Sentences with phrase «on such a scale»

The review might rate the employees on such scales as quality of work, cooperation with colleagues, and rapport with clients.
Our national law and platform should not be a hostage any special interest group should be able to interfere with on such a scale.
It models 3000 years of human history, the first to do so on such a scale.
Political opposition aside, the scheme's backers also face technical hurdles and must decide which of the solar technologies below can deliver on such a scale.
The piece will be unique for the artist, being the first time he will combine figurative portraiture with his abstract work on such a scale.
Temperature increases on such a scale will harm plant and animal species and even bring about some extinction.
The FDA cautioned meat producers against the use of antibiotics on such a scale in June, for fears that it will contribute further to an escalating problem with drug - resistant diseases in humans, such as MRSA and dangerous strains of E. coli and salmonella.
Well said, Julian P.... Although I myself do not reconcile all things you mentioned as significant or specific signs from God to mankind, I do know that many things are happening that have not happened in the past, not on such scale, by any means... But one thing what is to me most obvious in our days, and it's progressively getting that way, is the CORRUPTION of HUMAN CHARACTER.
«But when the droughts continued on such a scale, the subsistence base for the whole area changed and people just had to leave.
Quit breeding, or start the mass suffering not seen on such a scale for all of recorded history.
Governments — and industry — have tended to resist steps such as a switch to renewable resources and greater care for the remaining forests, on the grounds that change on such a scale imposes economic costs.
After recent exhibitions of painting and sculpture at Yorkshire Sculpture Park and the Brooklyn Museum, the show will include KAWS» first new wood sculpture on such a scale in three years.
Flows on such a scale between such diverse institutions could not be handled save by the sort of technology now in operation.
Events on such a scale that if anything even remotely similar happened today the debate about miracles and God would be heavily in the theists favor.
In years of the past satan couldn't corrupt the masses on such scale as today, but the Media is his mouthpiece, and almost totally overtaken by him.
But in America, in spite of a civil war, major social and religious movements, and minor disturbances of occasionally violent intensity, the fundamental legitimacy of the established order had never before been questioned on such a scale.
The post «Life as a Queer Chaplain» is so powerful, so deeply moving and I am grateful that I was able to share it with others on such a scale as I am afforded by Patheos.
I Know Wenger doesn't like to spend money on such a scale unless its a proven talent.
«Ghanaians may love Americans, but not to the extent of living with foreign troops on such a scale.
Incompetence on such a scale is hard to believe,» he said.
Furthermore, the alternative (of letting Greece default and the Euro disintegrate) is untenable — it would not only mean economic catastrophe but would represent a political failure of the EU on such a scale that it might possibly herald its demise.
These subsidies do not exist on such a scale in the US.
Graham reached millions of worshippers through TV — the first to use the medium to convey the Christian message on such a scale.
Additional animal testing on such a scale would be very time consuming, highly expensive, and politically very unpopular, especially given increasing doubts as to whether the data gathered could be used effectively in increasing protection of human health and the environment.
But what makes the new survey all the more unnerving is that until now, very few studies have combined the considerable body of existing geographic - information - system and remote - sensing information and ape population data on such a scale.
The exact process remains unknown, however, and astrophysicists had thought that only the event horizon surrounding a black hole — the rotating circular zone beyond which nothing can escape, not even light — could produce jets of x-rays on such a scale.
Since so many of his big set - pieces look so awesomely expensive and complicated, and since the effects are undeniably mind - boggling, there's a temptation to praise him just for daring to make a movie on such a scale.
Rarely had comic books attempted story telling on such a scale.
The nationwide tests would be like nothing ever approached on such a scale: Smarter, computer - based exams, for example, would deliver harder or easier questions during the exam based on student responses.
The carmaker's forthcoming Q30 hatch and following QX30 compact crossover will be built in a new 25,000 square metre facility, making Infiniti the first brand to commence UK production on such a scale for 23 years.
«Above all, I am stunned that misconduct on such a scale was possible in the Volkswagen Group.»
What actually allows someone like Ed Seykota to trade on such a scale, and with such tremendous success, are a defined set of technical and mental rules.
What we were trying to do was to create something on such a scale in a sci - fi setting, and it was heavily inspired by Star Wars.
While this is an understandable opinion, many of the media went so far as to put the blame on videogames, claiming that playing violent games had driven Seung - Hui Cho to commit the act of murder on such a scale.
For a medium rarely employed on such a scale, this show will demand precise visual attention which will undoubtedly be rewarded handsomely.
The monumentality characteristic of Mason's vertical ceramic sculptures was revolutionary; ceramics had not formerly been pursued or successfully achieved on such a scale.
I think mine was the last one on such a scale, let's say of a middle - aged man that they then switched and began to do you know, Oldenburg, say, when he was 33, or Stella when he was in his late 20s or however old he was.
Richard Serra's sculptures operate on such a scale they question the idea of what constitutes the medium
And while many have commented that seeing so many works by Stills all at once tend to cancel each other out, I found the consistence on such scale staggering.
Few if any new public art institutions could be developed now on such a scale in the UK.
But the release of carbon on such a scale would mean that sea levels could rise by three metres a century − and once the planet's average temperatures had risen beyond 2 °C, the process might be impossible to stop, according to a study published in the journal Science Advances.
Researchers have established planetary pollution with seemingly indestructible plastic waste on such a scale that it may define a new geological marker for a new era that could be called the Anthropocene.
Aluminum never before has been incorporated into a mass produced vehicle on such a scale; Ford is using it in order to make the trucks lighter, and thereby achieve greater fuel efficiency / lower greenhouse gas emissions.
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