Sentences with phrase «on overall economic growth»

The bank, however, remained cautious about the developments, though it does expect the negative factors hurting the resource sector to gradually fade, with their impact on overall economic growth expected to diminish through 2016.
Private estimates of the negative impact of the new housing measures on overall economic growth vary, but most expect the contractionary effect to be roughly a 30 - to - 50 basis point reduction in growth over the next twelve months.
Second, insofar as the sequester is acting as a cap on overall economic growth, it is, in some measure, putting a lid on private sector hiring as well.

Not exact matches

Coupled with other bumps on the road (think the eurozone crisis and slow global growth) the overall effect, he added, «has been economic growth around 2 percent, and only a very gradual improvement in labor markets.»
While Powell's overall remarks before the Senate Banking Committee suggested the Fed has a positive economic outlook over the next several years, the chairman warned that ballooning balances on student loan debt could pose problems for economic growth.
Our future capital requirements may vary materially from those currently planned and will depend on many factors, including our rate of revenue growth, the timing and extent of spending on research and development efforts and other business initiatives, the expansion of sales and marketing activities, the timing of new product introductions, market acceptance of our products and overall economic conditions.
Overall, however, the bulk of the evidence continues to suggest tepid economic growth with moderate but persistent inflation pressures, and the Market Climate for precious metals remains favorable on our measures.
As I argued when the second quarter GDP numbers confirmed the recession, the big issue is not whether GDP growth is slightly positive or slightly negative. The big issue is why it has been so close to zero in the first place. The July GDP numbers do not change that analysis. And they do not change the empirical fact that the Harper government's overall economic record — even before this year's downturn — is uniquely weak, on both historical and international criteria.
While the immediate impact was evident in higher wholesale gasoline prices, the overall effect on US economic growth appeared likely to be limited.
Fourth, while the economic consequences of overall rates of population growth are often ambiguous or obscure, the impact of smaller groups within larger populations on the economic well - being of the whole society, or the impact of differential rates of growth within a national population on prospects for material advance, may be direct and important.
In 1826 he wrote on the subject of liberal economic theories: «These theories as they are practised have contributed to the growth of material wealth, but have diminished overall satisfaction for the individual;... they tend to render the rich richer and the poor, poorer, more dependent and more miserable.»
However, achieving future surpluses depends on continued economic growth and limitations in overall state spending, neither of which is guaranteed.
These raised wages would be reflected in overall economic growth, as workers would most likely spend their new wages on needs or expenses they had been previously unable to afford.
Below is a summary of the overall lesson objectives: Students will understand the main objectives of government macroeconomic policy: economic growth, price stability, minimising unemployment and a stable balance of payments on current account.
``... if pay were more aligned with both effectiveness and experience, it would be quite possible to see overall salaries of teachers raised significantly from current levels — reflecting their enormous impact on students, on the incomes of students and on economic growth
Unfortunately, he won't remind you of the inherent illogic of this overall proposition... accelerating economic growth (& increasing employment), an equity market that's still attractively priced, low inflation, and near - zero (or even negative) interest rates, surely can't go on happily co-existing together.
By rallying the support of the regional travel industry through ITB Asia, we hope to spur on a faster recovery and contribute towards its overall social and economic growth,» said Nino Gruettke, Executive Director of ITB Asia.
«By rallying the support of the regional travel industry through ITB Asia, we hope to spur on a faster recovery and contribute towards its overall social and economic growth
Overall the works provide insight into a nation which is the subject of enthralling and controversial debates and which will play a critical role on the global stage in the 21st century, not only because of its classical traditions, but also because of its rapid economic and cultural growth.
Major studies, including one from the non-partisan think tank Resources for the Future, show that a tax on carbon is better for overall US economic growth than the current mix of higher taxes on work and capital that a carbon tax could displace.
Mounting private debt claims a portion of nominal economic growth for debt service and therefore increased emissions that contributes only to the welfare of the credit issuers, mostly large financial institutions or speculative traders and not to overall social welfare or, on average, net incomes of the borrowers.
The least - efficient policies still achieved significant emissions reductions, with an overall impact of just four - tenths of a percent on economic growth.
As Alex Novarese of Legal Week is right to point out, overall revenue in the UK legal market last year fell for the first time in living memory, but even if the overall size of the legal market in the UK remains static or falls (a tussle between the opposing forces of economic growth increasing demand on the one hand and business pressures to reduce fees and outsource on the other), market dynamics dictate that the revenue will be clustered differently, with the moderate - high fees currently enjoyed by the mid-tier for mid-market work under the most severe attack, the beneficiaries being niche firms and LPO providers.
This is clearly a positive but appears insufficient in our view to push US equities significantly higher from current levels as the magnitude of the effect on both S&P EPS and overall economic growth is relatively modest compared to other factors.
«We see the consumer confidence has been bolstered with decent news on the job market and economic growth, strengthening housing market overall in Chicago.»
Speculative construction is once again taking place on a very modest scale, and a combination of tightening market conditions and sustained economic growth are expected to support healthy leasing activity, incremental gains in rental rates and a continued decline in overall vacancy.
If residential investment — which encompasses all direct spending on residential real estate construction and activity — returns to its 1997 level over the next two years, then housing will boost overall economic growth by 0.5 percentage points in 2013 and 2014,» Stiff continues.
«However, we believe these headwinds and tailwinds essentially net out overall, and we stand by our view that economic growth will remain on track for 2.0 percent in 2017.»
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