Sentences with phrase «on several platforms»

Considering that the original game was widely available on several platforms I think we will see the sequel make its way to PC and other consoles.
This is due to the fact that most of these coins (successful and catastrophic ones) announce their coins on several platforms for everybody to take note of.
With the right type of support this game has the potential to become a commercial success on several platforms.
It has been released on several platforms including Android, iOS and even the PlayStation VITA.
It will be released on several platforms including PC, Mac and web.
It uses the Unreal Engine 4, which allows it to be available on several platforms like Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One.
The video depicts a blonde woman and a black man having sex through a mock hidden camera in a hotel room, and it was pushed by the troll farm on several platforms before the 2016 election.
Rubinjer was the only user to post the video, and the account pushed the content on several platforms, both as animated GIFs and full videos, before the 2016 election.
CaveStory + is available on several platforms already, but this new Switch version will feature upgraded HD graphics and seven different play modes.
Ever since it's initial freemium release, Cave Story has been released on several platforms such as PC, Nintendo 3DS, and now ported to Nintendo Switch.
Reviews: The Manga Bookshelf bloggers have a new column, Going Digital, in which they review not only the manga but also the reading experience, and they look at books on several platforms.
A retailer, Hytexts, makes it different by offering Thai eBooks in EPUB format that can be universally read on several platforms unlike most retailers» PDF - only eBooks.
You will learn how to publish on several platforms including Amazon, Smashwords, and Good Reads.
It is available on several platforms because of Unreal Engine 4 like Arcade, Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One.
After delays and technical difficulties from experimenting on several platforms, Square moved production to the PlayStation, largely due to the advantages of the CD - ROM format.
You can download the ROM to play on several platforms via emulator or buy the NES cartridge!
Current stars include: Cybersettle, used heavily in New York to settle insurance disputes; Boston - based Fair Outcomes, which is available free of charge on several platforms; and Vancouver - based Smartsettle, whose ODR services start at $ 200.
Apple meanwhile already has its own Phone app on the iPhone, and its iMessage apps on several platforms.
In two phases this month, the entertainment giant will launch Disney Movies Anywhere on several platforms and devices, including Amazon «s, Microsoft «s and Roku «s.
It uses the Unreal Engine 4, which allows it to be available on several platforms like Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One.
Snatcher is a cyber-punk adventure game that was released on several platforms and was written and directed by Hideo Kojima.
Highlighted are the abysmal Slam City (which required the SEGA CD), the so - so Quarterback Club (already released on the Genesis), the awesome Mortal Kombat II (available on several platforms), Doom (good game, marred by a smaller screen and music that didn't take advantage of the hardware), and Metal Head (the first exclusive showcased, and developed by SEGA).
I am planning my next article and put it on several platforms.
Note that this release will come out on several platforms — Xbox One, PS4, Xbox 360, PS3, PC, PS Vita and iOS.
Meanwhile, services provided by the IFTTT bot are available on several platforms and connect to cars, lightbulbs, and more than 50 IoT devices.
Note that this release will come out on several platforms — Xbox One, PS4, Xbox 360, PS3, PC, PS Vita and iOS.
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