Sentences with phrase «on precise location»

Determining the appropriate conditions was a technical matter, depending on the precise location and nature of the demonstration that was planned.
Using geo - tracking technology, visitors and hotel guests with the Marriott Mobile Guest Services app will receive personalized offers based on their precise location within in the hotel.
Lipomas are large fatty lumps that form under the skin and cause an occasionally deformed appearance, as well as in some cases discomfort and difficulty in movement depending on the precise location.
Depending on the precise location of the item, the veterinarian will advise you on the different methods of removal, and you can decide which method is best for your pet.
Depending on the precise location of fusion, the molecular weight of this protein can range from 185 to 210 kDa.
He sails over the horns and slaps the bull on the precise location where his death would have arrived.
Whitehead did not speculate on the precise location of memory within the animal organism, but the most plausible extension of his theory suggests rather that memories are maintained for the soul by other occasions, thereby freeing the soul for its adventure into novelty.2 The way in which the conscious ego draws upon the ocean of unconscious feeling which sustains it may well reflect the way the soul draws upon other living occasions.

Not exact matches

«Every time someone is diagnosed with malaria in Swaziland and Zimbabwe, a team goes to the village where the infection occurred and collects a GPS point with the precise infection location,» he said in an interview posted on Google's blog.
Along with virtually every major retail and restaurant chain, Starbucks relies on software that choreographs workers in precise, intricate ballets, using sales patterns and other data to determine which of its 130,000 baristas are needed in its thousands of locations and exactly when.
Or setup a custom tab on your Facebook page to offer a free giveaway to new followers and use precise targeting by interests to generate traffic (targeting by location, interests, such as small business owners, finance, entrepreneurship, etc).
After all, augmented reality is predicated on the ability to detect and triangulate precise locations, utilize facial - recognition technology and to put tiny cameras literally everywhere.
It deals with the setup with artificially created earthquakes at certain precise locations on the planet where, supposedly, new discoveries will finally explain to all people the error of all fundamental religious doctrines.
«A computer identifies the precise cut location on each pod and the cutter mechanism cuts off the stem.»
Or his release point, or its precise location over the hips, or the backwing, or sub-backswing, or the counter-shift of the tibia in reaction to the internal rotation of the patella, or hell I don't know there are apparently 93 different components of a golf swing and all of them have to be in perfect working order or the golfer in question will fall apart like a cheap mannequin right there and then on the course.
Decides that, in order to begin to comply with its disarmament obligations, in addition to submitting the required biannual declarations, the Government of Iraq shall provide to UNMOVIC, the IAEA, and the Council, not later than 30 days from the date of this resolution, a currently accurate, full, and complete declaration of all aspects of its programmes to develop chemical, biological, and nuclear weapons, ballistic missiles, and other delivery systems such as unmanned aerial vehicles and dispersal systems designed for use on aircraft, including any holdings and precise locations of such weapons, components, subcomponents, stocks of agents, and related material and equipment, the locations and work of its research, development and production facilities, as well as all other chemical, biological, and nuclear programmes, including any which it claims are for purposes not related to weapon production or material;
The project required the installation and operation of appropriate network and infrastructure although the precise configurations for each location and project were technology - neutral and determined on a case - by - case basis.
In addition, within the next two years, all existing equipment on each bus would have to be synchronized so that when an emergency button is activated, the precise location of the bus would be relayed to a transit authority's command center via a GPS device.
• In consultation with the family, the location and precise name of a road or street is decided on.
Only the planet's rough orbit is known, not the precise location of the planet on that elliptical path.
BOSTON — Conflicting results on whether brain stimulation helps or hinders memory may be explained by the electrodes» precise location: whether they're tickling white matter or gray matter.
The scientists found that for many locations, the voltages they calculated were significantly different from those based on previous 1D calculations, with the 3D data producing the most precise results.
Inspired by the pixelated square barcodes (QR codes) often used to scan tickets for airplanes and concerts, these markers work like miniature QR codes that carry information about the precise location of the block on the copper layer.
«Knowing the precise locations of chemical reactions within individual nanoparticles that are participating in those reactions helps us to identify how a battery operates and uncover how the battery might be optimized to make it work even better,» said Jordi Cabana, associate professor of chemistry at UIC and co-corresponding author on the paper.
CRISPR is an enzyme that scientists have been able to «program» using targeting RNA in order to cut DNA at precise locations that the cell then repairs on its own.
They are based on 360 - degree photos taken from this precise location, said Aaron Selverston, CEO of Owlized, the San Leandro, Calif., company that makes the Owls.
By applying millisecond laser light pulses to HCN channels tagged with a fluorescent photosensitizer, Zhou and colleagues were able to elicit the production of small amounts of singlet oxygen in a precise location and monitor its effects on the channels in open and closed states.
