Sentences with phrase «on party funding»

Additional information about the report and our subsequent work on party funding is also available on a companion site.
A coherent point of view on party funding requires properly taking on the question of what the political parties are for in a modern democracy.
He said he was only invited by the commission to answer questions on party funds spent during the 2015 general elections.
For more information on their work on party funding, see here.
AV and now Lords reform have both been cast aside, which leaves a deal on party funding as the most significant prize remaining for them.
Hopes of achieving cross-party consensus on party funding reform appeared less likely last night after heated scenes in the House of Commons.
He then puts a proposal forward - yes, it's # 5,000 - for a donation cap on party funding.
Ministers have been keen to shift some of the blame on to the Conservatives, arguing the Tories are resisting consensus on party funding reform.
Following Sir Hayden Phillips» announcement this evening that the cross-party talks on party funding which he has been chairing have been suspended, the Director of Unlock Democracy Peter Facey said:
During his monthly press conference yesterday, Mr Blair refused to comment on the party funding review, but his support for a # 50,000 cap would not be unexpected given his efforts to cut the power of the trade unions during his time as Labour leader.
But having committed himself so deeply to taking on Unite, he should go much further - and break the deadlock preventing agreement on party funding.
A Labour source told me last night that a «massive offensive» is beginning today against the Tories on party funding; of course prime minister's questions provides the stage for Miliband to mount this attack.
.@MatthewParris3 on party funding: «who will break this eerie silence?»
But a new democracy settlement, including a written constitution, Lords reform and a clean break on party funding must show that the message about the need for change has got through.
However, the move will put the government in an awkward position as it recently performed a quiet U-turn on party funding laws which would have prevented wealthy tax exiles - and those who operate from tax havens and refuse to provide details of their taxes - from funding the forthcoming general election campaign.
I feel I need to make my position on party funding explicit, as you might be forgiven for thinking that I am defending the practise of buying access to political parties.
Second, the rules on party funding (applicable to all political parties in the UK) require that anyone donating # 5,000 or more must be named — but loans of any amount do not have to be declared provided they are made on commercial terms.
Sir Christopher Kelly's report into political party funding makes an interesting read and an important contribution to the debates on party funding.
Trapped in an increasingly nasty union funding row after some alleged Unite shabbiness in Falkirk, Miliband tried to get on the front foot with a keynote speech on party funding.
Mr Blair also announced a draft bill on party funding would be presented in the Commons next week to «ban foreign donations and ensure that donations over # 5,000 are disclosed».
European parliament tightens controls on party funding after several Eurosceptic groups allied to Ukip were found to have misused grants
The big news to come from the Labour leader's interview was that he appears to want to take the lead on party funding.
I was part of Labour's negotiating team in the failed Haydn Philips inter-party talks on party funding in 2006 and I was embroiled in a pretty major funding scandal that lead to my resignation as general secretary and another police investigation.
Martin Linton made the call as he prepared to push the government on another party funding issue next Monday.
Aiken has done well in fundraising from individuals, while Ellmers has relied on party funding, but polls still show Ellmers with a sizeable lead.
Lost in the outcry over the Lord Sewel affair was an announcement from the Committee on Standards in Public Life calling for the renewal of talks among political parties on party funding reform.
In the two most recent general elections, seeking a consensus package on party funding reform was listed in the manifestos of the (then) three largest parties.
One of the main reasons for the lack of movement on party funding reform is that although the public has the view that influence can be bought, people in no meaningful way support the introduction of significant state funding to offset the loss of revenue from a cap in donations.
As the esteemed Peter Watt set out in a prescient post on party funding last year, in a typical non-general election year, trade union affiliation fees will total roughly # 8m.
The ERS report on party funding looks at how to break down the stalemate by testing the latest recommendations against voter preferences.
The Lib Dem leader is keen for a new deal on party funding.
«Until the government acts with urgency to put a cap on party funding and introduce tougher regulation of lobbying and the revolving door, the UK will not be able to rise higher in global anti-corruption league tables.»
In this post, Jess Garland discusses a new report on party funding, which shows public dissatisfaction with the current system, and provides recommendations of ways to break the current political stalemate.
If the agreement on party funding isn't also implemented at this point, then Labour will go into the next election either: having to ask the unions for enormous discretionary donations to fund the campaign, rendering pointless the process started yesterday, or fighting an election with a fraction of the funds available to the Tories.
The only reason that the Hayden Phillips» report on party funding was shelved, was due to pressure from the trade unions.
Once he started the speech he went further still, laying down a gauntlet for David Cameron with demands for reform of MPs» second jobs and a cap on party funding.
After an initial flop produced the usual deadlock, the coalition will attempt another big push to achieve a «detailed agreement» on party funding.
On Telegraph blogs yesterday Ben Brogan suggested that David Cameron might try to resurrect the boundary reforms by offering the Liberal Democrats a deal on party funding.
Alongside this, enacting a version of the Hayden Phillips Review on party funding was one of the so - called «red lines» in the coalition negotiations between the Liberal Democrats and the Conservatives.
The only route to achieving this, before the next election, is through a legislative deal on party funding, similar to the Kelly proposals.
Politically, Ed Miliband now desperately needs a deal on party funding.
Unless Ed Miliband can secure a parallel deal on party funding, that includes an individual donation cap of # 5,000, at the same time that changes to union affiliation fees are made, political disaster will loom.
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