Sentences with phrase «on slave labor»

As for Greco - Roman civilization, it was based squarely on slave labor, and one of the profoundest differences between the ancient Mediterranean culture and our own is that there slavery was taken for granted along with a growing consciousness of the moral compromise it involved with man's best ideals, while with us liberty is taken for granted along with deep ethical discontent at the parallels of slavery, or worse, which exist under the wage system.
As tyrannical kingship had taken the place of paternal chieftainship and a stratified society based on slave labor had crowded out earlier equality, so the social organization of Israel continued to take form from the patterns of the day.

Not exact matches

King Leopold II «founded» the Congo Free State as «his own» private colony, and went on to make a huge fortune from it by forcing the Congolese into slave labor for ivory and rubber.
Savar, Bangladesh (CNN)- Pope Francis, speaking at a Mass on Wednesday, made reference to the Bangladesh building collapse that killed upwards of 400 people in a sharp condemnation of worker exploitation and «slave labor
During a recent interview with Fresh Air's Terry Gross, Winslow explained that in the past, Mexican drug cartels routinely kidnapped women and young girls — after murdering their husbands and fathers — and forced them into slave labor on giant marijuana farms.
On Wednesday, the Pope Francis made reference to a building collapse in Bangladesh that killed upwards of 400 people in a sharp condemnation of worker exploitation and «slave labor
pay them non livable wage, no medical no benefits all so they can keep prices down on products produced in slave labor in counties that hate the united states.
This country was built on the back of the unpaid labor of slaves.
Slave and child labor are used on these plantations, and they are largely responsible for the unlawful and unsustainable amounts of deforestation in southeast Asia.
And, if you use a smartphone, use tablet, or own a game console, you may have as many as 8.6 slaves working for you, according to Slavery Footprint, a new online calculator and app that reveals how much your lifestyle depends on forced labor.
krispin and i have long been on an anti-sweat shop kick but have been too lazy to research child / slave labor conditions in the food industry.
Leading up thru the civil war, the debate on what constituted as «property» extended to profits off [slave] labor and off slaves themselves.
I would much rather spend more $ on better quality and have fewer pieces that I love, than to spend less $ on crap garments that drape terrible and are made by slave labor.
There, he and the other soldiers were forced into slave labor, working on the Burma - Siam «Death Railway,» as it became known.
These evildoers operate a debtor's prison / slave labor colony for those who've lost their money wagering on these games.
Just as in the original, this film is as much about the texture of the world on screen as it is the story of the Replicants (artificially manufactured humans created as slave labor) decades after Deckard first strolled the mean streets of L.A.
The Battleship Island Near the end of World War II, a Korean independence activist plots to save his countrymen imprisoned by the Japanese as slave labor on the island of Hashima.
(Note how he refers to work done for free as «slave labor» — an interesting foreshadow to the section where they reflect on their future.)
Opponents say it can interfere with learning the basics and holding part - time jobs, puts an unfair burden on students, that it's the responsibility of parents to guide their children's moral and ethical development, and that, at worst, mandatory service is no better than slave - labor.
There was a time, for example, when historians didn't worry much about the slave trade and the emergence of an economy based on forced labor.
The time of labor to remove and replace the clutch slave cylinder on a 2003 Honda Element is about 3 and a half to 4 hours to replace including bleeding the hydraulic system.
A wealthy American teenager, a Chinese adolescent intent on freeing himself from a lifetime of slave labor, an...
A lender often earned interest on the debt through the labor of a pledged slave or child.
Visitors will encounter references to the literal and metaphoric scars of the pine industry and the turpentine camps (not unlike the slave plantations once located on the same land), along with the music that grew out of this labor and the resilient spirit of the workers.
Disputed Banksy Back at Auction — The alleged Banksy street artwork, Slave Labor (Bunting Boy), which depicts a young boy stitching Union Jack flags on a sewing machine, and was first painted during the Diamond Jubilee of Queen Elizabeth II, is back at auction alongside works by Andy Warhol and Damien Hirst, despite protestations from the council that represents the district in which the painting was made.
Host institution Brown University has historical connections to the Trans - Atlantic slave trade and represents the intellectual and material wealth of a nation that was built on the forced labor of a Black underclass.
Thus, when the Green Shirts come and drag me out of my home and pin a D, for Denier, on my shirt prior to taking me to the slave labor camps, I'll be thinking of you and AlGore.
It's not like you can look on the back of the label and read that the product was made by a subsidiary of a Koch brothers holding, or Monsanto, or with slave labor (seriously).
Additionally, they will not work with any farms found to be using slave labor (what year is it again?!?) or raising cattle in designated protected areas or on indigenous lands: To ensure a modicum of transparency, JBS - Frisboi says it will implement a tracking system within six months — the exact nature of which (ear tags, something else?)
The thing is that at some level, the success of Brazil's ethanol program depends on the productivity of its sugar plantations and on the availability of cheap (almost slave) labor.
«I think the new clinic will help victims of slave labor in Brazil, and also that this is our opportunity to collaborate on international and cross-border cases.»»
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