Sentences with phrase «on pharmaceutical intervention»

The modern medical system is far from perfect, with much too much emphasis on pharmaceutical intervention rather than preventative care.

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Of major consideration should be the affect that these interventions, especially the ones of the pharmaceutical variety, has on the fragile system of an unborn baby.
And those interventions are heavily dependent on expensive technology, of which pharmaceutical drugs are a major category.
«Our discovery provides a vital first step toward a pharmaceutical intervention at an early point that can limit the toxin's fatal attack on the human body.»
Our group focuses on developing pharmaceutical and immunological strategies to reduce HIV - 1 persistence, and on evaluating such interventions in clinical studies.
In Mind Over Meds, best - selling author Dr. Andrew Weil highlights the problem of overmedication and provides clear, easy - to - follow guidelines for knowing which ailments your body can heal on its own and which might require pharmaceutical intervention.
As mentioned above, genetic or pharmaceutical interventions to increase or decrease bone resorption not only controlled the release of undercarboxylated osteocalcin, but also produced the expected effects on energy metabolism and testosterone.
Regardless of your opinion on natural remedies, it's important to remember that some conditions require pharmaceutical interventions to keep your dog healthy.
The tests are not designed to place a criminal label on an offender but to serve as an intervention to help put a stop to teens who have decided to use drugs, The substances that will be detected in the tests include Meth, cocaine, marijuana, oxycodone, ecstasy and pharmaceutical - strength steroids.
Regardless of your opinion on natural remedies, it's important to remember that some conditions require pharmaceutical interventions to keep your dog healthy.
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