Sentences with phrase «on presumed»

As with the barriers to the making the change, undue focus on the presumed negative consequences can paralyze action before it even begins.
Lord Phillips said that he thought this result clearly right but was worried about the artificiality of relying on the presumed intent of Parliament and the parties.
Justice Rothstein points out at para 156 that international law is still uncertain on any presumed right to strike, lacks widespread consensus, and would not not be binding given our lack of ratification of these international documents.
Stigma happens when injured workers are unfairly judged on presumed moral worthiness and character.
This would have accomplished the same end but without the attribution of blame to the grievor, and more particularly on his presumed state of mental distress.
«The background is that the skeptics keep referring back to it and I'd like to prove that it is a schematic and it isn't based on real data, but on presumed knowledge at some point around the late 1980s.
Here, we report unique observations on atmospheric aerosol formation based on measurements at the SMEAR II station, Finland, over a solar cycle (years 1996 — 2008) that shed new light on these presumed relationships.
I think, if one is «kosher», one conducts certain practices and avoids certain other practices based on their presumed effect on the presumed creator of trichinosis in pork, red tide toxin in shellfish, bacterial colonies on milk - soaked wood, etc..
This is partly because these labels operate on presumed knowledge.
Using examples from academic literature, popular culture, legal cases, and the media, he illustrated how a combination of media, myths, and politics have led society to fear certain dogs based on their presumed breed or appearance.
Having seen B&N launch the touchscreen NOOK with the claim it would run for up to two months on a single charge, Amazon tweaked its own Kindle battery life estimates to match based on the presumed usage equation: wireless off and 30 minutes of use a day, or half what it had originally accounted for with the Kindle figures.
The mission of Icarus II becomes fraught with moral dilemma when a distress signal appears to be sent from the downed Icarus I. Should the crew follow their initial plans and head straight to the sun or change course and check in on their presumed dead predecessors?
According to two model estimates based on its presumed age and measurements of its temperature, brightness, and distance, the substellar companion was estimated to have between 40 and 60 times Jupiter's mass, with a most likely estimate around 43 Jupiter - masses.
Access to high - speed Internet can not be based on the presumed advertising revenue available in any given neighborhood.
I rather like it when those who enter office, whether elected or appointed, announce themselves in advance by a) a long and arduous record, b) predictably constrained staff who will be paid by OUR tax dollars to pursue their pet projects, thus opening themselves up to stark exposure on countless occasions yet to unfold, and c) who must thus become leaden weights on the presumed «We'll get this done» crippled legs of those who make bold to hire them.
Since then, he's faced mostly token opposition until 2010, when four Democratic opponents ran against him, hoping to capitalize on his presumed weakness stemming from his ethics violations in Congress.
It is a system based on the presumed authority and power of the one and the dependent status of the other.
Once we are delivered from that error we can understand that the Christian assertion is that we depend not so much on some presumed first cause in the remote past but always and everywhere upon the creative and sustaining power of the basic reality working in and through the whole creation.
/ / / / / Here the reader continues to expand on our presumed conviction.
Rather the reverse has happened, with copper rallying, for example, on presumed hopes of increased demand triggered by Trump's infrastructure policies.»
Since Thiel's credibility as a public intellectual is built in part on the presumed validation imparted by his financial success, the financial crisis of 2008 posed a threat to everything he had created.
He's here for one year on we presume a minimum contract.
Just a rationalization for those dead set on presuming guilt.

