Sentences with phrase «on predatory cats»

One take - home lesson might be to leave the scents at home if you plan on a wildlife excursion any time soon — although Thomas noted that Obsession didn't work well when he tried it in a research project focused on predatory cats in South Africa.
(In fact, Woods et al. go to some lengths to emphasize the limitations of their study, conceding, for example, that they «may have focused on predatory cats

Not exact matches

On the other hand, the cat, whose intentions are predatory, may need to see different qualities and different behaviors to bother expending energy on the roboOn the other hand, the cat, whose intentions are predatory, may need to see different qualities and different behaviors to bother expending energy on the roboon the robot.
Cats sleep for 12 to 16 hours out of the day, and feeling confined helps them also feel protected from predatory parents and other household pets because their natural instincts still have them living life on the wild side.
Many senior cats retain their a built - in predatory drive and still enjoy hiding in boxes or chasing a wad of paper on the floor.
It is the predatory instinct we activate when we set a group of dogs on a boar, coyote, wolf, bear, or big cat.
TNR helps control the population of homeless cats that put predatory pressure on our native Texas wildlife and birds.
Smaller lizards, such as geckos, may be housed in well - ventilated aquariums protected by screens on top, so that other predatory pets, such as cats and dogs, don't have access to them.
When your cat is on a predatory drive it means that they are hunting or stalking, but it doesn't mean they'll hurt you.
For many adult cats who still play inappropriately, or turn their predatory drive on humans or other animals in the home, the underlying problem is usually boredom and excess energy.
«There is a huge environmental price that we are paying every single day that we turn our backs on our native wildlife in favor of protecting non-native predatory cats at all cost while ignoring the inconvenient truth about the mortality they inflict,» Michael Hutchins, CEO of The Wildlife Society, said in a statement released with the gray catbird study.
Focus on appropriate prey targets Play with your cats at least once daily (and kittens several times a day) to help focus their play / predatory aggression on the appropriate target.
The electric mice will help tap into your cat's predatory instincts and give them something to focus all of their pounces on.
«There is a huge environmental price that we are paying every single day that we turn our backs on our native wildlife in favor of protecting non-native predatory cats at all cost while ignoring the inconvenient truth about the mortality they inflict.»
Many cats enjoy toys based on their natural predatory behavior.
Siberian huskies have strong predatory instincts, so you must keep a watchful eye on them around cats and smaller dogs in the household.
«There is a huge environmental price that we are paying every single day that we turn our backs on our native wildlife in favor of protecting non-native predatory cats at all cost while ignoring the inconvenient truth about the mortality they inflict.»
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