Sentences with phrase «on prescription»

Once you receive your card, discounts on prescription drugs begins immediately.
Cats with kidney disease can be put on prescription diets if the problem is caught early.
As a growing number of people rely on prescription medications to maintain their health and vitality, the health care industry is beginning to recognize the importance of dedicated, trained pharmacy technicians.
We used natural balance for our dogs for a long time until my dog was put on a prescription diet.
My question is why don't you make treats for dogs on prescription food?
Remove and destroy all identifying personal information on the prescription label from all medication containers before recycling them or throwing them away.
To reduce the risk associated with ticks on dogs, veterinary surgeons have innovative and convenient treatments that are only available on prescription.
As our population gets older and older, an increasing number of people rely on prescription medications.
Ever since I put my dog on prescription food, I didn't fully understand the benefits.
There are directions on the prescription labels, which patients must abide by.
One of the stronger version of the drug is provided to customers on prescription only.
You can print your card today and begin immediately saving on your prescription drugs.
This may make it difficult for you to know which plan to choose and whether you will save money on your prescription medications.
When a pharmacy fails to implement procedures that prevent errors or fails to follow procedures, you and other people who depend on prescription drugs suffer.
Your veterinarian may have put your cat on a prescription formula food that only comes in wet form.
If this is true, doctors might want to start writing «more sex» on a prescription pad for preventive care visits.
So I opted not to go on prescription meds at the time.
If your symptoms are not affecting your ability to function during the day it's probably not worth getting on prescription medicine, and considering home treatment options instead.
Before than she was the Director of Marketing for a spin - off start up company focusing on prescription drugs and behavioral health management tracking.
When working in health care as a therapist, she became more aware of the lack of prevention and over reliance on prescription medications.
We were giving him the 1 drop for every 2 lbs but had not seen a difference so the vets wanted us to start on the prescription drugs.
Thankfully, she is now on a prescription diet which has made ALL the difference in her overall health and personality — she now has a healthy appetite and IS food motivated.
Millions of times a day, we're helping people on their path to better health from advising patients on their prescriptions to helping them manage their chronic and specialty conditions.
Here is what every medical assistant should know about properly written prescription orders on the prescription form block.
New spot - on prescription products are applied to the skin every 3 to 4 weeks and are highly effective.
Ultimately, at the advice of our pediatrician, we put our son on prescription acid reflux medication and finally he experienced relief!
Now it appears his 20 - year - old son is currently in treatment for a dependency on prescription pill medications.
Your vet may want to immediately place your pet on a prescription diet.
If you were already on prescription medications when you became pregnant, you should absolutely consult with your doctor before continuing.
You can black out personal information on prescription bottles, or empty medications from your bottles into the bins provided at the events.
There are many forms of acceptable ID to prove who you are including: a student identity card, label on a prescription container, debit card, or library card.
She's been getting along with everyone and is no longer on prescription meds for anxiety, supplements only.
A report on the prescriptions you are on now and that you have taken in the past will also be looked at.
If the cat improves on a prescription diet, then dietary modification is probably appropriate.
First, it is a book that is long on description and somewhat short on prescription.
Recent restrictions on prescription drugs have led to a flood of cheap heroin to fill the gap, he says, and current treatment options are inadequate to fight the high addiction rates.
They need that right dosage written on their prescription because that is the only legal way to partake in home replacement therapy safely.
Sure, nine minutes doesn't seem like much time on the clock, however it is about the same amount of sleep you gain on prescription sleep medication.
Is your pet running low on their prescription medications?
It is important to always ask your doctor before driving while on any prescription medication.
Smaller, mostly independent, pharmacies lean much more heavily on prescription sales.
Drug makers are worried about a proposed new German law that would tighten price controls on prescription drugs.
Remember: Here is what every medical assistant should know about properly written prescription orders on the prescription form block.
- Why isn't it illegal to drive on prescription drugs?
If you are on prescription prenatal vitamins your healthcare provider can extend the prescription for up to a year after your child is born if you make them aware that you are nursing.
«The increase is mainly driven by the increase in expenses on prescription drugs,» An said.
When new antibiotics become available, we may need to impose very tight and stringent regulatory measures to ensure that they are used only on prescription [s].
In most cases depending on the prescription level one may notice visual improvement 6 to 8 hours into the recovery period.
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