Sentences with phrase «on substitutionary»

How much detail you give on His substitutionary death (and His finished work) and resurrection depends on the time you have, the prior knowledge of the person you are talking with, and the flow of the conversation.
It still focuses on the substitutionary death of Christ?
When all you've got is an English Literature degree and they're asking you to comment on substitutionary atonement at Christian colleges and church trends on CNN, something's gone amiss.]
There is less emphasis on substitutionary atonement, with greater openness towards pluralist views of salvation and a liberal view of morality.
If you have some extra reading time this week and are curious about N.T. Wright and the New Perspectives on Paul, check out this lengthy (and older) article by Wright that clarifies his position on substitutionary atonement.

Not exact matches

Grace is imputed in full on the basis of and as a result of the substitutionary atonement of Christ crucified for my original sin and that of the whole world.
Meanwhile, Protestants / evangelicals have focused on justification, substitutionary atonement (while folks in the pew have focused on a transaction, decision, etc to get others to invite Jesus into their hearts.
First they lose faith in the 6 - day creationist god, then in the bible - dictation god, then in the male - supremacy god, then in the european - supremacy / western - civilization / colonialist god, then in the anti-gay god, then in the pro-war god, then in the American - exceptionalism / manifest - destiny god, then in the anti-palestinian god, then in the controller - of - everything - that - happens god, then in the design - engineer god, then in the penal - substitutionary - atonement god, and so on.
Designed to test Warren's doctrine on everything from the sovereignty of God, to unconditional election, to substitutionary atonement, to homosexuality, the interview was seen by Piper as proof that Rick Warren was indeed a «doctrinally sound» evangelist.
Signs and wonders do not save; only Jesus and His substitutionary work on the cross saves.
You could tell someone to believe in Jesus for everlasting life without ever mentioning sin, spiritual death, a substitutionary atonement since these are just fluff or evidences yet they might be a stumbling block so if you just harp on eternal life isn't that neglecting the death and resurrection.
And this sermon includes every gospel fancy (depending on your sect of course) from the substitutionary atonement with its imagined acceptance with god through christ (which intrinsically includes the christian blather about sin and moral obligation!)
I believe Jesus is the Son of God, born of a virgin, lived a sinless life, died a substitutionary death on the Cross, was buried, rose again, and will come again as he said.
The implications of this alternative counseling service provided for church members must be considered in evaluating the effect of paid - time religious programs on the life of the local church: is it a complementary service or a substitutionary one?
Have you written on the Christus Victor view or the Penal Substitutionary view?
That extra theological information explicitly includes «the cross» or «Christ's substitutionary atonement» or the insistance on telling the unsaved the must believe «Jesus died for your sins» as an essential element of the saving message that must be believed for salvation.
For example, to include Christ's substitutionary death on the cross in a Gospel presentation is adding to the Gospel (the Gospel always being defined as belief on the Lord Jesus Christ results in eternal life).
Then he has a chapter on how the Penal Substitutionary view of the atonement leads to some bad theology about God and our sin.
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