Sentences with phrase «on scientific issues»

By frequent exposure to a partisan divide on scientific issues that are not inherently political, the public loses the ability to absorb new information without placing it into a predetermined framework.
I take a very simple and basic view on scientific issues, such as: if there are «local» phenomena in the ocean such as El Nino why shouldnt there be local phenomena in the atmosphere even though the time scale for «locality» may be at a different pace.
The National Academy of Sciences of the U.S. (set up by President Lincoln to advise on scientific issues), as well as major National Academies of Science around the world and every other authoritative body of scientists active in climate research have stated that the science is clear: the world is heating up and humans are primarily responsible.
In addition to his general trial experience, he has extensive experience as a member of national trial teams for pharmaceutical manufacturers in presenting and cross-examining witnesses testifying on scientific issues at trial.
This blog examines and comments on scientific issues surrounding tobacco policies - and fallacies.
One study is rarely the final word on any scientific issue, and the authors of this study are careful to point out that their result depends on one climate model and its own set of assumptions.
In «Put Science Back in Congress» [Science Agenda], the editors advocate for a nonbinding science advisory board to educate Congress on scientific issues.
Wildcat, chair of the American Indian and Alaska Native Climate Change Working Group and director of the Haskell Environmental Research Studies Center at Haskell Indian Nations University in Lawrence, Kansas, is himself a writer on scientific issues.
Obama, he said, elevated the role of science and technology advisers throughout the executive branch, put in place plans to mitigate and prepare the United States for the impacts of climate change, set up health research initiatives to tackle such priorities as cancer and brain research, worked with international partners on scientific issues and used the White House as a platform from which to herald science and education, particularly for children.
She will act as an independent adviser to Barroso on scientific issues and controversies.
In 2000 he was appointed president of the Royal Society, one of the most esteemed positions in the world of science, where he continues to work closely with governments to develop policies on scientific issues at the national and international level.
That's the kind of statistical gibberish that McIntyre is schooled in — and it can be used to cast doubt on any scientific issue whatsoever, as long as someone is willing to pay for the effort.
-------- Consensus on a scientific issue is established as science evolves through the following successive stages (Funtowicz and Ravetz, 1990): 1.
9 times out of 10 I would also bend to the opinion of the majority of experts on any scientific issue, unless the issue was politicised.
My first degree in is Physics, and I do from time to time comment directly on scientific issues, but nevertheless I think it is fair to say that the main thrust of my posted arguments against people like yourself and, indeed Nic Lewis, is more political than scientific.
«It is neither necessary nor desirable for the Society to give an official ruling on scientific issues, for these are settled far more conclusively in the laboratory than in the committee room».
To bounce off a comment I wrote downstairs... it seems to me that those who are most «adept» at avoiding polarization on scientific issues are those who are most thorough in employing basic tools of accurate «perspective taking,» which in turn largely reflects an explicit intent to employ tools that mitigate the influences of motivated reasoning and cultural cognition and identity - protective cognition.
Other professional affiliations: Dr. Christy is listed as a «Roundtable Speaker» for the George C. Marshall Institute, a right - wing conservative think tank on scientific issues and public policy.
In other words, most people think that their specific position on any scientific issue is at the golden mean, and anyone who believes more than they do is a true believer and anyone who doubts more than they do is a denier.
«I have zero problem with the Heartland docs being released, with the caveat that if personal information relating to some individuals should have been redacted, as I think that the activities of organisations which attempt to influence public policy should be open to scrutiny in general, and especially where they are pushing misinformation on scientific issues to further a political agenda.
Documents obtained through freedom of information law show how Canada's Harper government is controlling federal scientists» ability to communicate with journalists on scientific issues.
As you appear to be aware, anyone who relies on either Greenpeace or the «sceptics» for their information on scientific issues, is likely to be led astray on a regular basis.
Scientists have been alarmed by these moves, as well as the overall tenor of the administration on scientific issues like climate change (Trump has not yet appointed a White House science adviser) and some are even now planning a march on Washington, D.C.
For a Cabinet official to intentionally mislead the public on a scientific issue with life - and - death consequences for humanity is a far more serious matter than first - class flights or a $ 43,000 phone booth.
A backer of now - President Barack Obama, he advised the candidate on scientific issues.
It turns out that people who are the furthest apart in their views on a scientific issue are often the most educated and informed, according to a study published yesterday in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
Congressional Fellows work on Capitol Hill for a year as legislative assistants to members of Congress or congressional committees, advising them on scientific issues while learning about the policy - making process.
But on the scientific issues that probably matter most to policymakers — such as which kinds of countries cause most emissions, who will bear the greatest burdens in controlling emissions, or how international trade affects emissions and policies — the pendulum has swung strongly toward the governments.»
The letter ends with a promise of collaboration, saying, «We in the scientific community are prepared to work with you on the scientific issues important to your deliberations as you seek to address the challenges of our changing climate.»
I'm an economist, I'm confident I'm better informed on this topic than Wood is, and I don't suggest that people should take my word for it on scientific issues — I point to the actual scientists involved.
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