Sentences with phrase «on sexual harassment»

In this edition, we focus on sexual harassment in the workplace.
A uniform policy on sexual harassment for all state and local governments, as well as contract labor and freelancers, but prohibits mandatory arbitration of sexual harassment claims in private businesses.
She recalled the day when, while working at the aerospace engineering firm, the company gathered for a mandatory training on sexual harassment.
Strong Advocates can help take quick action on sexual harassment at college case.
Let's make 2018 the year that time was up on sexual harassment and abuse.
Companies that offer money to plaintiffs in anticipation of future legal settlements are racing to capitalize on sexual harassment lawsuits.
More than 200 women in the national security sector penned an open letter on sexual harassment, calling on the industry to reform practices to decrease sexual misconduct.
While there is extensive literature on sexual harassment and assault in scientific settings like hospitals and college campuses, this is the first study to examine it on scientific field studies.
The governor's plan includes a zero tolerance policy on sexual harassment, equal pay provisions, and greater protections for victims of domestic violence and women forced into sex trafficking.
A new report on sexual harassment in the federal public service and federally regulated industries finds that a «plethora» of unaligned laws, regulations and policies have discouraged victims from reporting and leave lots of room for harassers to avoid punishment.
Other contenders in the new poll included Democratic Sens. Al FrankenAlan (Al) Stuart Franken100 days after House passage, Gillibrand calls on Senate to act on sexual harassment reform Eric Schneiderman and #MeToo pose challenges for both parties Senate confirms Trump judicial pick over objections of home - state senator MORE (Minn.), Cory Booker (N.J.) and Kamala Harris (Calif.).
The report focuses on sexual harassment allegations against Brooklyn Assemblyman Vito Lopez and details a number of charges.
Strengthen the law on sexual harassment at work — protect women from harassment from «third parties» who may be customers, service users or contractors;
The Legislative Ethics Commission released a report on the sexual harassment allegations against Assemblyman Vito Lopez.
In Part 2 of his weekly «Mondays with the Mayor» interview on NY1, Mayor de Blasio talks to Errol Louis about the city's data on sexual harassment complaints in city government, his views on safe injection sites, and a corruption case involving former NYPD officials.
In a Harvard Business Review article about male silence on sexual harassment issues, United States Naval Academy professor W. Brad Johnson and United States Naval War College professor David G. Smith explain the difference between men who model passive gender inclusion and those who model active gender inclusion.
The latest entrant in the never ending list of Hollywood actresses joining the conversation on sexual harassment with their stories is Natalie, who revealed that she was sexually terrorised as a child.
The intense focus on sexual harassment scandals in Hollywood, publishing, media and the arts spurred Clout Research to inquire about the local situation in Nassau County.
Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, D - N.Y., right, arrives for a news conference on sexual harassment in the workplace, Wednesday, Dec. 6, 2017, on Capitol Hill in Washington.
During the meeting, Pelosi acknowledged female lawmakers who are working on sexual harassment legislation.
Meanwhile, R. Shep Melnick explains that the federal regulation of education under Title IX is an issue that does not fall neatly along party lines, and looks to the future of federal guidance on sexual harassment.
Also at noon, NYC Council members and advocates will hold a press conference immediately before a Council hearing on sexual harassment within the municipal workforce and in the private sector, City Hall steps, Manhattan.
An emotionally charged session on sexual harassment in anthropology began with audible gasps last week when a young, untenured professor * described to a standing room — only crowd how she had been humiliated recently when she participated in an otherwise all - male scientific workshop.
Nixon also launched this local Tweet: «I have seen Andrew Cuomo mansplaining and lecturing women on sexual harassment.
Matthew Masterson, legislative liaison for the county legislature, said that the body had no comment on the sexual harassment allegations against McLaughlin.
Female lawmakers in the Senate and Assembly said they support the women who wrote the letter and their ideas, but disagree that talks on sexual harassment should be delayed.
As part of the reunification deal, Mr. Klein will become the deputy to Senator Andrea Stewart - Cousins, the Democratic minority leader — creating the odd couple of New York's first female legislative leader, who in recent months has championed an aggressive crackdown on sexual harassment, and a man accused of committing it.
Cuomo, a Democrat positioning himself for a possible 2020 presidential campaign, said the world is having a «moment» of awakening on sexual harassment and promised «a very aggressive agenda» in his upcoming State of the State address.
Haber said that if elected, he would work to provide tax relief for Nassau residents, improve the quality of schools and press for passage of the Women's Equality Act, which would strengthen equal pay laws and extend the prohibition on sexual harassment to businesses with fewer than four employees.
Given the current media attention on sexual harassment claims, New Jersey businesses should continue to review their internal policies and procedures for addressing workplace harassment.
Speaking of sanctions, I have a few remarks on the sexual harassment scandal at one of the nation's largest firms, Holland & Knight, after reading Dan Lynch's excellent report.
There were only a few times that anybody mentioned anything that bordered on sexual harassment, and I would ask, and there was always... there was just evasion.
But you are skeptical of your client's story or doubt their bona fides or suspect this is just a self - serving attempt to climb on the sexual harassment bandwagon.
A colleague of mine at First Reference, Adam Gorley, wrote an article about the Standing Committee on the Status of Women's study on sexual harassment in Federal workplaces.
HARASSMENT: California is looking to crack down on sexual harassment involving venture capitalists.
Implement a policy at the federal level to clearly define sexual harassment; include it in any Treasury Board policies on sexual harassment for the federal workplace.
Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver later admitted that it was not the first time Lopez had been in trouble on sexual harassment charges.
Their efforts helped turn the 2018 Golden Globes into a spotlight on sexual harassment, with attendees agreeing to wear «Time's Up» pins and dress in black.
Lucas says that if a male superior comments on his female employee's wardrobe, for instance, he should make sure that his wording does not verge on sexual harassment.
If that's you (or someone you're itching to have an informed argument with) then let me point you to an excellent recent Vox article, offering an in - depth roundup of all the hard numbers available on sexual harassment, from its prevalence, to the frequency of reporting and retaliation, to costs to companies.
Conscious of their needs, Uber organised seminars on sexual harassment for drivers, instructing them never to contact women passengers after the ride or to comment on their attire and lifestyle.
And the new code contains — again, not coincidentally — a substantial section on sexual harassment.
This was the same department that former Uber engineer, Susan Fowler, wrote about in her damning essay on the sexual harassment and sexism she encountered in her year at the company.
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