Sentences with phrase «on such issues»

Your work helped us develop sound policy on such issues as the tight insurance market and the new world of virtual office Web sites.
It is for this reason that the party has no firm policies on such issues and would leave them as a «free vote» to our representatives.
In fact... I don't believe we can find a «right» view on such issues anyway.
A significant portion of citizens seek guidance on such issues from a trusted religious leader.
The entity will roll out rules on such issues as exchange security and advertising, moreover, it will also apply penalties in case of violation of its policies.
He further suggests that the research and data based on such issues should be freely available so that farmers can look up their areas and find out how the climate may affect their cows.
You need to be clear about your own expectations on such issues and make sure the program meets your needs.
This is because you can not afford to commit mistake while writing on such an issue.
The arbitrator's ruling, if it is upheld, will probably have more impact on such issues as monetary compensation than it will on staffing.
But there is no need for a party divide on such issues.
As far as representation for these issues, there are a growing number of lawyers who are taking on such issues at very affordable rates.
I also must admit to being considerably more educated on such issues.
You should find articles on the blog very useful especially on such issues as the current status of the economy, jobs, and dealings in precious metals.
But with respect I say, it is difficult for us to speak on such issues since we all have such different starting places in these discussions.
In my earlier years I would have thought that love of the church requires benign silence on such issues.
Ethical Issues We want a society where issues of ethical policy are debated openly and where decisions made on such issues are based on reason, evidence and shared human values.
No law society would want to stick its neck out on such an issue if it didn't have to.
Teachers need to reflect on such issues with fellow teachers and students to create a compliance - free curriculum.
He also works as a school liaison with the Hispanic community on such issues as immigration and relationships with the police department.
There are only a handful of reported cases on such issues involving the largest firms.
He / she offers advice to management staff, including the health and safety manager on such issues as fire accident, biological, and physical hazards, as well as occupational diseases.
We can work together on such issues as coping with stress, dealing with loneliness and loss, overcoming anxiety and depression, or recovering from addictions.
What happens when parents aren't able to agree on such issues?
Do not ask a lawyer for advice on such issues.
You must focus on all such issues or just hire affordable resume writers.
«Given the novelty of the question, it is unclear how a reviewing court would rule on such an issue,» the memo states.
William Blake and the Age of Aquarius considers parallels between Blake's time and mid-twentieth-century America, touching on such issues as political repression, social transformation, and struggles for civil rights.
The Minister called on the media to be circumspect when reporting on such issues in order not to escalate the already existing tension in the area.
And pundits told Kramer the last thing Albany needs right now is more chaos, especially since high stakes debates on such issues such as increasing the minimum wage and raising the cap on charter schools must be resolved before the session ends in June.
Some civil - rights and women's groups have opposed the nomination, citing uncertainty on Mr. Souter's position on such issues as abortion and affirmative action.
Pre-marital counseling on such issues as communication with in - laws, family - career balance, childhood experiences, nurturing, etc..
The militia movement's stance on such issues as gun control or abortion or the sightings of UN troops in the American heartland do not threaten the Jewish community and thus need not trigger the public opposition of the Jewish community.
But since the rich powers and their academia and media condition the cultural framework of thinking on such issues, the just interests of the poor are not taken into account in the discussion of the rich as at the summit conferences of the G 8, but is not highlighted even in the discourse among the governments of the poor peoples as in the Non - Aligned Movement.
The Gates Foundation does a lot of work on such issues.
REVIEW: The Center for Safe and Responsible Internet Use provides useful and timely information on such issues of safe and responsible Internet usage as filtering software, technology planning, commercialism, and privacy.
Rahmstorf's detailed discussion of the history of the 2 - degree limit and the science used to support it is well worth reading, but is cheapened by a preamble that includes not - so - subtle efforts to imply that Victor (a «political scientist») and Kennel (a «retired astrophysicist») are not legitimate voices on such an issue.
Toshiba needs to sell the chip unit to plug a giant hole in its finances caused by the failure of the conglomerate's U.S. nuclear business, but the deal has snagged on such issues as antitrust concerns if the U.S. disk - drive maker were a major owner.
Those expressing views unsympathetic to the black, the poor and the student - protest movement and those who did not welcome the church s involvement in political and social affairs uniformly values salvation more than those taking a more compassionate stand on such issues.
However, his book is not a contention for this position; it is an argument that the General Synod, rather than advocating an orthopraxis, should recognize that Christians may reasonably hold diverse opinions on such issues.
Even if Lieberman were to leave Democratic caucus, he would likely vote with them to get a floor vote on such issues as Obama's judicial nominees.
In addition to pushing forward on Scottish issues, we expect that Alex will act as a progressive force in the Westminster parliament on such issues as the EU, stopping renewal of the Trident nuclear system, [devolving] the living wage and migration policy.»
Once a BC divorce is commenced, the goal of the BC Supreme Court is to end the marriage and decide on such issues as child custody and access, child and / or spousal support, property and debt division, and dealing with responsibility for legal costs.
By shedding light on such issues, we keep them on their toes and they keep the safety of patients in mind.»
The report can be made by either a mental health professional such as a psychologist or a psychiatrist or by a lay person such as a family justice counselor trained to speak with children on such issues.
«I work with individuals, couples and families on such issues as relationship issues, problem solving, conflict resolution, communication enhancement, anger management, drug / alcohol abuse and addiction.
Exhibitions focused artistic interpretation and critical attention on such issues as homelessness (DIA DE LOS MUERTOS: THE HOMELESS); media manipulation (DISINFORMATION: THE MANUFACTURE OF CONSENT); and racial, ethnic and gender stereotypes (PRISONERS OF IMAGE).
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