism is a powerful force today; it tends to imprison people in attitudes that were suitable enough when science and technology were little dreamt of but which fail to illuminate a society in which, for instance, it is desirable, because of the effects of modern hygiene on death rates, for women to bear, on the average, perhaps a third as many infants as were appropriate two or three thousand or even two hundred years ago, a society in which war might mean something like the end of the species, or at least vastly closer to that than any war of the past could be.
Now, realize that in today's society you are still just as hated, shunned and looked down upon for declaring that same differing belief... or even non-belief — just because people are still too hung up on their precious religious dogma to realize that they are still doing the same thing that religious people did in the past.
Today's notions of multiculturalism insist on acceptance of group identities and give priority to harmonious, society - wide group relations.
The usual assertions are (1) that this kind of religion is today on the defensive; (2) that the defensive posture is occasioned by the flourishing of «conservative churches» (although the alleged liberal enervation is also seen in more autonomous terms); (3) that the growth in religious conservatism and conservative churches is itself the result of widespread reaction against «secular humanist» values and against those who hold such values; (4) that our society as a whole has been experiencing a breakdown in moral consensus, a loss of moral coherence somehow connected with a decline in oldline Protestant dominance; and (5) that some or all of these happenings have been quite sudden, so that the early 1960s can be taken as a kind of benchmark — as a time before the fall.
Also along with this comes the lack of moral values that have been lost due to today's work crazy society, extreme interest on financial well being and the lack of moral and religious principles.
It is probably impossible to separate cause and effect, but on most American campuses today, as in the broader society, the vitality of religion as an intellectually serious and morally authoritative activity is not conspicuous.
The other side argues that a female in today's «liberated» society is still a «woman» and as such should fit into God's ordained and orderly creation, fulfilling her role of submission and dependence in church and family without impatience on the one hand or servitude on the other.
But a spokesperson for the Ministry of External Affairs told India Today that the hearing «appears to be based on limited understanding of India, its society, constitution and laws.
A Christian view of time and history which preserves the truth and rejects the illusion in man's vision of history can organize and release human energies today as it did in the days of St. Augustine, and as it did in the bright days of the nineteenth century when the prospect of a reborn society on earth seemed to light the way.
Why did today's pope, prelates, preachers and rabbis, so focused on society's se - xual sins, lose sight of clerical se - xual sins?»
As I listened to the two preachers I was aware of the issues, but only now do I see the connections, the significance and relationship of the themes and the scale of their influence on American society today.
Supersti - tion will inevitably lose its place in society and be looked back on just as today we look back at ancient Egyptian, Roman, and Greek mythologies, except centuries and millennia from now it will be referred to as ancient Christian, Jewish, and Muslim mythologies.
The role of the church as the prophetic critic of society is neglected today; instead, the chief emphasis is on the healing ministry of the church, on Christianity as the antidote for anxiety, on the gospel's promise of peace of mind.
But really is this the most important thing going on in our society today.
ok typo «EVOLVED» into one a gay gene, and it is inevitable, along with all the other mayhem of this society today; with all that is going on in this world, and is why we have such suffering on earth, from disobeying the law of life from YHWH to do right by ourselves, for generations.
Why did today's pope, prelates, preachers, imams and rabbis, so focused on society's se - xual sins, lose sight of clerical se — xual sins?»
[3] See my article: «Pressure on the Hyphen: Aspects of the Search for Identity Today in Indian - Christian Theology,» in Religion and Society, Vol.
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