Sentences with phrase «on statins»

This antioxidant is a must for anyone on a statin drug for cholesterol.
One in 500 people has an inherited risk of extremely high LDL and should be put on statins to control their risk of heart disease.
I have been on statins for years and Creator for about 5 yrs and in the past year my cholesterol has gotten worse even on 20 mg of Crestor.
On Sunday February 15, 2015, the Sunday Express in the UK published a headline story stating that Oxford professor Dr. Rory Collins, whose research had been used to support putting millions of patients on statin drugs, was reassessing the data behind those studies for possible drug side effects.
«Muscle symptoms experienced by patients on statin therapy may or not be related to the medication,» said the study's lead author, Robert Rosenson, MD, Professor of Medicine and Director of Cardiometabolic Disorders at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai.
Don't get me started on statin drugs that doctors use to drive cholesterol numbers down.
Last February, The Food and Drug Administration mandated «important safety changes» to the warning labels on statin medications, a group of...
Americans spend over $ 20 billion each year on statin drugs, [1] which are prescribed under the guise of decreasing your risk for heart trouble by «improving» cholesterol ratios.
If they weren't on the statins they may not need my help!
People on statins used to undergo periodic liver enzyme testing.
The FDA labels on statins reflect these potential side effects, noting that they are rare and that regardless, doctors should monitor people taking statins carefully.
Anyone on a statin drug should have their vitamin D levels tested, especially if they are having unwanted side effects.
The two studies on this statin drug benefit for cardiac bypass by Curtis and Barakat refer to the anti-inflammatory «pleiotropic effects» of statin drugs.
Since 2000, Dr. Golomb has been gathering case reports of patients who have had changes in thinking, mood, and behavior while on statin drugs.
Furthermore, they should encourage patient understanding of the rationale for statin treatment, which could optimise and facilitate shared decision making on statin therapy.»
For instance, clinicians may consider restarting a patient on a statin regimen after a prior adverse statin reaction has been reported, thus re-evaluating a patient's tolerance.
Although the analysis on statin use and PD was based on a fairly small number of PD cases, this preliminary data argues against the hypothesis that statins protect against PD.»
Should I go on statins if I have borderline high cholesterol?
In a new review of the evidence on statins» effectiveness, researchers led by Rory Collins, professor of medicine and epidemiology at the University of Oxford, report in the Lancet that concerns about the side effects of statins may be overblown, and that appreciation of the drugs» benefits are under recognized.
«New research on statin drugs shows they are mitochondrial poisons... even in people without any symptoms or abnormal blood tests, muscle biopsy shows cell injury.»
(7) Why is Jarvik an Expert on Statin Drugs?
Patients with known heart disease are customarily placed on statin drugs by the medical system with no need for direct to consumer (DTC) advertising to this group.
Why does Jarvik's «Dracula of Medical Technology» make him an expert on statin drugs?
And I highly recommend you read Dr. Joseph Mercola's advice on statin drugs, and also «Wheat Belly» by Dr. William Davis.
The first is the abstract of reference [19] in [46], which is reference [44] here [see the section on statin drugs above for context]:
Dr. Steven Sinatra, a holistic cardiologist who refers to himself as a Metabolic cardiologist, has recommendations on statin drugs.
She also points out how «normal» levels of cholesterol and LDL are constantly lowered by the medical system in order to benefit big pharma and get as many people as possible on statins.
Dr. Julian Whitaker on Statins and Memory Loss Dr. Julian Whitaker, of Health and Healing and the Whitaker Wellness Institute, explains why statin drugs that lower cholesterol are dangerous and overprescribed.
$ tatin Nation is the first film to publicly question the Big Pharma narrative on statin drugs.
Yet the same «they» actually did pull the 2 episodes on statins.
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Gender Effects on Statin - Associated Muscular Adverse Events: An Analysis of the FDA AERS Database
A systematic review of the cases reported to the FDA determined that approximately half of the memory loss problems occurred within 60 days of starting on statin therapy, although memory problems were reported after taking a statin drug for just 5 days.
Redberg says observational data — which follow real - world patients on statin therapy — report side effect risks much higher than those in the CTT analyses.
Formed in 1994 and headquartered in the United Kingdom and Australia, the CTT consists of about 150 researchers who compile and interpret clinical trial data on statins.
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