Sentences with phrase «on study leave»

In respect of employees who are suspended, sick, on holiday, on study leave or on maternity leave at the date of the transfer, the question about whether they transfer to the new contractor was answered by HHJ Burke QC in Fairhurst Ward Abbotts Ltd v Botes Building Ltd [2003] EAT / 1007/00 / DA (March 2003), subsequently approved by the Court of Appeal [2004] IRLR 304 and followed in the writer's own case of United Guarding Services v St James Security Group Ltd [2004] All ER (D) 158 (EAT):
A person on sick leave, like a person on holiday, on study leave or on maternity leave, remains a person employed in the undertaking, even though he is not actually at his place of work.
Carol is currently on study leave from Wilfrid Laurier University, investigating Open Access from the perspective of the researcher and funding models.
I designed this to go with the movie Life of Pi, as the first of a short series of lessons designed to keep students entertained who have finishd their exam course but have not been able to go on study leave.
Perfect for a homework booklet, extra class work or a revision gift before your students head off on study leave.
Bachelor of Computer Science I got on study leave to complete the study Masters in Computer Science I want to complete my studies in belarus..
My plans for this weekend are finally baking because I haven't let myself do any while I've been on study leave.

Not exact matches

Tough questions — like whether to leave you comfortable job or start your own business, move across the country in pursuit of opportunity or stick close to home, study economics or art, get down on one knee and propose or give it another year — cause many of us to break out in a cold sweat.
But if the nice, thick - walled building would take about 15 minutes travel time, it's better to hole up in the flimsy shelter for awhile — but you should probably leave for a better shelter after roughly an hour (and maybe pick up some beers and sodas on the way: A study in the»50s found they taste fine after a blast).
Like many Japanese bureaucrats on the fast track, Kuroda studied law at Tokyo University but then left Japan to get a master's degree in economics at Oxford, training that set him apart from his peers.
«Millennials want to leave their mark on the world by working for organizations that benefit society, encourage innovation, and provide them with the opportunity to expand their skills,» the Deloitte study noted.
What's more, there was a contagion effect — not only did those divulging find themselves leaving discussions worse off, but their partners were also adversely effected,» says Quartz of studies focused on adolescent girls (though apparently the same thing has been observed in other contexts, too).
I haven't seen studies on the unlimited maternity / paternity leave benefits; it's probably too new and too rare.
Jon Levs, author of All in: How Our Work - First Culture Fails Dads, Families, and Businesses — And How We Can Fix It Together, studied the effect of paid leave in California and New Jersey, which have paid family leave programs, and found that the majority of businesses reported that their state's paid leave programs had either no effect or a positive effect on their business.
«If choosing a major is solely based on students» wants, some majors will be overcrowded and others will have difficulty enrolling enough students,» Lu reportedly said, adding that other institutions have adopted similar policies and that among the 400 or so students who have to leave their majors to fate, the highest achievers can apply to change their specializations after a year of study.
Studies have found that remote workers are more productive — 77 percent of survey respondents reported greater productivity, and a study on work - from - home call center employees found that remote workers outperformed peers in the office because they took shorter breaks and used less sick leave.
A new Gallup study released Thursday sheds new light on worker - manager relationships, finding that about 50 % of the 7,200 adults surveyed left a job «to get away from their manager.»
Yet that's the typical amount that female MBAs leave on the table over the 20 years after graduation when compared to their male counterparts, according to a new study from the Graduate Management Admission Council (GMAC).
And numerous studies have found that U.S. workers leave vacation time on the table because they fear being perceived as dispensable, are addicted to their devices and dread work pileup upon their return.
The U.S. and Papua New Guinea are the only countries among 185 nations and territories that hadn't imposed government - mandated laws requiring employers to pay mothers while on leave with their babies, according to a study released last year by the United Nations» International Labor Organization.
This company was launched by founders who got hooked on loose leaf tea while studying abroad in Prague.
He left his home in the Ivory Coast in 2000 to study at the University of Kentucky on an F1 visa, but soon witnessed — helpless and penniless — from afar as war broke out in his country.
A previous preliminary study also suggested that air dryers leave more infectious material on the hands of users compared to paper towels.
SOME employers are saving millions of dollars with the return of women who have been on maternity leave into the paid workforce, according to case studies from the Affirmative Action Agency.
This study aims to find the places that leave refinance savings on the table.
«We are very pleased that the Supreme Court denied defendants» petition, leaving firmly in place the Second Circuit's precedential rulings regarding the necessity of utilizing event studies to prove market efficiency as well as the burden of proof required to rebut the presumption of reliance, both of which were highly favorable to investors,» the shareholders» attorney Jeremy A. Lieberman of Pomerantz LLP told Law360 on Monday.
