Sentences with phrase «on pelvic bones»

Pain that occurs when the fetus put pressure on the pelvic bones (and on the pubic bones) is a physiological condition during pregnancy.
Also to make sure it's in deep enough, pull on the stem down and forward and you should feel it catch on your pelvic bone.
Instead of focusing on the pelvic bone, Baron and his team analysed 457 characteristics of 74 species and found that 21 other anatomical features divide the dinosaurs differently.
Basically, when I stand up, I can totally feel the pressure of the kid on my pelvic bone.

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Take your inner eyes into the deepest part of your abdomen, and locate your pelvic circle of bones, which provides the frame on which the muscles of your abdomen, lower back and thighs are attached.
By contrast, humans, who have a shorter pelvic bone called an ischium (informally known as a «sit bone»), can hyperextend their legs in a way that generates less force on the hamstrings at the knees.
Four pelvic bones on a stick and bundles of desecrated bones testify to the ritual violence perpetrated on the corpses of the many warriors who fell in a major battle close to the Danish town of Skanderborg around 2,000 years ago.
This is usually done with a forward lean which extends our spine and lifts our tail bone putting a passive tension on our pelvic floor.
Common areas that may refer pain to the pelvic region include: the abdomen, lower back, hips, pubic symphysis (the firm, fixed joint between the two pubic bones) and sacro - iliac joint (the joint formed by the sacrum and ilium where they meet on either side of the lower back).
Let me begin with a couple of definitions to make sure everyone is clear on some important terms: Your pelvic outlet is the diamond - shaped area, bordered in front by your pubic bone, in back by your tail bone (otherwise known as your coccyx), and on the sides by your two sit bones.
... I'm sitting on a Salli saddle chair to keep my pelvic bones in alignment, but I'll switch frequently through the workday (about every 20 minutes) to a FluidStance balance board, a Topo Mat, a TruForm treadmill and a Mogo stool...
Since all of the pelvic floor muscles attach to the bones of the pelvis, having the bones widened puts a stretch on these muscles.
Also I find many women's pelvis are still in a childbirth position with their sit bones splaying out to the side putting stretch on the pelvic floor tissues.
Gluteus maximus (also referred to as the glutes) arises from the large area on the rear of the pelvic bone, passes down behind the hip joint, and attaches onto the upper femur.
The poop — by now decomposed into soil — was found adhering to pelvic bones from a burial site on the Greek island of Kea, which holds remains dating from...
In the x-ray image on the right, you can see a thin, egg - shaped structure in Scarlett's abdomen between her pelvic bones representing Scarlett's stuck egg.
If you can't feel your dog's backbone, ribs, or pelvic bones through his skin, you've got an overweight dog on your hands.
That feat — more specifically, the moment known as «crowning,» when the mother's pelvic bones resemble a crown encircling the baby's head — forms the basis of her new sculpture show at San Francisco's Anthony Meier Fine Arts opening on February 27.
Shoulder dystocia is far more likely to occur with fetuses over a certain size and weight and often results in brachial plexus palsy injuries when obstetricians or others assisting in a child's birth pull on or stretch a baby's neck or head in an attempt to get the baby's shoulder free of the mother's pelvic bone.
Shoulder dystocia is a childbirth complication that occurs when a baby's shoulders become caught on the mother's pelvic bones during delivery, because the mother's birth canal is too small to accommodate the baby's size or because the baby presented in an abnormal position.
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