Sentences with phrase «on small elements»

He, too, builds on small elements that, up close, take on aspects of mapping or drawing.
, It isn't the type of book with a hard driving plot or huge suspense — but it focuses beautifully on the smaller elements of life, love, and relationships.

Not exact matches

«People submit more and more domain - specific bots — in the car - racing competition you had people submitting bots that started hard - coding elements of tracks and cars and so on — and the actual AI part gets relegated to smaller and smaller roles,» Togelius says.
The workshop highlights how venture capitalists respond to entrepreneurs who seek funding and assistance, and focuses on teaching the fundamental elements of due diligence, deal structures and terms, legal requirements, small business strategy and operations, and exit strategies from both the perspective of a venture capitalist and entrepreneur.
Palladium — one of the rarest elements on earth and mined almost exclusively in Russia and South Africa — is the smallest precious metals market, making its prices particularly vulnerable to such speculative trading.
The big difference with a typical global market cap portfolio and all McClung's main candidates is their lack of large cap elements in both US and Intl equities, much more emphasis on small cap, and large and small cap value for US and Intl..
Hitherto, in the eyes of a Science too much accustomed to reconstruct the world on one spatial axis extending in a line from the infinitely small to the infinitely great, the larger molecules of organic chemistry, and still more the living cellular composites, have existed without any defined position, like wandering stars, in the general scheme of cosmic elements.
It reduces to very small proportions, almost negligible, in fact, the importance of the element of chance mutation, on which R. A. Fisher on the one hand and Jacques Monod on the other have reared such super-structures of rather emotional philosophizing.
The essential plot elements of Inherit the Wind — the lonely stand of the brave individualist against the small - minded bigotry of the townspeople, Cates» fear and trembling as he waits in his prison cell, the threat of ruin hanging over his head («The Scopes character and his fiancee play each scene as if he were on the way to the electric chair,» wrote one film reviewer)-- are pure fabrication.
In addition, Maas will offer insight on all elements of a startup venture from projected financing and marketing a brand with a small budget to producing and distributing a product into the industry.
There are many reasons to join a CSA: supporting small farmers, the element of surprise, eating local and in season, the list goes on.
As a prominent element, the wines of Spain will be the foundation of Aragona's beverage offerings focusing on smaller producers and terroir - driven wines.
Key elements of the Ripples experience include: • Wi - Fi enabled device that neatly fits onto a counter top with a small 8.5» x 10.5» footprint • Creates high quality images or messages on foam topped beer in just 10 seconds • Ripples uses malt - based ink, producing beer - based shades and maintaining the natural beer experience • Supports glasses up to seven inches tall • Ripples» provides content / images from its library of hundreds of images and messages.
This past winter, for example, while picking through rubble on the same small cay where one metal detector supposedly discovered another, a wreck hunter named Sonny Clayton and I found part of an old boiler, a bottle of French sun lotion, the heating element from an electric toaster and five beach sandals — none matching.
I can only hope that this attempt is taken more seriously than the largely muted and clearly unsuccessful protests of late last season... although the plane writing escapade brought some much - needed attention to the matter, it failed to resonate with fence - sitters and those who had just recently fell off the Wenger truck... without a big enough showing of support the whole endeavor appeared relatively weak and poorly organized, especially to the major media outlets, whose involvement could have significantly changed what was to follow... but I get it, few wanted to turn on their club, let alone make a public display of their discord... problem is, they are preying on that vulnerability, in fact, their counting on you to keep your thoughts to yourself... who are you to tell these fat cats how to steal your money... they have worked long and hard to pull the wool over your eyes... they even went so far as to pay enormous sums of cash to your once beloved professor to be their corporate spokesmodel so that the whole thing would be more palatable... eventually the club made it appear as if this was simply a relatively small fringe group of highly radicalized supporters, which allowed the pro-Wenger element inside the club hierarchy to claim victory following the FA Cup win... unfortunately what has happened to this club can't be solved by FA Cups or a few players coming in, the very culture of this club needs to be changed and that starts at the top... in order to change the unhealthy and dysfunctional narrative that has absorbed this club we need to remove everyone who presently occupies a position of power... only then can we get back to the business of playing championship caliber football, which should always be the number one priority of this organization... on an important side note, one of the most devastating mistakes made in the final days of this hectic and poorly planned transfer window didn't have to do with the big name players like Sanchez or Lemar, but the fact that they failed to secure Jadon Sancho, who might even start for Dortmund this season... I think they might seriously regret this oversight... instead of spending so much time, energy and manpower pretending that they were desperately trying to make big moves, they once again lost the plot due to their all too familiar tunnel vision
We did nt get it and the longer the season goes on the more dependant we will become on goals from midfield, which makes our attacking predictable and easy to defend, we have no element of surprise in attack, nobody dribbles or runs past an opponent at pace at Arsenal, its all based on rotating positions and passing until a gap opens, the big sides, and smaller ones aswel wont always give you the gap, and even when the gap does prevent itself your depending on Giroud being clinical enough to take the chance, and he is not clinical.
The same sort of thing with a pendant if i rivet and stamp hammer oxidise on a blank circle of metal and beads at the top too plus a small brass charm it would be an original design using more skills than putting a pendant which has been bought on a chain regardless of how long it took me, although it would take a lot longer to make and design with the different elements to look right.
Check to make sure that all of your graphical and navigation elements size down properly and are still readable and usable on smaller screens.
Images and graphical elements size up or down according to a smaller or larger screen so that the site will be easy to use on all devices.
