Sentences with phrase «on subjective assessment»

Indeed, given all the qualifications in the Report, it appears a conflicted and potentially self - serving self - assessment of worth — especially as estimate reliability is largely based on subjective assessment ranging from good to very poor by the Report's authors.
But what I can say is that is that if we have reached the point that our justice system is so broken that we have to resort to the incarceration of family litigants, based on the subjective assessment of a single justice who has clearly formed strong opinions about the culpability of the parties, we have a very big problem that should be alarming all access to justice advocates.
Pain scales that consider the specific breed and typical behaviors of the species are more reliable than generic scales that rely on subjective assessment and interpretation.
In contrast, our competitors hide the details of their proprietary approaches, e.g. by saying that they use some unspecified measures of return vs. risk, or by relying on a subjective assessment by analysts.
As a result, IPCC authors must rely on their subjective assessments of the available literature to construct a best estimate and associated confidence levels.»

Not exact matches

Whereas the cash flow statement and balance sheet are still very important considerations in the High Yield Dividend Newsletter, we put put a greater focus on credit assessments and qualitative, subjective considerations given the riskier nature of such higher - yielding ideas, both with respect to income sustainability and subsequent valuation (share price risk).
First, the timing of OL was on the basis of maternal perception, which arguably is a subjective assessment.
«Brain function - based metrics, which do not depend on subjective or inaccurate task performance metrics, may bring significantly more objectivity in surgical skill transfer assessment,» he said.
We will judge each on how well it explains the observations and offer our subjective assessment of the probability that the theory is correct.
In addition to the small sample size and the fact that the trial was not designed or intended as an efficacy study, one important caveat is that because the trial was not investigator - blinded, it is likely that at least some bias was introduced into the assessments, particularly on the more subjective ones such as the IGA and some components of the MDS - UPDRS II and III subscales.
We relied mostly on informal assessments, like the states Informal Reading Assessment and the basal textbook assessments as measures, but those instruments were subjective and not reliable.
Finally, testing a learner on the concepts can not be conducted comprehensively on a mobile platform — not all assessments can be done over a question & answer format and smartphones are not suited for subjective assessments.
AQA Chapter 10 (Sustainable Development) In this lesson students will learn: - what LCA surveys are - how to conduct a (basic) LCA themselves - the objective and subjective nature of quantitative values on an LCA Keywords: Life cycle Extracting Manufacture Disposal Objectives: Describe the components of a life cycle assessment (LCA) Interpret LCAs of materials or products from information Carry out a simple comparative LCA for shopping bags
It also relies on some very subjective assessments.
How in creativity will anyone ever be able to determine who actually did the work on one of these subjective assessments and beyond that, how will they be impartially graded?
«We would not want any school to rely on interviews or other subjective processes rather than pursuing an objective assessment of individuals» skills — including in areas other than their current teaching area — and the curricular and organisational needs of the school.»
Mounting pressure in the policy arena to improve teacher productivity either by improving signals that predict teacher performance or through creating incentive contracts based on performance — has spurred two related questions: Are there important determinants of teacher productivity that are not captured by teacher credentials but that can be measured by subjective assessments?
A purely visual assessment, and reading the bios... subjective, and quite possibly wrong — but also all the readers have to go on — all appeared to be white.
All this raises the question: if I'm reasonably assured of good long term returns with Graham's mechanical quant approach (based on extensive backtesting by multiple authors including Ben Graham, Tobias Carlisle, Joel Greenblatt, James Montier, etc.), then why would I jeopardize these reasonably assured good returns — and risk incurring unrecoverable opportunity costs over my limited lifespan — by following a concentrated approach that depends on subjective, accurate assessments of sustainable competitive advantage?
Because some qualitative factors are unquantifiable, the «Best Credit Card» pages are, to a degree, a subjective list based on our editors» assessments and opinions of the qualitative and quantitative aspects of the offers.
Predicting the amount of duty that will be assessed is difficult since the assessment process is often subjective — sometimes it may help to have the store receipt — especially if the item was on sale.
Because some qualitative factors are unquantifiable, the «Best Credit Card» pages are, to a degree, a subjective list based on our editors» assessments and opinions of the qualitative and quantitative aspects of the offers.
Like the risk of an accident in a particular new class of power station, such a probability for a single future event can not be calculated objectively; it is an expression of a subjective assessment of the likelihood based on limited available knowledge.
But the science of risk assessment, as sophisticated and valuable as it is, is based on values and assumptions and thus is highly subjective, and open to critique.
Indeed, there are examples in IPCC reports of willingness to acknowledge the importance of expert (subjective) judgment, if on a limited basis (e.g., see discussions of climate sensitivity, detection and attribution and climate and weather extremes in WGI report, assessment of response strategies in the WGII report of AR4; see also Knutti and Hegerl (2008) for futher details on the role of expert judgement in estimating climate sensitivity).
* According to the Berkeley group, the Earth's surface temperature will have risen (on average) slightly less than what indicated by NASA, NOAA and the Met Office * Differences will be on the edge of statistical significance, leaving a lot open to subjective interpretation * Several attempts will be made by climate change conformists and True Believers to smear the work of BEST, and to prevent them from publishing their data * After publication, organised groups of people will try to cloud the issue to the point of leaving the public unsure about what exactly was found by BEST * New questions will be raised regarding UHI, however the next IPCC assessment's first draft will be singularly forgetful of any peer - reviewed paper on the topic * We will all be left with a slightly - warming world, the only other certitude being that all mitigation efforts will be among the stupidest ideas that ever sprung to human mind.
Most civil cases also rely on witnesses, and subjective assessments of witness credibility.
Placing an onus on the applicant to substantiate the general importance of their issues in the context of their particular claim seems like a lot to ask of them, and moreover the assessment by a justice in chambers on what constitutes a question of general importance or one with a reasonable prospect of success seems like a very subjective assessment from my review of decisions in this area.
And, because the analysis and assessment as to the effectiveness of what you do is so inherently subjective, most firms cling on to timesheets — they know they're not right.
If, for example, a complainant were to seek an oral hearing on the basis oral argument was vital to his or her opportunity to present a case, little could reasonably be expected to overcome such an assessment, since the «fair and full opportunity» test appears to be based on an applicant's subjective view.
Although the previous defence of the person sections cried out for modernization, the heavy reliance the government and the courts seem to place on the objective versus subjective standard of assessment, leaves one wondering where the individual fits into the new regime.
Most insurance companies acquire the depreciation based on objective criteria and subjective assessment.
Moreover, hiring managers generally ignore anything subjective that an applicant writes about herself, because so many people's self - assessments are wildly inaccurate; what they're looking for on your resume are facts.
The NSHAP is a rich source of data on the lives of older adults that includes assessments of several aspects of marital and similar partnered relationships, subjective and objective dimensions of visual function, and multiple dimensions of quality of life.
Perceived stress is defined especially after having studied the interaction between the individual and the environment, psychological stress include the interpretation of the adequacy of management methods and based on the notion that stress results from the subjective assessment of the individual in his relation with the environment (Lazarus & Folkman, 1984).
The PANAS self - assessment is based on this way of characterizing subjective well - being, and is available for free on registration at the Authentic Happiness site.
The use of a investigator - based life events interview allowed for the comparison of life events on the basis of maternal (subjective) and panel (contextual) impact ratings, the differentiation of life events from chronic adversities, and assessment of the independence of stressors from parent behaviour [57].
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