Sentences with phrase «on social science»

Next, the article describes an innovative educational and experiential program, Family Bridges: A Workshop for Troubled and Alienated Parent - Child Relationships, that draws on social science research to help severely and unreasonably alienated children and adolescents and recovered abducted children adjust to court orders that place them with a parent they claim to hate or fear.
In the context of a warm, authentic clinical relationship, I provide therapy based on social science research: treatments that have been proven to help people find real solutions to real problems.
A large consensus paper was recently written by a bunch of these individuals who have the intellectual heft on the social science kind of research that is being done.
Osborne Book Review on Social Science Review: Ain't No Trust: How Bosses, Boyfriends, and Bureaucrats Fail Low - Income Mothers and Why It Matters
about Osborne Book Review on Social Science Review: Ain't No Trust: How Bosses, Boyfriends, and Bureaucrats Fail Low - Income Mothers and Why It Matters
Amy Cuddy's Reflections On Social Science & Civility.
In a paper written in the fall of 2017 and published on the Social Science Research Network (SSRN) on Friday, January 12, 2018, Credit Suisse's Dietmar Peetz and Gregory Mall argue that the boom in the initial coin offering (ICO) market is the clearest indicator of a bubble in bitcoin.
In a paper written in the fall of 2017 and published on the Social Science Research Network (SSRN) on Friday, January 12, 2018, Credit Suisse's Dietmar Peetz and Gregory Mall argue that the boom in the initial coin offering (ICO) market...
In a paper written in the fall of 2017 and published on the Social Science Research Network (SSRN) on Friday, January 12, 2018, Credit Suisse's Dietmar...
Omar Ha - Redeye published an article on the Social Science Research Network Abstract: The forces of globalization and the development of international pharmaceutical policies have significantly affected the way in which drugs are currently distributed.
We want to use the descriptive component of this research without necessarily focusing on the social science theory and methodology.
This argument was based largely on social science evidence from the province's expert witness, an addiction specialist at the Homewood Health Centre in Guelph.
Supporting arguments and cited authorities for the following statements are provided by my articles posted on the Social Science Research Network, at:
See further: ( 1 ) the much more in - depth articles on this subject that I have posted on the Social Science Research Network ( SSRN ) , which are free to be downloaded from «my SSRN authors page at:.
Meanwhile, as academics are wont to do, Solove has posted the article on the Social Science Research Network.
This surprised me, as our approach to climate communication was evidence - based, drawing on social science research.
In a program that has a leadership that has never been strong on social science expertise or specific detailed vocabulary or scholarly networks.
Lamont's office of Academic Affairs & Diversity also supports women in science by offering family leave policies for Lamont research professors and paid maternity leave for full - time postdocs at Lamont; promoting a more diverse applicant pool for job openings; enhancing the visibility of women through special events; and increasing awareness by regularly distributing information on social science research to the Lamont staff.
On the social science question «Do 97 % of scientists believe most post-1865 climate change is human - caused?»
Revkin: I spent 20 years focused on the basic physics and geoscience of this... But I've spent the last five or six years focused on the social science.
I will spare you all of my arguments I use against deniers based on social science analysis, but I'm sure most readers will have their own largely overlapping set of comebacks.
Next time you are stuck on your social science thesis or on any other similar work, look to our expert team of writers to help you out.
She is a member of the editorial board of the Journal of Health and Social Behavior and of the journal Social Problems, and also currently serves on the Social Science Advisory Board of the Poverty and Race Research Action Council, as well as the National Coalition on School Diversity.
How Non-Experts Understand Conflicting Information on Social Science Issues: The Role of Perceived Plausibility and Reading Goals (PDF).
There is a lot of great research on improving Asian rice for African farmers that is being done by brilliant AfricaRice scientists, and they are working hard on the social science side too.
«We have reached an intriguing moment, perhaps unprecedented, when the data available to a handful of private companies — for example, Google, Facebook, Twitter, — could in principle make enormous impacts on social science research, especially social and personality psychology,» says J.B. Michel of the Institute for Quantitative Social Science at Harvard.
A big focus should be on social science aimed at understanding the impacts on the region's millions of inhabitants, the report says, plus the region's outsized role in shipping, fishing, and natural resource production.
For those who are interested, a draft version of my new article, «Of Human Dignities,» is now available on the Social Science Research Network site.
Anthropologists such as Margaret Mead had a remarkable influence on social science, philosophical thinking and professional training.
Most legislators, jurists, politicians, journalists, and businessmen today draw heavily on the social sciences for a better understanding of social structures, processes, and possibilities.
Social historians proceed in the same way as 19th - century novelists, and both differ from historians who base their work on the social sciences.
AAAS Director of International Relations Julia MacKenzie and Colglazier attended meetings at the Polish Ministry of Science and Education, the Polish Academy of Sciences, and Uniwersytet SWPS, Poland's first private university, which is focused on the social sciences and the humanities.
Šucha recommended that the scientific community rely much more heavily on the social sciences to «understand how the values are being formed, how they are being communicated, how they are being perceived, how the evidence is being perceived.»
Is it law oriented or based on social sciences?
The focus of the packages is on social sciences, humanities, STM, and law.
It consists of an intervention into 126 books on the social sciences: Marxism, psychoanalysis, linguistics, anthropology, philosophy, literary and art criticism, cultural studies, and literature.
Bud Ward of the Yale Climate Media Forum just reminded me of his recent piece on the social sciences and climate, focused on the work of Baruch Fischoff.
I think the jury's still out on the social sciences.

