Sentences with phrase «on self»

Coulter's perspective on the self - inflicted «victimization» of the poor and oppressed not only lacks biblical support; it is anti-biblical.
Similarly, a national policy based on self - interest alone does not achieve the self - interest of the nation.
When conscience has become abnormally focused on the self, fears of doing wrong can become obsessions and we like to be a problem to ourselves.
It was directed toward the other, not focused in on self.
It slips up on a self - aware human being whenever he becomes conscious of his fragile position in the face of sickness, nature, fate and, ultimately, death.
These shifts were spurred by a new American affluence, by the Pill, by the flood of women into the work force, by the destabilization of traditional values during the war in Vietnam, and by a new societal emphasis on self - fulfillment.
His first and probably his most significant book, The Interpretation of Dreams, was based to a considerable extent on the self - analysis of his own dreams.
But it is only when we reflect on the self - emptying love that lies in the depths of this mystery (or that constitutes the mystery itself) that we discover the true ground of human freedom.
The Beatitudes reveal the attitudes, or character, needed to become a transformative presence in society and go far beyond the demands of the Decalogue which are based on self - interested moralism; not self - sacrificial love.
Disqualification (2:18): «Do not let anyone disqualify you, insisting on self - abasement...» When we fail and disappoint those in religious and spiritual authority over us and receive their condemnation, the next step is disqualification.
(Evangelical and mainline pastors were categorized based on self - identification.)
(6) This emphasis on self - responsibility seeks to counteract a major cause of unwellness in Western societies — the «medical model» in which people view themselves as passive «patients» and view physicians as having primary responsibility for their health and healing.
Being classified as an evangelical is not dependent on self - identification, church attendance, or the denominational affiliation of the church attended.
Religion is based on the respect and dignity of the individual, on self - determination and adequate opportunities for the individual, and it has had as its goal the health of both individuals and society and the improvement of the quality of life.
Segregation per se has a damaging effect on the self - esteem and therefore the mental health of those segregated.
The drop in population share is based on denominational affiliation, whereas the 1 percent increase is based on self - identification.
Church activities depending upon volunteers tend to be spasmodic and often dependent on self - formed leadership, so that parishes are increasingly seeking to appoint people to full - time pastoral roles to coordinate catechetical and evangelising initiatives and to form volunteer leaders and teams.
One problem: Most polls are based only on self - identification, instead of what people do or believe.
Remember, God does not smile on the self - righteous.
By these words, he said, Jesus based his teaching on self - interest: the purpose of not seeking one's own life was merely to save it.
Any condition of social injustice, economic deprivation, political tyranny, or racial discrimination has a deleterious effect on the self - esteem of the victims.
On the self - making nature of choices, see G.Grisez, The Way of the Lord Jesus, Vol.1, Franciscan Herald Press 1983 Ch.2; J.Boyle, «Freedom, the Human Person and Human Action», in W.E.May (ed), Principles of Catholic Moral Life, Franciscan Herald Press 1981; J.Finnis, Fundamentals of Ethics, OUP 1983 pp.136 - 144.
If there remains a relatively stable church - engaged, convictional minority, and there is a big movement on self - identification, that means that the middle is going away.
The most glaring thing about the dfiference to me is that modern Christianity seems to lack a compassion and respect for the poor and unfortunate, and instead focuses on self and what «I» deserve.
Man pull your self together and have the courage to face the returns of your deeds... Wars were always there in life whether were religious or not religious so stop doing what ever you are doing on your self...
RD.. How path - et - ic to see your hate and fear driving you to death...!?! Man pull your self together and have the courage to face the returns of your deeds... Wars were always there in life whether were religious or not so stop doing it on your self... Beside learn to wish people well whether you agree or disagree with might you succeed in life rather than being a loser... by being a cowered... My posts were meant for the friendly people I had known for some time, whom I found they were full of compassion and not for black hearted one's like you who hate all God creations...
Religion my be self - supporting, but that still gives it a leg up on your self - referentially incoherant statement.
This approach has engendered a number of fundamental features of modern Western life: its critical spirit; its emphasis on free assent -, its focus on the self as constructing its world and legislating its own values, and hence all the various modes of personal, sociological and historical relativism.
Don't depend on some self - appointed «spiritual leader».
This concentration on the historical self, though later shorn of the emphasis on the self's relation to God, has been fundamental to Western philosophy, politics, literature and psychology.
We have seen that the modern emphases on persons and their own past and future, on self - consciousness and self - awareness as the beginning of understanding, on a linear time and a hopeful history all begin with Augustine.
Graham did so by blazing an entrepreneurial trail rooted in conservative Protestant theology, while refusing to rest on self - congratulatory affirmations.
Each perspective, in itself, is focused on the self and not on the relationship.
Facts like the snows that have covered Mount Kilimanjaro for thousands of years are melting Scientific proof may not be as «warm and fuzzy» feeling as political rhetoric is, but it's better to base our beliefs and actions on objective reality than on self - serving political dogma.
Most will stray and keep traveling on a self destructive path.
He speaks much about «Awareness, centered on the self, [as] faith for an American.»
I wouldn't accept that report from the Independent uncritically: the British Crime Survey is based on self - report, which is not very reliable.
The emphasis is on self - understanding and personal decision, or, in other language, on insight and commitment.
«And by spiritual change, I mean the transition from one's life being predicated on self - fulfillment to a life predicated on service, which for me is a moment - to - moment struggle.»
If we reflect on the self - knowledge that is essential to faith, we conclude that «it is this call that demythologization wants to follow.»
Many Christians do not believe this, and I think it opens the door to an over-spiritualizing, and an internalizing of the faith which can place the emphasis on the self.
This tension is, essentially, that between the Enlightenment emphasis on disengaged reason exercising control over nature, and the Romantic emphasis on self - expression and creative imagination.
If you or someone you know exhibits any of these signs, it's time to focus on self - care so you can stave off depression and re-engage positively in the public square.
To become fully human, man has to achieve, on a self - conscious level, a process that operates on a non-conscious level, in all living things, namely, the synthesis of individuation and interaction, or of independence and interdependence... Accordingly, God as the power that makes for salvation is the cosmic process of organicity, which, in sub-human creatures, synthesizes individuation and interaction on an unconscious level, and in man, on a conscious level.
Though dementia may seem to be an attack on the self, it has brought to Peter an unsought and unexpected discovery of self.
We can hope that it will not depend on self - deception and delusions.
The emphasis of «automatic» is on a self - regulatory process that keeps on fulfilling its responsibilities without any break.
The understanding of human rights tend to be generally dependent on the self - interest of those who articulate the right and struggle for them.
While we moderns might suggest that Bianco work on self - esteem issues, the images of an overcoat of charity and innerwear of lowliness of heart — the heart where the Holy Spirit also dwells — show how the will has to be changed thoroughly if we are to live in relationship with both neighbor and God.
To the extent that he has derived his vital satisfactions from his work, retirement may be experienced as a deprivation and an attack on his self - esteem.
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