Sentences with phrase «on pinnipeds»

Great white sharks, feeding on pinnipeds, are found in the waters of the Channel Islands, including Anacapa.
Allen does note that, historically, El Niño years appeared to yield more shark attacks on pinnipeds (seals or sea lions), as noted in 1998.
Specific focus areas include: behavioral response studies, laboratory research on hearing and noise impacts; field research on pinniped vocal communication; noise exposure criteria and research recommendations; work with both conventional and alternative energy industries to understand and minimize environmental impacts of resource acquisition.
Significant changes in sea water temperature like those caused by El Nino events appear to have significant effects on pinniped populations around the Channel Islands.

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The microphones record data at a sample rate of 8kHz, so the group listens up to 4kHz — for scale, the highest note on a normally tuned, standard piano is 4.186 kHz — to include signals produced by large whales like fins, humpbacks, bowheads and killer whales, as well as pinnipeds such as bearded seals and walrus.
Most recently she served as a field assistant for the Pinniped Cognition and Sensory Systems Lab's research on vocal communication of Northern elephant seals at Ano Nuevo < State Reserve.
Dr. Southall has a long - standing partnership with the Pinniped Cognition and Sensory Systems Laboratory at Long Marine Laboratory, University of California, Santa Cruz (where he retains a research affiliation) for research on hearing and the effects of noise on hearing in seals and sea lions (see:
Trainers will interact with this notably social species of pinniped while educating guests on the dangers they face in their natural environment and key environmental factors that impact them.
The end of this strenuous hike lands at the southern end of the island, Point Bennet, home to 30,000 pinnipeds, one of the largest concentrations of pinnipeds on earth!!
Also making a comeback, after years of hunting, are the thousands of pinnipeds (seals and sea lions) that breed, pup, and haul out on the island's 27 miles of isolated coastline.
The biggest stories of 2015 were tied to the sheer number of starving pinniped pups washing ashore on our beaches due to abnormally warm ocean waters and a lack of food sources for nursing mothers and their pups.
Millions of years ago, the ancestors of pinnipeds lived on land.
Dr. Anna Fabiani Born in London 18-08-1971 PhD in Biology Affiliation: University of Roma Tor Vergata, Roma, Italy Research interests: elephant seals molecular biology, paternity estimation, agonistic behaviour in male mammals and its effect on breeding performance Field experience with pinnipeds: four years of field work on elephant seals (1994 in the Valdes Peninsula; 1995, 1996 and 1997 in the Falklands) Curriculum vitae of Anna (PDF file) Send e-mail to Anna
His photos are on display aboard the Star of India, and captures whales, pinnipeds and polar bears in their natural environment.
American whalers took 150,000 northern fur seals (Callorhinus ursinus) from the Farallons between 1810 and 1813, followed by Russian fur hunters who lived on the Farallons and extirpated the pinnipeds from the islands.
In the Pacific, they range from Alaska to Baja California, Mexico.1 Harbor Seals are typically found near shore.They are found throughout the California Channel Islands including all five Islands in Channel Islands National Park.On San Miguel Island 1,100 harbor seals breed annually on Point Bennett, which is also an extraordinary haul out area for four other pinniped species.
The abundance of seabirds and pinnipeds on the northern Channel Islands means eagles likely take advantage of those resources more than in other areas.
however, the most famous and diverse pinniped viewing location on San Miguel Island is Point Bennett.
All of the pinnipeds and nesting seabirds are protected by various laws and we will coach you on how to view them without disturbing them.
This could pose a problem for recovery of bald eagles on the northern Channel Islands (see below), because pinnipeds and seabirds contain more DDE than do marine fish, due to bioaccumulation at higher trophic levels.
Eleven species of seabirds, one shorebird (the black oystercatcher) and two pinnipeds are documented to breed on Castle Rock.
As traffic piled up, trained rescuers from The Marine Mammal Center arrived on the scene to coax the determined pinniped back into the bay.
Pinnipeds regularly come out on land to rest, breed, and give birth and are comprised of the following three families:
White shark predation on four pinniped species in central California waters: geographic and temporal patterns inferred from wounded carcasses.
It is unclear exactly how this will affect pinnipeds on the West Coast, but veterinarians at the Marine Mammal Center are bracing for the worst.
The pinnipeds were greeted by some other elephant seals that were lounging in the waves at Point Reyes on May 13, 2012.
DEAD PINNIPEDS All Counties - National Marine Fisheries Service (562) 980-4017 Updates on shellfish biotoxins, quarantines and other information California Department of Public Health 1-800-553-4133 Toll free information line
They focused most of their attacks on this huge pinniped that can weigh over 2000 pounds!
Marine mammals, birds, cetaceans and pinnipeds (seals, sea lions and walruses), which feed mainly on plankton, fish and squid, are vulnerable to climate change - driven changes in prey distribution, abundance and community composition in response to climatic factors (Learmonth et al., 2006).
Changing water temperature also has an effect on the reproduction of cetaceans and pinnipeds, indirectly through prey abundance, either through extending the time between individual breeding attempts, or by reducing breeding condition of the mother (Whitehead, 1997).
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