Sentences with phrase «on sheep dipping»

Not exact matches

Improved husbandry means fewer sheep die in the fields, especially during winter when the ravens breed, and traces of sheep - dip on those that do die may poison the ravens.
Two years ago, the National Rivers Authority, the Environment Agency's predecessor, called for a ban on pouring waste dip into holes in the ground and for new rules to keep sheep dipping away from rivers.
Also, sheep that are dipped in the pesticides often have a chemical residue on their skin that may taint the lanolin extracted from their skin, as well as the wool and the meat.
Cheers to Danish director Thomas Vinterberg for blowing the antiquated dust off Thomas Hardy's 1874 novel about a willful heroine who'd rather muck about in sheep dip on a farm she inherited than marry guys who treat her like property.
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