Sentences with phrase «on second reading»

Although I can say that I never chose a project on a second read of a script.
And now we've had the result of the vote on the second reading.
I'm on my second read through it and I'm hoping to pick up some things I may have missed the first time.
If you want to pursue particular topics on second reading (or jump around on your first), the cross references are there.
You'll get a deeper understanding of new ideas and how they fit into the big picture on your second reading.
I'm on my second read through and feel like the course has been more informative than all my previous study combined.
Almost 200 peers could speak in the debate on the second reading of the European Union (Notification of Withdrawal) Bill this week, before specific amendments to the legislation are considered next week.
However, it experienced trouble in the House of Lords on its second reading in January 2016.
He's going to try to do both things at once, voting with the Government on Second Reading but opposing the programme motion that is necessary to stop the Bill's critics talking it out.
The turning point in the campaign was the decision of the party to instruct MPs to abstain on the second reading of the Welfare Reform bill last July.
However, the bill, introduced by Saskatchewan Conservative MP Maurice Vellacott, was ultimately defeated on second reading in the House of Commons in 2014.
Heseltine was one of a group of 15 Conservative MPs to vote against the 1968 Commonwealth Immigration Bill on second reading (Conservative whips advised their MPs to support it, but it was a free vote).
When Roebuck spoke on the Second Reading of John Diefenbaker's Bill of Rights, in 1960, he expressed his strong disappointment at two features.
It passed the full House on second reading, though a final vote on third reading is required to send it to the Senate.
They seem to have forgotten that the enormous majority the Lords reform bill received on second reading reveals exactly how much this second reading result actually means...
The enormous 338 majority achieved on second reading was even described as a «triumph» by Nick Clegg in an email to supporters.
Young says that depends on the second reading result this evening (with Labour support, a government win is guaranteed).
We debated this a little on Second Reading, and as I said in my speech then, I do not think that is right.
It has already passed on second reading in the House, but it was amended, so even if it passes third reading, it must go back to the Senate.
The vote to retain it was won on the second reading in the House of Lords on 4th March but then was lost in the Commons on 16 April.
Theresa May, now Shadow Secretary of State for Work and Pensions, spoke today on the second reading of the Welfare Reform Bill.
Commenting on the second reading of the bill, a spokesperson for Corbyn said: «Labour MPs voted more than three to one in favour of triggering article 50.
However, I wonder whether we have ever had such a Bill, because it has attracted not a single voice of support from Back Benchers on Second Reading.
Despite their opposition, Karakehian, Ageton and Appelbaum voted to approve the new regulations on second reading last week.
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What is problematic about omnibus bills, particularly ones amending the Criminal Code is that parliamentarians are obliged to vote yea or nay for the whole bill, particularly on second reading.
Plus, when I have a pile of strong resumes and even some maybes, it can be the cover letter that makes all the difference on second reading as to whether I actually call the candidate in for a job interview.
So on my second read, I think I would take my very best 3 - 5 things in really plaster them up front to jump out in your listings — so a busy mom or dad looking at a hundred rental on a Saturday morning can focus on the key differentiators:
This is unsurprising when you consider the point at which Corbyn's campaign really took off: when all three other candidates opted to toe the party line, as mandated by caretaker leader Harriet Harman, and abstain from voting on the second reading of the government's welfare bill.
On Monday September 11, Bill 148, Fair Workplaces, Better Jobs Act, 2017 was reported (with amendments) from the Standing Committee on Finance and Economic Affairs, and House debate on second reading has begun.
I have not seen the voting list yet, but, according the Labour whips, six Lib Dems, including the former leader Charles Kennedy, did not support the government on the second reading.
Labour's approach of abstaining on the second reading, but leaving open the option to oppose on the third reading if amendments are rejected, has provided a measured route through the minefield.
However, the bill was defeated on second reading in the House of Commons, despite polling that suggested the vast majority of Canadians would support such a measure.
I'm on my second read through it and I'm hoping to pick up some things I may have missed the first time.
A few days ago, Parliament voted on the second reading of a bill, to place...
But on second reading, the story offers an image of great hope: «Eli, whose eyesight had begun to grow dim so that he could not see, was lying down in his room; [but] the lamp of God had not yet gone out, and Samuel was lying down in the temple of the Lord, where the ark of God was.»
The letter, which was being circulated by the ERG and has been signed by about 40 MPs, was intended for publication in a Sunday newspaper on the eve of the vote on second reading.
The vote on second reading will of course go ahead, but the one on which Tory MPs have sought to rebel is now off.
At the lobby briefing this morning the prime minister's spokesperson was clear that there would be two votes, as we've been expecting: one on the second reading and one on the programme motion.
Next come David Blunkett, who calls for MPs to reject the «constitutional abomination» on second reading.
The first will be on the second reading.
The main vote on the second reading of the bill will pass because Ed Miliband, who supports reform of the upper house, has instructed Labour MPs to vote with the coalition.
On May 4, the Florida Senate tabled SB 2086, and passed HB 1355 on second reading.
It was 27 January 2004, when MPs voted on the Second Reading of the Higher Education Bill to introduce top - up fees.
[67] She abstained from voting on the second reading of the Brexit Bill, after becoming ill hours before the vote, [68] and later voted in favour at the third and final reading.
Farron has every right to move it, and how Labour will vote on Second Reading will be crucial.
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