Sentences with phrase «on repeal»

Do you agree with free speech proponents on the repeal of section 13?
Current talks on the repeal and replace would change the subsidies from income based to age based so that may help.
We hope that, following the outcry during the election campaign, Theresa May has now abandoned the manifesto pledge for a free vote on repeal of the Hunting Act.
Maziaarz had faced a primary this September from Gia Arnold of Holley, whose campaign is largely focused on repeal of the SAFE Act.
Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul, one of the most vocal GOP opponents of voting on a repeal bill before coming up with a replacement package, voted against the budget resolution and California Sen. Dianne Feinstein was absent.
Republicans across the country campaigned on repealing former president Barack Obama's healthcare law leading up to the 2016 election.
Boehner, a prisoner of the House GOP radicals, will allow another House vote on repealing Obamacare, the 39th House vote on this.
The Republicans have already signalled their strong opposition to these Obama initiatives, and will continue to work on repealing Obamacare.
In a more debatable example, Senator Barack Obama ran on repealing a number of Bush - era national security policies but left many in place, possibly because of intelligence he received after the election.
Apple's comment on the repeal proposal is the first one from a company, according to Reuters.
The phony «study» was announced by Obama's direct report SECDEF Robert Gates, seconded by his other direct report CJCS Mike Mullen, on February 2nd LINKED to a recommendation [read: THREAT] to Congress to NOT vote on repeal until after the report was done which is still expected to be Dec. 1st.
Only one member of the audience, Susan Dove, spoke at the public hearing on repealing the sign legislation.
In the Senate debate on the repeal of the Carbon Tax, 2013/12/09, Senator Ian Macdonald has compared climate change with Y2K.
That meant there likely wouldn't be a vote on repealing DADT until 2011, even though the Democratic Congress of 2009 - 10 presented the best opportunity to repeal the law.
Cuomo, in the second day of attacks on the Collins amendment, said Republican leaders in Congress are trying to «buy votes» in exchange for support on the repeal and replacement of the Affordable Care Act, and he said if that's the case, then the federal government should «pay for it.»
In our recent article on repealing breed discrimination in Yakima, Washington, we discussed Dr. Voith's work.
But the victory could be fleeting: Senate Republicans still have no agreement on a repeal bill that they can ultimately pass to uproot the law that has provided health insurance to millions of Americans.
The House is expected to vote on a similar measure this week, based on a repeal proposal sponsored by Rep. Patrick J. Murphy (D - Pa.)
12:15 - Oh dear - Bercow gets the date of Magna Carta wrong, I think, after Lib Dem John Hemming wonders whether the government plans on repealing it altogether.
A House Republican aide said Thursday that the new GOP House majority would be focused on repealing Obama's healthcare overhaul, cutting spending and reining in government.
The findings come as Congressional leaders have reportedly reached a deal with the White House on a repeal of the policy.
Republican lawmakers in the Senate are days away from perhaps a final deadline on repealing and replacing the Affordable Care Act, a seminal promise from the party for more than seven years.
Republican lawmakers from high - tax states such as New York exited meetings this week with Kevin Brady, chairman of the tax - writing committee of the House of Representatives, saying there would be some sort of compromise on repealing the deduction for state and local tax payments.
President Trump's been consistent on repealing Dodd - Frank, but his campaign promises on reinstating Glass - Steagall have yet to materialize.
Last poll on repealing Obamacare showed only 33 % of Americans want it repealed.
Firstly, that the consultation paper on the repeal of the Human Rights Act will be published soon.
Yesterday, the Telegraph ran a headline describing the 15 likely Tory MP rebels on the repeal bill as «mutineers».
What's more, New York also stands to lose a big chunk of its federal Medicaid funding if Congress ever manages to get a deal on repeal and replacement of Obamacare, with the most recent proposal — Cassidy - Graham — calling for block granting those funds, in a move that would hurt New York more than any other state, Cuomo said.
The Senate is moving ahead on the repeal and possibly the replacement of the Affordable Care Act, and policy makers in New York are bracing for the worst.
I'd be interested to see if there are any opinion polls on people thoughts on repealing / replacing Obamocare against the ACA, despite the fact they are the same thing
«We will bring forward a motion on a free vote enabling the House of Commons to express its view on the repeal of the Hunting Act.»
In the end, neither Iain nor I will have the last word on Repeal of the Corn Laws.
And Republican backers of the bill like Ortt say they want to strike an agreement on the repeal legislation — not use it as a bargaining chip in holding up passage of the state budget.
Many Republicans, the National Rifle Association and a host of upstate county legislatures are bent on repeal of the gun - reform bill, passed with great fanfare in January.
But Cuomo and the coalition, which is backed by the Working Families Party, do not align on the repeal of Wilson - Pakula, which allows party bosses to grant non-party members a spot on the ballot.
The mayor spent much of the winter leading a full - court press, angrily complaining about state government's unfairness to the city and loudly insisting on the repeal of «LIFO,» the state law requiring that teachers with the least seniority be fired first.
There's an interesting moment at the tail end of this interview of Mayor Bloomberg by MSNBC's Andrea Mitchell in which the mayor discusses — in the same breath — his support of Gov. Andrew Cuomo in the 2010 campaign and his expectation that he'll eventually get his way on the repeal of «last in, first out.»
They fought the election on repealing it,» he told delegates this morning.
And it's pushing primary challengers against Republicans they say are soft on repeal.
Department provides further guidance on repeal of Chapter 82 (School Bus Driver Fitness Determination)
Nor is there any hint that Shultz would condition the enactment of carbon taxes on repeal of the EPA's court - awarded power to regulate greenhouse gases via the Clean Air Act.
You can submit your comments to USEPA on the repeal of the CPP until April 26 and on the ANPRM until February 26.
The secondary legislation would otherwise have fallen away on the repeal of the ECA.
These revisions are a stopgap measure while the Pentagon continues a study on the repeal of the ban on openly gay service members, which can only be accomplished by Congressional action.
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