Sentences with phrase «on placement stability»

This study examined the impact of Fostering Healthy Futures (FHF), a mentoring and skills group intervention for preadolescent children in foster care on placement stability and permanence.
Resources and information on placement stability, or efforts to minimize the number of placements for children in out - of - home care.

Not exact matches

There are several factors that can be altered during press up performance, including posture (i.e. elevation of feet and / or hands) and hand position (i.e. width of hand placement), instability (i.e. performing the exercise on a stability ball), and loading (e.g. using elastic resistance bands).
Its unusual placement, spinning the orientation of the space by 90 degrees, acting as a lever on the space prompting a sense of disequilibrium and suggesting that the stability of the world and therefore our orientation within it is relative.
My expertise lies in successfully coaching clients on potential career opportunities, interview and job search strategies, and training tactics to facilitate job placement and employment stability.
DAI submitted comments on the Family First Prevention Services Act — a federal bipartisan bill that would better align federal child welfare funding with the critical goals of supporting family stability and preventing unnecessary foster care and institutional placements.
Includes information on working with children and youth in out - of - home care; working with birth families; recruiting, preparing, and supporting resource families (i.e., foster, adoptive, and kinship families); independent living services; placement decisions and stability; and systemwide issues.
Wyoming and Colorado require regular visits and contact with the adoptive family to provide the court with information on the stability and progress of the placement.
placement stability Ensuring that children remain in stable out - of - home care, avoiding disruption, removal, and repeated placements that have harmful effects on child development and well - being.
The Interstate Compact on the Placement of Children (ICPC), established in 1960, establishes procedures for ensuring the safety and stability of placements of children across State lines.
Permanency Outcomes for Toddlers in Child Welfare Two Years After a Randomized Trial of a Parenting Intervention Spieker, Oxford, & Fleming, (2014) Children and Youth Services Review, 44 View Abstract Reports on child welfare outcomes of a community - based, randomized control trial of Promoting First Relationships, a 10 - week relationship - based home visiting program, on stability of children's placements and permanency status 2 years after enrollment into the study; includes findings and a discussion.
This study reports on child welfare outcomes of a community - based randomized control trial of PFR, specifically on the stability of children's placements and their permanency status two years after enrollment into the study.
Secondary analyses indicated important mediators (e.g., attachment security; neural functioning) and moderators (e.g., age of placement; placement stability) of the interventions effect on psychopathology.
Therefore, it could be hypothesized that length of placement can have a positive relationship with security on attachment in institutions that provide stability and high quality of care that may favour the formation of a secure attachment but that this does not occur in larger and more deprived institutions.
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