Sentences with phrase «on sacredness»

He told Radio 4: «I have written to the prime minister myself asking him that, in view of these very important issues which touch on the sacredness of human life, its meaning and purpose, would he please grant a free vote, because that is what is really required.»
«We will not participate in a plan that requires us to violate the consistent teachings of the Catholic Church on the sacredness of human life,» the statement says.
Ah, the «consistent teachings of the Catholic Church on the sacredness of human life,» which the Crusades, the various Inquisitions, genocidal forced conversions during the conquest of the Americas, complicity in the NAZI - engineered Holocaust [against Jews, Gypsies, trade unionists, university professors, disabled persons, outspoken Protestants, and others], complicity in Vietnamese Catholic genocide against Buddhists, etc., etc., etc.,... all render consistently inconsistent!
Even if new forms for marriage contracts or family structure develop into the norm of the future, these standards will still be relevant for they center on the sacredness of life.

Not exact matches

And perhaps most shocking of all, this — which with just a little tweaking could easily have appeared in Humanae Vitae itself: «The power and charge of sex are maintained when there is some sacredness to it, when it is not on tap all the time.»
So we see that a renaissance of marriage and family life based on natural law has taken place once already in Britain, serving the good of society and upholding the absolute sacredness of human life from the moment of conception to natural death.
I hope you will consider getting your hands on a copy of our book club selection for the month of May — The Sacredness of Questioning Everything by David Dark.
On Monday we will begin our discussion about David Dark's book The Sacredness of Questioning Everything.
The recent Faitheditorial on Renewing Our Vision of the Sacramentsi n citing the teaching of «the Latin Father Tertullian» in defence of «the sacredness of matter» was, all things considered, infelicitous.
In a homily in Nazareth on 14 May 2009 Pope Benedict dwelt on «the sacredness of the family, which in God's plan is based on the lifelong fidelity of a man and a woman consecrated by the marriage covenant and accepting of God's gift of new life.
Historic Christian teaching — especially on contested issues like sexuality, exclusivity, the sacredness of all human life, generosity or beliefs about the afterlife — is, admittedly, not always popular.
So the Scriptures have a recognized sacred authority, a canonicity, based on their close association with the sacredness of the Christ.
As we continue our discussion of David Dark's excellent book, The Sacredness of Questioning Everything (Zondervan, 2009), I'd like to focus on the author's thoughts regarding language and interpretation.
I have since noticed that people on a spiritual path of intention rather than religion pay far more attention to how they manifest in their lives an ethic which affirms life, how they behave in terms of respecting the sacredness of the Earth and others in it.
A general summary was provided by ethics experts who testified before then - Congressman Albert Gore's Committee on Science and Technology in 1982: (1) Though risks in experimentation are inevitable, a strong bias toward the sacredness of human life requires the highest regard for the patient or subject.
And then we read the Gospels and see a sea of instances where Jesus capitalized on the fact that it was the Sabbath, almost as if He wanted to reclaim the essence of its beauty, depth and sacredness.
On the other end of life's spectrum the Jews, because they held to the sacredness of life, refused to dispatch their elderly to a certain death.
Tomorrow look for our next book club discussion on David Dark's The Sacredness of Questioning Everything.
Yeah I gave up on that whole «sacredness of life» thing after your God allegedly flooded the Earth killing all men, women, and children except for those on a raft.
David Dark, author of The Sacredness of Questioning Everything, seems to appreciate Colbert as well, for he begins his chapter on «Questioning Our Offendedness» with a «tip of the hat» to the comic genius of the caricature that is Stephen Colbert — a caricature that highlights how «we develop a built - in resistance to any information that refuses to fall in line with our preconceived notions.»
Evolutionary psychologists tell us that our brains are hard - wired with a five - toned moral organ that focuses on a quintet of ethical values - one of which is purity, or sacredness.
Today we will conclude our discussion of David Dark's The Sacredness of Questioning Everything with a look at his chapter on «Questioning History.»
Finally, we take encouragement in this work of remote marriage preparation from Pope Francis who declared recently (address to Roman Rota 22/1/2016), «Therefore, with a renewed sense of responsibility, the Church continues to propose marriage in its essential elements — offspring, the good of the spouses, unity, indissolubility, sacredness — not as an ideal for a few, despite modern models centred on the ephemeral and the transitory, but as a reality that, with the grace of Christ, can be lived by all the baptised faithful.»
To return briefly to the image of sacredness being constant yet changing, I have focused mainly on the constant aspect of this tension in the first three chapters.
She looks to her Guardian to know that she is safe and that no one will breach the sacredness of her travels by distracting her or leveling any expectations on her.
The values and discussion points are so in - depth, so deep, so focused, and as the training goes on, things start linking together and the big picture surfaces and tells you a story of how, as a collective, we miss our humanity, our sacredness, and our purpose in life.
This book does what few books on animals manage to do, which is to attempt to raise the level of human consciousness about the necessity for relationships with companion animals and the sacredness of those bonds.
A video panning over those items is now on view in Larson's current show at the Walker Art Center in Minneapolis, which exudes a strange blend of punk sensibilities and sacredness.
Opponents argued the Langley university's community covenant prohibiting «sexual intimacy that violates the sacredness of marriage between a man and a woman» discriminates on the basis of sexual orientation against gay and lesbian law students and faculty.
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