Sentences with phrase «on such loans»

This is called a secure business loan and the lender will charge you less interest on such loans.
His bill would limit the interest rate on such loans to the prime rate plus 6 percent.
Interest paid on such a loan is generally tax - deductible.
Payments on such a loan will often be less than the sum of all the different payments you were making earlier.
The interest rate banks charge on such loans must be greater than the interest rate they pay to obtain the funds initially — the cost of funds.
If a lender files suit on such a loan, the defendant can respond with a motion to dismiss, on the grounds that he signed an illegal contract.
Interest rates tend to be higher on such a loan than on 15 - or 30 - year fixed rate mortgages.
By law, lenders can't go to court to collect on such loans.
As rates on such loans tend to fluctuate, having good timing and a variety of choices can be very important to maximizing savings.
You must be current on such loans before trying to qualify for a loan.
Interest paid on such a loan is generally tax - deductible.
The interest rate banks charge on such loans must be greater than the interest rate they pay to obtain the funds initially — the cost of funds.
The consequences of defaulting on such loans will certainly be even more misery.
Of the thirty - nine banks that originated nontraditional residential mortgage loans, about 85 percent reported a tightening of their lending standards on such loans over the past three months, compared with about 60 percent in the October survey.
This has been termed «borrowing from yourself,» and while the interest you pay on such loans actually goes to the insurance company, the fact that your remaining cash value continues to earn interest does make the process similar to being your own «banker.»
«Of the forty banks that originated nontraditional residential loans, 60 percent — up from around 40 percent in the July survey — reported a tightening of their lending standards on such loans over the past three months.
At one time, the only cost to the lender was the loan itself, and so the Church taught in that particular time nothing above the principal could betaken on such loans.
Banks are usually more lenient to applications that have an added layer of protection in form of cosigner, and are more willing to offer more relaxed terms on such loans.
That represents a 19 % increase from a year ago and is the highest value since recordkeeping on such loans began in 2006.
If you make a Loan utilizing Free Trial or Bonus Credit, you understand that any repayments on such Loan will not be returned to you, but will instead automatically be returned either to a Kiva affiliate for future use to help further Kiva's charitable mission or to the then - applicable Kiva supporter sponsoring the respective Free Trial or Bonus Feature.
In return for the higher risk of default on such loans, lenders were compensated with a higher APR..
This has been termed «borrowing from yourself,» and while the interest you pay on such loans actually goes to the insurance company, the fact that your remaining cash value continues to earn interest does make the process similar to being your own «banker.»
Finally, five of the nine banks that originated subprime mortgage loans noted that they had tightened their lending standards on such loans — a proportion about as large as in the July survey.»
Thankfully, the interest rates on such loans are lower than the market rates and the time for repayment is significantly longer than for conventional loans.
Individuals sometimes resort to personal loans to fulfil the down payment commitment and, thus, end up paying heavy interest on such loans,» says Gopal Bohra, Partner N. A. Shah Associates LLP.
Conversely, that means the home buyer / borrower can make a down payment as low as 3 % on such a loan.
Defaulting on such a loan will make if very hard for you get credit anywhere ever again.
Lenders are required to disclose, for each college, the average amount borrowed by students at the college during the previous year, disaggregated by type, and the average interest rate on such loans (including APR).
If you default on such a loan, you have put yourself back on the skids for quite awhile.
The interest rate on such a loan is tied to an index, commonly Treasury Bill or Cost of Funds Index, and changes with prevailing market rates.
Conversely, that means the home buyer / borrower can make a down payment as low as 3 % on such a loan.
If you default on such a loan, the lender can take the collateral so such loans can be risky for borrowers.
It's also possible that the interest rate on such a loan won't be lower than what you're already paying - in which case any reduction in your monthly payments would have to come from arranging a longer repayment schedule than you have with your current creditors.
The best part about these loans, nowadays, is that the interest on such loans are very low, so that the person doesn't have to face any difficulty in repaying the loan.
Finally, five of the seven banks that originated subprime mortgage loans noted that they had tightened their lending standards on such loans, a proportion similar to that in the October survey.»
Some exceptions to this rule that I can think of will be things like unpaid premium / s, loans outstanding, interest on such loans 4) In case the life insured and nominee die at the same time, the policy money will go to the legal heir.
Conversely, that means the home buyer / borrower can make a down payment as low as 3 % on such a loan.
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