Sentences with phrase «on state standardized tests»

The issue goes beyond the standard problems of scores on state standardized tests.
The bottom line was that student performance on state standardized test in grades 3 - 8 went down over the five years.
Based on state standardized test results, the Academic Performance Index (API) score is a snapshot of how students are doing academically at a school.
In 2014, only 26 percent of students met postsecondary readiness standards on state standardized tests in at least two subjects, compared to 41 percent statewide.
African American passing rates on state standardized tests were 10 points behind those of white students in reading and 16 points behind in math.
As a result of these efforts, my students consistently scored above average in growth on state standardized tests when compared to their peers in the state.
Students who attended school regularly were more likely to achieve at higher level on state standardized tests.
I got my diploma and along with it, three certificates stating that I had scored advanced on the state standardized tests.
The board had until the end of the month to come up with a new system that relies more heavily on state standardized tests.
He proposed a system that based 50 % of a teacher's evaluation on state standardized test scores.
Performance on state standardized tests also rose — as did the Academic Performance Index (API) score, which increased 54 points.
Last year, 63 percent of students in grades 3 - 8 scored basic or above on state standardized tests, up from 33 percent.
Sadly, the arts are often the first subjects cut so more time and resources can be devoted to those classes that are assessed on state standardized tests.
In my opinion, the conversation on state standardized testing has jumped the shark when you start debating the amount of impact a dump truck had on the execution of the test administration.
The student performance component would be based on state standardized tests, although there might be options to include additional tests.
In addition to growth and achievement performance on state standardized tests, the report cards also show relevant data about the school that isn't calculated as part of the letter grade.
You would have had to go to the state's website, California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress, where results on state standardized test scores are listed to see how students at Bancroft performed on the Common Core - aligned tests.
Despite this, Hiawatha's scholars, as they are called, do twice as well on state standardized tests as kids in neighboring schools and about as well as students statewide.
And they have to institute teacher - evaluation systems that take into account student progress on state standardized tests, as well as single out 15 percent of schools for turnaround efforts or more targeted interventions.
More than half of the Washoe County public schools had been labeled «in need of improvement» for failing to get enough students to proficiency on the state standardized tests required by the No Child Left Behind Law.
Indiana's plan focuses on grading schools according to their performance and making sure students who scored in the bottom 25 percent on state standardized tests make progress the next year.
Represented school entities and employees in connection with investigations by state and federal authorities into allegations of cheating on state standardized tests.
In discussing the need for a kids - first agenda, Austin cites data points that show that less than half of 2016 graduates were eligible for the state's public university system and that 71 percent of LA Unified students were not proficient in math on state standardized tests last year.
On state standardized tests last year, just 10 percent met or exceeded English standards and 12 percent met or exceeded math standards.
Learners in Cardinal Academy need to be proficient on the state standardized tests, and demonstrate responsibility and discipline.
LA Unified's scores on state standardized tests continue to fall below the state average, even though its students posted slightly better gains, according to results released Wednesday.
Data obtained by LA School Report show how each LA Unified high school's scores on the state standardized tests improved or declined over the past two years.
Last year only about 40 % of students scored proficient or above in reading on the state standardized test, but 99.5 % of teachers are rated satisfactory.
In fact, over the past 16 years, most schools have been organized around one idea: that students score high enough on state standardized tests so that the school and district will meet acceptable benchmarks in the state accountability system.
Schools in the city's Renewal program improved more on state standardized tests in reading and math than the rest of the city's schools, but that doesn't mean they're all safe from the chopping block, the mayor said.
For the past three years, Finch says he and the minority Republicans in the state Assembly have voted against tying teacher evaluations to how well students do on the state standardized tests.
But the governor intruded with a letter May 13, 2011, specifying he wanted a higher reliance on state standardized tests as a measure of teacher effectiveness than even the law allowed.
She notes that teachers are busy preparing students for the writing found on state standardized tests, making it hard to squeeze playwriting in.
Charter schools are accountable for their performance on state standardized tests administered each spring.
Students who use the voucher to enroll in private schools end up with much lower math achievement than they would have otherwise, losing as much as 13 percentile points on the state standardized test after two years.
The school district was very top - down in its approach to education, says Wolters, especially at poor schools like hers where lots of kids struggled on the state standardized tests.
PLTW students strongly outperform district averages on state standardized tests.
With Miguel Aguilar, students consistently have made striking gains on state standardized tests, many of them vaulting from the bottom third of students in Los Angeles schools to well above average, according to a Times analysis.
Overall, Leading Educators reports, students taught by teams led by Leading Educators fellows achieved five times more improvement on state standardized tests than their district counterparts in Kansas City in 2011 — 12, and 12 times more than their counterparts across the districts they serve in New Orleans.
This summer, a Stanford University study estimated students in 37 percent of the nation's charter schools have performed worse on state standardized tests than their peers in typical public - school districts.
In each of their four years of middle school, KIPP schools produced positive academic impacts on state standardized tests.
The Shoemaker campus visited Tuesday has outperformed some of its more affluent suburban counterparts on state standardized tests.
The ASD and the district's I - Zone share the goal of raising the 69 Memphis schools that ranked in the state's bottom 5 percent on state standardized tests into the top 25 percent of schools, and both began taking charge of schools last school year after receiving an infusion of money from the state.
A study of two of California's largest school districts, Los Angeles Unified and San Diego Unified, found that English Learner students who were determined to be proficient in English (reclassified) by the fifth grade did as well or better than native English speakers on state standardized tests.
During Roses» first year, however, few students hit the proficiency mark on state standardized tests.
Research has definitively shown that students in Oklahoma A + schools outperform their counterparts in non-A + schools in all categories on state standardized tests.
For details, see this presentation from NPS on state standardized test results from 2014 - 2017.
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