Sentences with phrase «on rhythmic breathing»

Connecting patterns in these interactions may help explain why practices such as meditation and yoga that rely on rhythmic breathing can help people overcome anxiety - based illnesses.

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The translation is set in the form of cola (Atemzüge) rhythmic units based on natural breathing pauses.
From breathing to walking to chewing, our days are filled with repetitive actions that depend on the rhythmic firing of neurons.
«When you're breathing well, the ocean of the belly and the tide of the breath is a beautiful rhythmic fullness on the inhale and emptiness on the exhale almost purely in the belly,» Bogard said.
As I mentioned earlier, if you want to learn more about deep nasal breathing, I'd recommend you read «Body, Mind, and Sport» by John Doullard, and to learn more about rhythmic breathing techniques, check out «Running on Air» by Budd Coates.
Since that initial podcast with John, I've combined the concepts he teaches in his book and during that interview with the rhythmic breathing strategies outlined in Budd Coates» book Runner's World Running on Air: The Revolutionary Way to Run Better by Breathingbreathing strategies outlined in Budd Coates» book Runner's World Running on Air: The Revolutionary Way to Run Better by BreathingBreathing Smarter.
Use rhythmic breathing techniques to control your pace, and you'll maximize your lung capacity while reducing the wear and tear on your body.
What sets this healing modality apart from others is the focus on linking movement to deep, rhythmic breathing.
Practicing swimming requires breath control and rhythmic breathing, which will deepen your yoga practice on the mat.
Cubby and Icara could sit together in the playground or on the bus or in the library not saying much for hours, just a lovely rhythmic silence, like the sound of breathing when you're asleep.
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