Sentences with phrase «on subjective interpretation»

In a few cases they rely on subjective interpretation of questionable reconstructed paleoclimate data from selected periods of our geological past, rather than on empirical data based on actual, real - time physical observations or reproducible experimentation..
Objective evidence is evidence that doesn't rely on subjective interpretation to be evidence.

Not exact matches

For another, angled lines drawn on charts, such as the lines drawn on the HUI chart displayed above, are always subjective interpretations and somewhat arbitrary.
Subjective information or writing is based on personal opinions, interpretations, points of view, emotions and judgment.
In the yes sense, I find them immoral based on my subjective perception and interpretation, i.e. «my personal taste.»
17I once argued, relying on William A. Christian's An Interpretation of Whitehead's Metaphysics (New Haven, CN: Yale University Press, 1959), that God was exempt from subjective perishing on the grounds that perishing was absent from the categoreal scheme.
That is, by dollars, by numbers affected, or by the subjective interpretation of the impact on those opposed.
Having done so, they might be less likely than they now are to dismiss conservative fears on the subject as paranoid imaginings or instances of a know - nothing inclination to «blame the messenger» for bad news — as if journalistic «bad news» were not, at least in part, an artifact constructed of the subjective interpretations of the message - bearer.
To be sure, each of these subjective features is more prominent in religion; there is a greater diversity of models, greater influence of interpretation on data, greater tenacity in commitment to paradigms, and greater ambiguity in paradigm choice.
Classical discussions of the symbolic and analogical character of religious language were dependent on the metaphysical assumptions of Platonism or scholasticism, which can no longer be presupposed; more recent interpretations often hold that religious images are only symbols of man's subjective life.
The proper interpretation of Lamarckian notions in genetics thus depends fully on knowing «what» we are talking about: all new patterns of efficient causation in animal bodies can be traced to some occasions» subjective aims.
Throughout the course of this paper I shall argue that the proper interpretation of «relative» as it is used in this text bears not on the subjective notion of an object's relation to a knower but on the objective factor of the object's own relations.
@b4bigbang, so because there is no one definitive source that provides all answers to all moral questions we should rely on our own subjective interpretations of the myths of ignorant iron age cultures?
b4bigbang, so because there is no one definitive source that provides all answers to all moral questions we should rely on our own subjective interpretations of the myths of a ignorant iron age cultures?
And sometimes that narrative is based on a very subjective interpretation of the facts.
And that is what I have observed in my observation of both wild and domestic animals, based on my (subjective) interpretation of their behavior.
In The Way of the Hare (Bloomsbury), self - styled «wildlife - watcher» Marianne Taylor avoids subjective interpretations, concentrating on the biology, ecology and evolution of my favourite wild mammal.
She addresses controversial issues head - on, reminding the reader that subjective interpretations of history are at the forefront of many current events and crises.
Pain scales that consider the specific breed and typical behaviors of the species are more reliable than generic scales that rely on subjective assessment and interpretation.
The terms «adoptable» and «unadoptable» leave a lot of grey area that shelters are able manipulate, as they are subjective and dependent on the interpretation and implementation of the shelter's mandate.
The artist's inevitably subjective selection of events to highlight exposes the impossibility of an objective, unbiased history, as well as the impact of the teaching on our understanding and interpretation of the past.
While his abstracted landscapes are based on direct observation, the forms and colors are the result of instinct and highly subjective interpretation.
Li Wenguang is known for his highly subjective and idiosyncratic works, many of which have been based on notions of pseudoscientific equations, personal diaries, and dream interpretation.
EDA [Exploratory Data Analysis] techniques do not share in that rigor or formality... EDA techniques are subjective and depend on interpretation....»
Shouldn't this include [my thoughts]: — Less emphasis on [subjective] interpretations of [dicey] proxy data taken over [hand - picked] periods of our planet's geological past?
* According to the Berkeley group, the Earth's surface temperature will have risen (on average) slightly less than what indicated by NASA, NOAA and the Met Office * Differences will be on the edge of statistical significance, leaving a lot open to subjective interpretation * Several attempts will be made by climate change conformists and True Believers to smear the work of BEST, and to prevent them from publishing their data * After publication, organised groups of people will try to cloud the issue to the point of leaving the public unsure about what exactly was found by BEST * New questions will be raised regarding UHI, however the next IPCC assessment's first draft will be singularly forgetful of any peer - reviewed paper on the topic * We will all be left with a slightly - warming world, the only other certitude being that all mitigation efforts will be among the stupidest ideas that ever sprung to human mind.
Sea - level change reconstruction based on marginal marine depositional sequences is a difficult task that depends on subjective sedimentological interpretation.
This is a unique and often challenging area of the law that relies far more heavily on case law and the subjective interpretation of judges than other areas.
The therapist would give the patient interpretations of why he or she feels the patient engages in risky, self - defeating behavior and then offer nonjudgmental advice on how to overcome those subjective psychological issues.
Perceived stress is defined especially after having studied the interaction between the individual and the environment, psychological stress include the interpretation of the adequacy of management methods and based on the notion that stress results from the subjective assessment of the individual in his relation with the environment (Lazarus & Folkman, 1984).
In accordance with the importance that the phenomenological approach attaches to subjectivity and sense of self as the starting points for knowledge, emphasis is placed on the need for the clinician to focus on the subjective experiences of the at - risk individual, to set aside prior assumptions, judgments, or interpretations, and to identify ways of bridging gaps in communication associated with negative emotions.
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