Sentences with phrase «on political donations»

And with caps on political donations due to be introduced, unions would not be able to complement this reduced amount of money they give to Labour by making additional donations.
The senator has made almost $ 2.2 million in interest on political donations that he collected years ago.
Regulation of the private funding of political parties, such as caps on political donations, can also help promote gender equality because women usually have less access to private campaign money.
In recent years, the Supreme Court's conservative majority has steadily chipped away at restrictions on political donations while narrowing the constitutional definition of corruption.
«Charlie Elphicke MP and Priti Patel MP: We need a # 50,000 cap on political donations now Main Greg Clark MP and John Howell MP: The Coalition's blueprint for sustainable development»
Last week former State Assembly speaker Sheldon Silver successfully had the courts overturn his 2015 corruption conviction, which centered on political donations from companies like Glenwood Management that were traded for political favors.
Sanofi and Lilly both spent more last year on political donations and federal lobbying than Novo Nordisk.
The legislatures failure to enact meaningful reforms to end NY State's «pay to play» political culture is the strongest possible argument for a Constitutional convention to address legislator outside income, limitations on political donations (bribes), and the end to the LLC loophole.
Ithaca, Hastings in northern New York and Rosendale, a small town in rural Ulster County, made a group's list of most liberal cities in the U.S. based on political donations.
Both Dickens and Mark - Viverito are facing primary challenges, and neither campaign has spent significant campaign funds on political donations of potential allies.
As someone who works in a company that places official restrictions on political donations due to various regulations, it seems possible to me that similar restrictions may have played a role; however, I'm completely unfamiliar with whether any political donation limits exist in government positions that this individual held.
Are / were there specific restrictions on political donations for any of the positions that Wikipedia lists for Ron Klain for 1998 - 2008 time period, government or private sector?
The 100 - year - old Litwin spent the most money on political donations during that time, as The Real Deal reported.
The UK government is planning to ignore new demands from Northern Ireland's political parties for backdated transparency on political donations — effectively barring the public from knowing who gave a controversial # 435,000 to the Democratic Unionist Party's Brexit campaign.
The call by Ms Watt was made less than a day after a special committee in Westminster advanced the progress of a new law on political donations in Northern Ireland that will limit full transparency only to funds received after July this year.
«If the company is donating to the NRA it's perfectly reasonable for the shareholders to ask for a report on political donations,» Yermack said.
The suit is also supported by the Center for Competitive Politics, a Virginia - based nonprofit that has worked against state - imposed restraints on political donations and disclosure requirements that it views as chilling to public engagement.
These efforts resulted in four significant wins: funding for a Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD) Clinic, a review of the Community Impact Statement scheme that guides liquor licensing approvals, continuation of the ban on political donations from the alcohol industry, and moving the Office of Liquor Gaming and Racing from the Department of Trade and Investment to the Department of Justice.
Continue reading «Charlie Elphicke MP and Priti Patel MP: We need a # 50,000 cap on political donations now»»
Some reformers also think we could make a dent in Albany's endemic corruption by placing caps on political donations and barring legislators from receiving outside income.
Most of these companies donated in 2015, after Kinder Morgan's self - imposed «ban» on political donations.
We also need a cap on political donations, as this would end the reliance political parties have on big donors and force them to engage more with the general public.»
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