Sentences with phrase «on stabilizing moods»

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It explains how relationships function and how parents shape a child's developing self, with emphasis on the idea that our emotional ties determine our mood, stabilize and maintain our health, and change the structure of our brains.
Major themes of Dr. Drevets studies have involved: 1) characterizing the pathophysiology of mood disorders using multimodal neuroimaging technologies; 2) delineating neural circuits in which dysfunction is associated with major depressive episodes; 3) elucidating effects of genetic variants associated with the risk for mood disorders on neural function, structure and receptor pharmacology; 4) investigating the neural mechanisms of antidepressant and mood stabilizing treatments, and 5) developing novel therapeutics for mood disorders.
Cellular metabolism is still increased, weight is lost, mental acuity is enhanced, moods are still stabilized, the heart rate improves, and so on.
Thus, eating them on a regular basis can potentially help stabilize and even boost your mood.
I went on a complete regimen of dietary supplements that facilitate phase 1 and 2 detoxification and amino acids that serve as precursors of neurotransmitters that stabilize mood and sleep patterns.
The doctors placed him on a regular diet and continued his pre-admission medications for roughly 3 weeks until his mood stabilized and delusions improved.
And then it's depending on that activity to define yourself, to stabilize your mood, or to make you feel good about yourself.
It is usually required that the child be placed on medication to stabilize mood due to the brain chemistry being involved in behaviors.
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