Sentences with phrase «on simple reason»

When I read much of what has been said officially by the Competition Bureau of Canada in relation to this subject issue, I can't reason it against what I know of this industry and in some cases I just can't reason it, based on simple reason.
A man always owes something to Russian women on the simple reason, namely: just because he is a man.
Some assessments still rely on simple reasoning about how extremes might be expected to change with global warming (e.g., warming could be expected to lead to more heat waves).

Not exact matches

Decreasing growth in other economies can have a negative effect on Canada for a very simple reason: our mass production and export of commodities.
Whether it is in Athens or on Wall Street, Fink says public protests are a simple statement of fear by people who are frightened for good reasons.
The authors of the study proffered that advertising on Facebook is effective for the simple reason that it reaches more of a page's followers.
But if you show someone making a floor spotless and picking up all of the lint on a couch, suddenly you have jumped from simple logical reasoning to a demonstration of power.
My reasoning is relatively simple: most of the books on the market that I've read or been sent are simplistic.
It's come about for a simple reason: high - risk, high - speed, high - focus assaults tend to be unforgiving on bureaucratic or autocratic management styles.
It's as simple as this: When someone begins to complain or talk badly about another person, no matter the reason, ask, «Before you go on, will either of us approach him directly about this?»
The reason is very simple: We don't have common stock on the market, which means the financial community and newspapers don't have a lot of interest.
Oh sure, there's been a lot of talk on algorithms and over-booking, but the real reason is plain and simple.
The reason behind this is simple: Time is money, so the potential for return on investment is diminished with each additional hour of owner involvement.
On Fox Business Network Friday morning, Peter Navarro, a top White House trade adviser, said he did not believe any country would retaliate, «for the simple reason that we are the most lucrative and biggest market in the world.»
«Smaller consortia are critical for one simple reason: If you are on your own in blockchain, the value is extremely limited,» Piscini continued.
The reason no one on Wall Street or DC cares is that the solution simple.
This principle means, of course, a «one size fits all» disclosure regime is suspect on its face of fiduciary breach for the simple reason that all clients are not equal in their investing knowledge.
Simplistic reasoning, but most of my (usually successful) investing is based on simple principles.
The simplest reason for tomorrow's miss is shown in the following Morgan Stanley chart, which predicted the July 209K print with dead - on precision, and which extrapolates the recent Y / Y slowdown in job growth to only 136K jobs in August (which, in the current «bad news is good news» environment, should be sufficient to send stocks to new all time highs as it will mean an even greater delay by the Fed).
Most seriously, he asserts in his November 19 column, «the core reason for the attack on the Fed is self - interest, pure and simple.
We get more excited about income coming from our investments than from our job wages for one simple reason: this doesn't require too much effort on our part.
The United States of America have exhibited, perhaps, the first example of governments erected on the simple principles of nature; It will never be pretended that any persons employed in that service had interviews with the gods, or were in any degree under the influence of Heaven, more than those at work upon ships or houses, or laboring in merchandise or agriculture; it will forever be acknowledged that these governments were contrived merely by the use of reason and the senses.
There is one simple reason the editors of the New York Times and the likes of MSNBC's Chris Matthews find Saletan's answer to the culture war on abortion so compelling: It allows pro-choice politicians to change the subject.
I agree, or at least it's a lot easier to rely on simple myths than trying to explain the real reasons to a child.
On the other hand, when «liberal» means simple accommodation to the culture, then there are good reasons to attack liberalism.
But we have to admit that if in the last resort Naaman is swayed by this simple reasoning, it is because the argument is on his own level.
The reason is simple, it would have only negative effects on society as women would still seek the service only now it would be illegal and probably much more harmful.
But in pure logic it is not true that there is sheer contradiction between the joint admission of divine perfection of goodness and divine perfection of power, on the one hand, and the fact of real evil on the other, for the simple reason that the greatest possible power (which by definition is «perfect» power) may not be the same as «all the power that exists united into one individual power.»
One simple but important reason that lifers on parole pose such a low risk is their age: even before truth - in - sentencing, virtually no lifers were released until they reached their late 30s.
In brief, Collingwood argues that Ayer fails to eliminate metaphysics for the simple reason that metaphysical propositions are not, as Ayer assumes, propositions but are, on the contrary, presuppositions and hence not amenable to the same treatment.