Chris McGowan takes his readers on fascinating tours of the animal world, organised not by phylum or location but by biophysical concepts such as energy economy, scales of size and life cycles, and adaptations to the elements of earth, air, fire (or temperature to be more precise) and water.
Urban space is on the verge of an explosion in its address types and locations: precise GPS coordinates, RFID - triangulation beacons and even simple machine - readable numbers emblazoned on rooftops will mean that one building might soon contain dozens of addresses and locations.
Scholars receive a grant of $ 2000 to $ 2500 a month, the precise amount depending on location and the number of accompanying dependents.
The scientists demonstrated the technique to engineer nanoparticle architectures using an octahedral scaffold with particles positioned in precise locations on the scaffold according to the specificity of DNA coding.
With the goal of minimizing the side effects of chemotherapy on healthy tissues, a team of researchers at the Center for Self - assembly and Complexity, within the Institute for Basic Science (IBS) have developed novel nanocontainers able to deliver anticancer drugs at precise timing and location.
Botstein and Davis» landmark conceptual breakthrough, published in 1980, gave researchers the tools to trace and map out the genetic inheritance of disease in humans, while Hogness» work provided the means of identifying the precise physical location of genes of interest on chromosomes.
Researchers are focused primarily on three ways to make a therapeutic agent out of CRISPR, in which a guide RNA directs the Cas9 enzyme to a specific location in DNA for precise editing.
The Cas9 enzyme then cuts the DNA at that precise location, allowing for genes to be turned on or off or for the removal or insertion of DNA.
«It's amazing to see studies going on at multiple locations in the Mekong region, where precise clinical measurements are being made in patients undergoing treatment for malaria, and within a few months these clinical data are connected to genome sequence data on the parasites,» says Professor Dominic Kwiatkowski, CGGH Director, as he reflects on the strength of the collaboration with TRAC.
Land cover maps, which aggregate data on habitats rather than providing information on individual farm locations, are the only kind of maps available in the United States where privacy laws protect precise locations of livestock farms in order to protect the anonymity of farmers.
Further, we have found that even within the DMN, hypo - vs. hyper - connectivity results can be observed in children with ASD depending on the precise anatomical location of ROIs within the posterior medial cortex (Lynch et al., 2013).
Building on her work in characterizing microglial subpopulations, she proposes to decipher the precise anatomical location and proximity of microglia most likely to drive neurodegeneration and synapse loss.
Nanthia Suthana will present work showing that the precise location of electrical stimulation delivered to the entorhinal area is critical in enhancing performance on a wide - range of hippocampal - dependent memory tasks.
The precise location of this «sweet spot» will depend on your genetics, the length of time you've been training, your age, the type of exercises you're doing, your diet, as well as other sources of stress, be they physical or psychological, that you have going on in your life.
Currently, you can search for members based on name and how recently their profile was created, but this year Tinder PC will roll out updates to the search to include a radius around a location (right now, members can only sort by locations such as city and country, but not more precise than that).
Disc 1 also features an «interactive «follow the escape» feature» toggleable at various times throughout the movie to show the precise location of our heroes on a colourful blueprint of the Poseidon.
Instantly connect with friends in the ultimate celebration of speed, style and action - packed driving while exploring beautiful and exotic locations in more than 200 of the world's greatest cars — all created with precise detail in stunning 1080p resolution on Xbox One.
The backup gear is in a precise location requiring more of a map than what's embossed on the shift knob — all the way over between fifth and sixth, pushed down into a secret slot, and shoved even farther northeast.
The report provides transportation professionals with an overview of the scientific consensus on current and future climate changes of particular relevance to U.S. transportation, including the limitations of present scientific understanding as to their precise timing, magnitude, and geographic location; identifies potential impacts on U.S. transportation and adaptation options; and, offers recommendations for both research and actions that can be taken to prepare for climate change.
As the navigation app loads a map showing the BMW's precise location on the track, we wonder to ourselves when, exactly, did such a feature — befitting of James Bond's Aston Martin in «Goldfinger» — become normal?
The controller still has its precise feel, and the four - button / one - knob arrangement is still easy to learn, but it has the drawback of not allowing panning of the navigation map, which in turn makes it impossible to choose a destination based on a map location.
When transversal loads increase, the tread surface on the road at the outer part of the tyre is maximized for more precise location.
Tech-wise, the 10.2 - inch full - HD True Touchpad Interface brings in a new way of interacting with the infotainment system — it doesn't use a cursor but a very precise mapping, so «a touch on any location of the touchpad corresponds directly with that the same location on the display.»
When the information is combined with information from the radar system and the high - resolution maps, the on - board computer knows the car's precise location.
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