Cuomo, speaking at the downtown Strand Theatre on Wednesday, said the city contains all of the elements required to fuel economic growth, including a strong core of small businesses, a state school that acts as an idea incubator and a low corporate tax rate.
Nearly all mass market devices rely on microchips of the chemical element silicon, on which manufacturers etch ever smaller transistors — essentially electrical switches that can be used to fashion logic circuits for computers.
Researchers have observed fission experimentally only for a small number of isotopes — the various versions of an element based on how many neutrons each has — and the details of this complex process are not yet well - understood.
His work on the design of miniature optical elements, «small lightweight instruments to be used for remote microscopy inside human beings,» became the basis for the microscope attachment that makes CMaRS useful in the field.
The red giant will eventually cast off its entire carbon - rich envelope, leaving behind only a small, hot core, while its lost material spreads into space, ready to enrich planets that have yet to be born with the key element on which all terrestrial life is based.
They pumped in a solution containing small amounts of PSA and found that the array captured the antigen effectively, throughout the forest, rather than just on the outer surface of a typical microfluidic element.
Making metamaterials for shorter wavelengths such as visible light is more difficult because it entails making elements much smaller than a micron, approaching the sizes of components on modern computing chips.
To steer the beam it relies on wave interactions among signals from a multitude of small antenna elements
If Segue 2 was born this small, it would not have been massive enough to have held on to heavy elements, says Kirby.
A galaxy, no matter how small, must be massive enough to hold on to elements heavier than iron, which are released by supernovae.
To make a clear distinction between galaxies and globular clusters, astronomers decided that true galaxies, no matter how small, must be massive enough to hold on to heavy elements.
Dr. Alexander Suh at Uppsala University is an expert on the small stretches of DNA that tend to jump from one place to another, called transposable elements.
Brown dwarfs are not considered stars because they are too small to fuse hydrogen in their cores — they don't have the gravitational oomph in their core to sustain hydrogen fusion, but, depending on how massive they are, they do have enough mass to sporadically fuse elements like lithium and deuterium.
«How is it possible that we can react to sensory stimuli with millisecond precision if intermediate processing elementson the level of single synapses, single neurons, small networks and even large neural systems — vary significantly in their response to the same repeated stimulus?»
The result is a three - dimensional map of the elements» placement on a sample smaller than a single blood cell.
The bipartisan group of 180 U.S. mayors, representing cities large and small in 42 states, resolve to make solar power a key element of their communities» energy plans and call on others to embrace clean energy from the sun.
As different as these cells and organisms may appear on the surface, genetic elements from even the smallest and simplest organisms can also be found in humans.
Too small of a wick won't produce any fragrance, and it will create a well of leftover wax on the side of the candle container,» said Hannah Hosemann, candlemaker and founder of ELEMENT candles.
In the next quote Calabrese et al (1) continue this fascinating and controversial discussion on the idea that small of amounts of «toxic» substances can promote health by optimizing allostatic, adaptive response elements by addressing what are known as «hormetins»:
I believe that all small elements like this decorated neck line on the dress and combination of the right chosen accessories can transform an outfit to unforgettable and stylish look.
There are a lot of technical elements that go into it, what we've worked really hard on is this contour waistband which acts like a self - belt and it means that you never have that gap at the back if you have a smaller waist and a bigger backside.
While Reformation prides itself on local production and sustainable manufacturing year - round, the brand takes the «eco» element of this collection one step further, heading far South to source totally renewable alpaca wool from small family - owned farms in Peru.
Although it represents a significant roll of the dice as the most expensive project ever undertaken by the filmmaker's EuropaCorp shingle, «Lucy» should capitalize on its strong international elements and Johansson's bankability to become Besson's biggest worldwide hit as a director since «The Fifth Element,» no small feat for an f / x-heavy original property in this over-franchised day and age.
I would like to see like a mushroom kingdom village that had maybe a minigame arcade, toad houses, a museum, etc (on a smaller scale, Pac - Man World 2 had these elements, but rather, an arcade that had some of the old Pac - Man games).
In his best - known films «The Sweet Hereafter» and «Exotica» Egoyan has peered into ominous symbolic thickets, wrestled with small - town angst and communal guilt, elements very much on display in his latest film, «Devil's Knot.»
Netflix staged one of the most anticipated events of this summer's Television Critics Association press tour: A panel on Stranger Things, the throwback thriller that channels elements of 1980s horror and science - fiction cinema to depict the mysterious happenings in and around a small Midwestern town in 1983.
Haneke's films often involve an element of puzzle - solving, of piecing together the necessary information from the smallest of clues, and so it proves here, as the film opens with a secretly - filmed Snapchat sequence (including disparaging comments) of a woman getting ready for bed that will only reveal its true significance later on.
(Too bad that they can't be fused into one with the best elements of both because good luck finding an actress as famous and as talented and as theoretically bankable as Viola for the actual theatrical version) Playbill Patti Lupone on Penny Dreadful (uff, she's so great on that show) and her next musical War Paint Lenny Letter Tony nominee and Oscar winner Lupita Nyong» o reveals why she chose a small play as Oscar follow up in a great piece.
On a small screen some elements gets lost without the grand theatrics needed as accompaniment.
People usually bemoan the lack of a strong human element in big blockbusters like this, but while «Godzilla» aims to remedy that by placing the focus more on them than the giant monsters doing battle, the characters are so bland and thinly written (with the exception of Bryan Cranston's scientist, who has a smaller role than is hinted at in the trailers) that it only makes things worse.
12 Strong looks to be resurrecting a few of those elements (well, the military fetishism and jingoism, at the very least), telling the «true story» of a small band of American soldiers in Afghanistan joining forces with local Afghan troops to fight the Taliban on horseback, navigating the unforgiving terrain with World War I - era tactics.
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