However, even independently of their bearing on the Church's interpretation of Jesus» life, death, and resurrection, these texts have been held holy for the simple reason that they give authoritative expression to the central themes of promise and hope that constitute the core of biblical faith.
Not to put too fin a point on it, but not a single Christian was killed in those centuries for the simple reason that there were no Christians until about the middle of the 1st Century AD (CE).
No, the more basic reason for the challenge is that this very issue of theism or atheism is too complex to admit of the simple either / or kinds of answers apparently called for by the question emblazoned on the cover of Time for Easter 1966.
It is too simple, consequently, to see empirical theology as simply another theology, basing thought on experiences rather than on schemes or reasons, proposing that generalization proceed by induction rather than by deduction, advancing a pluralism in place of a monism, or a naturalism in place of a transcendentalism.
Commenting on why he chose to share his struggles online, he said: When I sent out that tweet the day after Gemma died on 24th November, I did it for nothing more then this simple reason - I just wanted people to know.
Gil you have asked some very good questions why does bad things happen in the world i personally do nt know God did nt explain to Job either why he had to suffer.What i do know is that God desires that none of us should perish but that all would have eternal life in him through Jesus Christ.This world will one day pass away and the real world will be reborn so our focus as christians is on whats to come and being a witness in the here and now.Both good and bad happens to either the righteous or the sinner so what are we to make of that.What we do know is that God will set all things right at the appointed time the wicked will be judged and the righteous will be rewarded for there faith isnt that enough reason for us to believe.Free will is only a reality if we can choose between good and bad but our hearts are deceitfully wicked we naturally are inclined toward sin that is another reason whyt we need to be saved from ourselves so what are we to do.For me Christ died and rose again that is a fact witnessed by over 500 people that were alive at the time and was recorded by historians how many other religious leaders do you know that did that or did the miracles that Jesus did.As far as the bible is concerned much of the archelogical evidence has proven to be correct and many of prophetic words spoken many hundreds of years ago have come to pass including both the birth and the death of Jesus.Interested in what philosophy you are believing in if other than a faith in Jesus Christ so how does that philosophy give you the assurance that you are saved.Its really simple with christianity we just have to believe in Jesus Christ.brentnz
People have been asking that question for thousands of years and yet a simple «yes» doesn't really answer it, again, you can go on and keep on believing, I on the other hand have not found sufficient reason for me to believe in judaism.
The idea of being successful in both at the same time is just not realistic — for the simple reason that it is a competition between two jobs each of which can be a «success» only on the basis of a full - time dedication.
The reason that educated people are «uncurious» about this is the simple fact that there is NO scientific debate on this issue whatsoever.
Your favorite reason seemed to be on the web the simplest thing to be aware of.
I am about to upgrade my old simple (and now broken) food processor, and I am thinking of buying the Magimix 4200xl (for some reason the color cream seams to be discounted on some website).
It is loaded with inspirational quotes to motivate newbies and the recipes are simple and easy to use: But as I said, if you've got any experience in cooking this way and / or if you're already up on the nutrition and have your own reasons for eating this way, then this book is going to simply be a repetition of what you already know.
But I chose to try Marion's, and I chose it for three reasons: 1) again, it was cited most often, 2) it calls for the type of yeast — active dry, as opposed to instant — that I usually keep on hand, and 3) it's very simple, with no beating of egg whites or other additional steps.
Here's my top five faves from my own kitchen this year: 5) Chilled Brown Rice Asian Salad — I love this salad for several reasons: 1) It's incredibly simple, 2) the chilled aspect makes it surprising, and 3) it's a take on my favorite dish from The Cookery in Door County, my favorite place on Earth.
5) Chilled Brown Rice Asian Salad — I love this salad for several reasons: 1) It's incredibly simple, 2) the chilled aspect makes it surprising, and 3) it's a take on my favorite dish from The Cookery in Door County, my favorite place on Earth.
For Grillo, the reasons for URG's growth have been based on a simple philosophy.
If this little description of the Ferretti almost sounds like a hotel brochure, the reason is simple — we fell in love with this place and we'll stay here again on our next trip to Diamante.
This recipe is so simple and so delicious that you have absolutely no reason not to go make these noodles right now, go on, you won't be disappointed!
I still only eat wheat things on occassion or rarely, for one simple reason: I've grown accustomed to living without it.
It's a perfect side dish for the holiday table for so many reasons — there are seasonal Brussels sprouts and sweet potato, it's a single dish affair and simple in preparation, which will give you time to focus on other more elaborate main dishes, it's quite striking in color, and so impressively tasty.
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