Not exact matches

While I don't presume to read traders» (or trading computers») minds (see Barry ritholtz» note this morning about ex post facto rationalizations), generally speaking there is concern that the «taper» of long term bond purchases will cause bond yields (the percent of interest paid on them) to rise.
This will go on, one presumes, forever.
The presumed user of a hiking shoe has weight on his or her back and will be logging many miles over the course of multiple consecutive days.
The resource plan offers five scenarios that vary based on what kind of regulatory conditions are presumed to exist.
We should presume that bribery just implies that you're not good enough to compete fairly, on the strength of the services you provide or the product you make.
The nearly three - to - one ratio suggests that semiwalled workplaces are not gaining on closed - door tradition as rapidly as the office - decor trade may presume.
In just a few moments they can determine with almost certainty whether your site can deliver their needs, and if they presume it can't, they'll move on to your competitors without second thought.
Making salaries public knowledge can motivate employees to work harder, presuming people are paid on merit.
As the name implies, a fixed mindset is a belief system that presumes that human achievement is based primarily on innate gifts.
But whether ownership of MDA's Radarsat - 2 satellite — the presumed sticking point, since the government has spent $ 445 million on it — resides here or abroad is moot.
«Podcast rates are hard to come by, but I'm aware of a few podcasts a quarter the size that are earning somewhere in excess of $ 10,000 / episode; presuming proportionally similar rates (which may be unrealistic, given the broader audience) The Bill Simmons Podcast, which publishes three times a week, could be on a > $ 6 million run rate, which, per my envelope math in the footnote above, could nearly pay for a 50 - person staff a la Grantland.»
One commercial featured an impressively nubile female extracting presumably long - unworn jeans from her closet and porting them with unbridled enthusiasm, while a male (with presumed romantic links) looked on admiringly.
Presuming it's not pouring outside, just scoring a seat on Bay Street's most reliably packed patio is an impressive feat.
So, I suspect that the system there — he's been making this case through several cycles in Wisconsin, focusing only on that state... That there's extensive voter fraud, which I presume is executed through the electronic machines.
«The Martian» stars Matt Damon as astronaut / botanist Mark Watney, who gets left behind on Mars after being presumed dead by his team.
The underwriting rule presumes compliance for so - called «qualified mortgages,» a class of safe loans with a debt - to - income cap and limits on fees.
Based on the type of relations I presented last night, this forecast clearly presumes above trend GDP growth, which in turn assumes current headwinds are largely temporary.
When you look back on this moment in history, remember that many investors ruled out the possibility of major losses over the completion of the current market cycle because they presumed relationships that could not be established in the data, and assumed the absence of any material economic or financial shock in the coming years.
If you want to test my theory, have your spouse, or parent add you as an A.U. on a couple of their cards without even giving you the physical card (to avoid risk if they worry about abuse) watch your scores go through the statosphere if the balances are low because it increases your presumed available amount of credit and expands your ratio of credit vs balances
One presumes the perennially teetering on the verge of bankruptcy Spanish Crown was not very amused (34 of the bars belonged to the King outright, and he would have collected a 20 % tax on the rest to boot).
Comments will also be available to promote discussion of the topics raised as my opinion is just one of many and I do not presume to think that I am right on everything.
But supposing we can count on annualized returns around 8 % then my $ 100k diverted from a down payment and my presumed $ 1000 (delta between mortgage payment and rent) monthly savings could appreciate significantly over the same 10 year period.
Don't expect loyalty, don't presume a full level of control and don't count on bringing the same contractor back the next time that you need help.
You see it in industry after industry: hotels presumed that people wouldn't stay in strangers» homes, television networks presumed that programming schedules were constrained by time, and, speaking of Amazon Web Services, enterprise technology companies presumed that servers and software would live on corporate premises.
As it is, the Liberals» fiscal proposals are underfunded; one presumes that the difference is to be made up by those surpluses that depend on continued spending restraint.
The sentiment seemed widespread on tech and media Twitter: there was a lack of specificity in terms of questions about privacy (this allowed Zuckerberg to turn nearly every question about the ownership of data to a discussion about user interface controls that limit where data is shown to other Facebook users), plenty of dodged questions (every time there was a question about the data Facebook generates about users beyond what they themselves enter into the system Zuckerberg needed to «check with his team»), and bad questions that presumed Facebook sells data, letting Zuckerberg run out the clock at least three times by explaining the basics of Facebook's business model (this is precisely why I have been so outspoken about the problem of perpetrating this falsehood: it lets Facebook off the hook).
Another way to picture this is to presume that fears over Eurozone debt can be measured on a scale of 0 - 100 %, with 100 % meaning that the market is as fearful of a default as it can be and 0 % being equivalent to the market not having any fears of a default.
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