As EHS Today reports, the study, titled «Office Design's Impact on Sick Leave Rates,» considered almost 2,000 employees working in a variety of environments, and was carried out by a team of four Stockholm University scientists.
Studies of the economic impact of existing laws sponsored by groups across the ideological spectrum have found that while the costs to employers of paid sick leave mandates tend to be low on average, they tend to be more significant in certain industries, like food services, where paid sick leave is less common and workers typically are younger.
Methodology Our study aims to find the places where people are leaving credit card rewards on the table.
My colleague Jennifer Robson has recently published a study on parental leave for the Institute for Research on Public Policy.
See Ilona Babenko and Richard Sen, «Money Left on the Table: An Analysis of Participation in Employee Stock Purchase Plans, Review of Financial Studies, 27 (2014): 3658 - 3698; 4) Stock held after the exercise of granted stock options or grants of restricted stock.
Last Thursday, the Office of Financial Research (OFR), part of the Federal boondoggle created under the Dodd - Frank financial reform legislation in 2010 to foster the illusion that the government was reining in risk on Wall Street, released a new study showing almost unfathomable levels of systemic and interconnected risk among the too - big - to - fail banks that cratered the U.S. financial system in 2008 and has left our economy still struggling to right itself.
Numerous studies in the SEO industry confirm that long tail keywords make up more than 70 % of all searches performed on the web, with only 30 % left for the generic 1 - or 2 - word phrases.
A new study found that when a cell phone was purposely left somewhere, a collective 89 percent of those who picked it up clicked on private information or folders on it.
The seven - year study was designed to «fill the gap» left by the United States census (no questions on religion), the self - reporting of denominations («widely differing criteria»), and smaller surveys (too few questions or people).
Meanwhile, the slightly - older - than - middle - age grandmother who doesn't play the piano so well — or the forester who loves to study the Bible but can't make it every Sunday — or the welder and his wife, who homeschools their 3 children with the desire to minister to their kids and their friends but can't because they ticked off the pastor's wife on the last trip — they'll just sit and wait, or wonder if they should leave and re-enter.
If you go out to eat after church, or like to pray for your servers, leave gospel tracts on the table, or have Bible studies in restaurants... tip well!
We can both toss studies on the table in attempts to bolster our «position» and where would that leave us?
Here are some parts you left out: - A criticism of Byrd's study, which also applies to most other studies, is based on the fact that he did not limit prayers by the friends and family of patients, hence it is unclear which prayers may have been measured, if any
The fact that biblical scholars, many of whom have made it their full - time job to study the origins of the many books of the Bible, can't agree on it's authenticity should at least leave you with some doubt about it's authenticity.
Leaving aside the mandated programme of studies required of seminarians worldwide by the Holy See, I want to focus briefly on the human formation programme now in place at Good Shepherd Seminary, Sydney, Australia.
All of those years of hearing sermon after sermon, youth camp after Bible study, about doing BIG things for a BIG God with BIG visions and BIG plans left us with crazy - high expectations on ourselves coupled with a narrow understanding of following Jesus.
So thinks the Pew Research Center, which today released the second wave of a massive study designed to «fill the gap» left by the United States census (no questions on religion), the self - reporting of denominations («widely differing criteria»), and smaller surveys (too few questions or people).
Our group's understanding of the relationship of Deng Xiaoping's government to religion began before we left the U.S., with our study of a fairly recent position paper on religion issued by China's Communist Party.
Now sociologist Wade Clark Roof's A Generation of Seekers, based on his recent study of the religion of the baby boom generation, shows that a sizable proportion of Catholics and conservative Protestants have also left the religious traditions in which they were brought up.
One public school recently took kids on a field trip to a Christian festival and left all the other kids on campus in a day long study hall.
and Political Expectations Roy J. Enquist, now on leave from Texas Lutheran College to teach at a seminary in South Africa, assisted me with the translation, and the volume will carry an introduction by John M. Stumme of St. Olaf College, who made an intensive study of this book and its milieu as part of his doctoral studies at Union Theological Seminary, New York, and at the Free University of Berlin.
Ironically though, these same people who spend some much time studying the literal interpretations of the bible are the first to ignore its glaring inconsistencies and most only focus on the final 1611 compilation ignoring the inconvenient texts that were left out.
We get so involved in Bible study that we go on and on, and that gives you a warm feeling, and the men are so anxious to get so involved in God's Word that they don't want to leave class to go to the worship service.
Even modest programs of redistributionism have been abandoned as intellectuals on the left have wasted their energies in promoting multiculturalist distractions, obscurantist cultural studies that have turned the academy into a narcissistic playpen, and communitarian platitudes that claim to bridge the divide between left and right.
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