Sentences with phrase «on sex education»

He spent fifteen years in the advertising industry before leaving the business in 1975 to write educational books, including a series on sex education for children and young people.
This resources contains content for four lessons on sex education, suitable for 10 - 15 year olds.
Most importantly, parents must educate teens on sex education.
Regardless of the Tories» views on sex education, children will come into contact with sex before they are adults.
Get articles on sex education from The Guardian.
Joseph Collison on sex education, New Oxford Review, January 1999.
For some of them, at least, the new Vatican statement on sex education will present a conflict in the area of helping homosexual people.
But he also highlights significant weaknesses, for example: «Argumentation to justify fundamental Catholic and Christian positions on sex education is lamentably absent» and, it invokes «secular rhetoric in explaining the aim of understanding the Church's teaching on contraception and pregnancy as becoming «able to make informed choices»».
The Kansas City Star noted that moderates are also upset by the board's actions on sex education and its hiring of an education commissioner with no experience in the field.
In response to the Department for Education's consultation on sex education guidelines, the National Education Union says that young people desperately need relationship and sex education which covers sexual harassment, sexting and online porn and the other issues they face.
Ian Bauckham, a chief executive officer of Tenax Schools Trust and an adviser to the government on sex education, will join the Ofqual board on March 1, while Dr Jo Saxton, the chief executive of Turner Schools, also in Kent, will take up a place on April 1.
The report, titled Emerging Answers 2007, is the third in a series on sex education curricula from Kirby.
«I'm currently working on a sex education game for Channel 4 about a squad of teeny tiny marines clearing peoples» rude areas of sexual infection, called Privates,» explains Dan Marshall from Zombie Cow.
It seems a powerful argument, especially when its advocates compare the «silence on adaptation» with the attitude of southern Baptists on sex education — don't teach it, because it will discourage children from abstinence.
That's why, across the country, Planned Parenthood staff and supporters work in their local communities on sex education that includes important conversations about healthy relationships, and will continue to be there for women whenever they need help.
But by their enunciation, they have worked a powerful influence on the sex education, counseling and therapy movement in this country, helping to establish it as a separate profession, distinct from marriage and family counseling, psychiatry, social work, nursing, etc., giving it an indispensable foundation on which to grow and develop.
Gov. Stephen Merrill of New Hampshire has withdrawn his nomination of a Newport businessman to the state board of education, anticipating that the state executive council would torpedo the nominee because of his views on sex education.
«Compulsory lessons on sex education and healthy relationships from an early age are essential to help children understand consent and respect.
On sex education, Hinds said he would maintain the rule that parents can withdraw their children from such classes.
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