Not exact matches

«This will also be a fun break from all the economics and social science books I've read recently,» he wrote on his personal Facebook page.
«Women are trained to keep their attention on themselves,» she said, an assertion that's backed by some of the latest social science.
If you go to an Ivy League school, «there are prestigious companies that will take a chance on you even if you majored in classics or medieval history,» he writes, but «the problem is that while we need lots and lots of people with humanities and social science backgrounds, in today's increasingly anti-intellectual climate, majoring in philosophy is becoming a risk that fewer and fewer people can afford to take.»
Society tells us we should work on our English, social sciences, history and math all at once.
From Hewlett - Packard (HPQ), Proctor & Gamble (PG), and the FBI to Al Qaeda, the Samoan government, and textile factories in India, they take readers on an enjoyable and informative romp, packed with rich anecdotes, meaty bits of social science, and all sorts of surprising factoids.
I do miss some for sure, but even if it's something as small as an «awesome» or a «Like» — that totally makes a huge difference,» he explained on our Science of Social Media podcast.
«Based on evidence gathered from focus groups and interviews conducted in U.S. coal communities, we argue that coal communities that have experienced mine closures have already begun an economic and social transition, one that is based on reshaping their culture and sense of identity,» wrote professors of Indiana University in a paper published in the March issue of Energy Research and Social Scsocial transition, one that is based on reshaping their culture and sense of identity,» wrote professors of Indiana University in a paper published in the March issue of Energy Research and Social ScSocial Science.
A sweeping new study published in the journal Science has found that false or misleading stories spread faster and farther than the truth on social media.
While some people may compensate by finding connections on social media, that can provide a false sense of relief, says Jagdish Khubchandani, a health science professor at Ball State University in Muncie, Ind..
Meanwhile, social media was buzzing after images emerged of Trump placing his hands on a glowing orb at the inauguration ceremony of a new center for combating extremist ideology — instigating comparisons from fantasy epics to science fiction.
Mind their metrics Collecting metrics on social impact isn't a perfect science, and nearly one - third of accelerators don't even bother.
That said, a recent study in Psychological Science suggests that when it comes to sharing your thrilling, exclusive experiences on social media, it's perhaps better to... well, just not to.
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